Why are people particularly young people so obsessed with seeing the world. i have so many friends from university that when they finish they spent 1,2,3,4 years just traveling, doing shit jobs to pay for it. Like i'm thinking dude, the average house price in our country is $700k, you need to be working in a good job and saving otherwise you're going to be fucking homeless or you're going to be paying rent for the rest of your life.
Like there are a few destinations around the world i'd like to go to. But there are so many places here in my own country that i haven't seen yet. Like this is New Zealand we get millions of people a year that come visit here and so many New Zealanders don't travel around our own fucking country.
is it that there is something attractive about being a hobo roaming the world, sucking dick for a ride (legit know a girl that sucked dick for rides when she was back-packing and doing drugs on her travels in California).
it seems everyone just wants to go around the world, take photos of all these places and be seen to travel, but no one wants to create something of worth and contribute to their own people. it seems like everyone wants to see and be seen, but no one wants to do anything of substance.
Also regarding the pic, if you need a 1000 new beginnings, you must really be a massive fuck up that none of them worked out.
>average house price in our country is $700k not for long, its completely unsustainable and fueled by a massive credit bubble that mathematically is destined to burst also the bubble is one of the factors that are making people travel, they wish to escape their terrible lack of future
Carson Hall
there's different kinds i'll put my life on the line for a view, especially if i know there wont be more than 1 or 2 other people there, fuck these thots with their 'adventures' ie walking around getting fucked and fucked up but there is an ethos to this, see kerouac en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Kerouac
Angel Peterson
Because women are foolishly waiting till late 20's early 30's to have kids?
Jeremiah Morris
It’s a sign of lack of personality and also it proves that they are so useless if they leave no one will miss them
Zachary King
I've traveled very little, but enough to know it's a big rush when you are someplace new, the world is full of possibility again. But then it wears off after a couple of days. That feeling, like all good feels are addictive, and since that hope doesn't exist when doing your daily routine, which is a result of a broken society, ran by Jews
Angel Price
- are degenerate and pleasure seeking - have been tricked to not desire family - the savings they would have otherwise saved when younger would have compounded over longer period of time to a substantial holding but instead they will never be financially upwardly mobile - greater chance of dependency on government which suits the leftist intelligentsia and their elites
Jayden Mitchell
Some people like collecting memories for when they inevitably get discarded into an old folks home. Imagine being a crippled old man whose only memories are working or sitting by the computer their entire lives.
Of course a large portion of people just want to look cool on social media and people who travel look the coolest there.
Jackson Russell
I'd rather spend my money on me than a roastie that has been ran through by chad and tyrone for 10 years ready to settle down with my nice salary. Most of my extra money is put into savings/retirement/investments but I also like to take a couple vacations per year
Jayden Ross
it is in human nature to explore, for some they enjoy being able to see how other systems operate. To be able to see from many different persepectives, and ultimately, see how people in all countries are basically selfish cunts.
Jayden Gray
It's not like they will ever afford a house.
Nolan Turner
Because they can learn there is more to the world than just fucking sheep
Brody Hill
The mind set of “when I’m old I’d like to think about...”
When you’re old you don’t give a fuck what you did. You’re still alive.
Angel Gutierrez
Because we have laws and regulations in place that stunt every attempt at settling down and spreading roots. Look over on /out/ and hear all about how, even if you can afford a large tract of land, you have to purchase "mineral rights" and secure dozens of permits and signatures in order to build yourself a house on YOUR OWN PROPERTY. Building codes actively prevent us from creating the kinds of sustainable spaces and homes that people actually want to live in. Bureaucracy is evil and it is revolting to consider that there was less of it in the times of monarchy than there is now.
Josiah Martinez
They want to live out a fantasy of being brutally murdered by a species of primitive sub humans
Isaac Perez
Nothing wrong with wanting to see the world. Whites have been doing that for ages. It does get old fast when everything is the same globalist shithole tho.
Because we are the coddled generation that wants hedonism and not responsibility.
Jack Cook
>why are people so obsessed with travel? I dunno, I've never even left my own state before
Bentley Baker
It's a part of the globalization agenda. These people that "travel" Have been all around the world but haven't even explored more than their own home state/province.
Asher Perez
Women do this to profile themselves as being more special and high-class than women who don't. It's all a bitchfight to get prime cock.
Isaiah Allen
people also travel so that they can get sex with strangers and get to live out sexual adventures that no one back home would find out about...
Easton Myers
The house prices and lack of future don’t make me want to travel, they make me want to stay and fuck shit up.
John Bell
For example, backpacking in Oz and having a one night stand with the Kiwi chick behind reception, pumping in the dormitory whilst her gfs try and sleep...
Colton Bailey
Which is strange because that lifestyle isnt very appealing in a female
William Mitchell
>can’t afford anything like a house and family >resort to some shitty alternative like travelling >get told by retards that we just chose not to have a house and kids and preferred getting drunk in Thailand.
Gavin Sanders
to each his own OP, I think travelling is nice and important in a persons developement as long as you dont mask it as finding yourself. You dont find yourself travelling, that is an inner journey. Also you have been raised to believe there is clear list of priorities and a defined compass of morality that defines what is wrong. Others were raised with a different one. But that doesnt mean yours is correct nor the ones from these travelling people is correct. Moreover it is a human instinct to explore and seek for habitable places with resources. You kinda trick your brain that you are discovering shit. thots and degeneracy aside there are random events that can make for good memories and good stories to tell or maybe not tell anyone but keep them to yourself as a good remembrance we are curious species we on social status and travelling ooften shows you have a high social status making you a higher value partner ... sounds like bullshit t b h but id bet my right testicle that thats how most of us work.
unless youre an old fuck you cant have a word on that d e s u
t. ive travelled a fair share and I dont travel anymore unless it is to spend time with friends and family.
John Wilson
man I need to double check my texts more...
Grayson Butler
It's appealing in Cosmopolitan Magazine and the Hollywood legends of Elizabeth Taylor. "Strong and independent" women have been force-fed their own special archetypes. Nobody ever told them they shouldn't digest that shit.
John Perez
Because people have difficulties with settling down, they need constant stimulus to deal with their depression
Hudson Anderson
life is about experiences
obviously your priorities are elsewhere, you seem interested in working a full time job for many years so you can become a property owner. thats great,lots of people view things the same way you do, but whats the endgame? you can't take real estate with you when you're dead. by the time you own your property outright (fully paid off) you'll be an older man, probably 45-50 years old best case scenario, thats if you start young in your early to mid 20s on paying the mortgage down. So you're a 45-50 year old man who fully owns his house. Great, you have maybe 25-30 good years ahead of you if everything goes well. Maybe you have a family to spend time with, good times.
How is your experience in any way "superior" to someone that just hobos around for 30 years? Maybe they don't ever own a house, so what? They can still get a family if that's their goal. They can still have happy moments if that's their goal.
Ultimately it's all about your in-the-moment experiences, what do you see, what do you do, who do you interact with, are you happy more often than you're miserable? these are the questions you need to ask yourself. Not "how much wealth can i accumulate before i am buried in the ground", which is actually just a trick by the government/corporations to keep you obsessed with work, debt, and paying taxes throughout your most productive years.
Tyler Gonzalez
For example, old white men like to go to Thailand to bone young ladyboys up the poopshoot etc as their society back home frowns upon homosexuals so they go and do it overseas where they can get away with it...
Ryan Young
>it seems everyone just wants to go around the world, take photos of all these places and be seen to travel, but no one wants to create something of worth and contribute to their own people You answered your own question
Samuel Reed
Chris Ryan PHD who was on Joe Rogans podcast a few times and has his own podcast (Tangentially Speaking) is always droning on about his travels. I use to enjoy listening to him but it became obvious he never did anything of value with his life and was living out some childish fantasy of endless adventure and hedonism. Hes a very smug guy, think he is some kind of wise sage. One should be very wary of those who never put roots down... as to them everything is temporal and fleeting. No deep bonds to build upon, just a guy voyeuristically infiltrating other peoples cultures.
Nolan Walker
I think travelling is OK for a short time, but I get super bored in 2 weeks. Relaxing and finding yourself is overrated. I can only stay longer for work.
Kayden Collins
Poorfag can’t travel cope
Ian Phillips
Because some young people get sick of the same old and as mainstream media together with tourism paints a world of equality and adventure the young buy that shit up like heroine longing to tell there friends about the experience in a effort to show off there maturity as a well traveled person full of wisdom and stories to tell. been there done that and I can assure you that is all it amounts to really looking back I wish I had traveled more of Australia before travelling to shitholes and wasting my money but one thing can be said about shitholes is they are different and that obviously beats that same old feeling I was talking about erlier. It's a horse shoe explanation I know but it's the most honest explanation there is. Did I have a good time yeah like most things are fun when you are young and crave and get excited about the new but it wears off eventually and you realise home is home .
/trv/ is a board where I see posts like: >I’m marrying a prostitute from Africa who has 7 kids mum and you can’t stop me. >can I go live in Sierra Leone and make a living with my punk band, me + Drum Machine >how much do Prostitutes in Turkey cost if I have genital herpes.
Because it is complete and total leisure where you are not working to produce but are instead incessantly consumming and being served.
Jonathan Reyes
Likes and social approval
Julian Jackson
>if you need a 1000 new beginnings, you must really be a massive fuck up
I kek'd pretty good on that one. For me I want to travel the world before I start a family. But if I do actually fuck off for a few years I'll do it right. I'm in the process of buying a two family home in my area to both live in and as an investment. If I'm away for a while the rents will pay for the mortgage and then some.
I'm also learning a tech job I can work remotely with. Once I get that down I'll be able to make good money from anywhere, and only then would I decide to travel the world for a while. Also, I write some fiction so any new experience is always good for writing and knowledge in general.
Tl;dr I'd travel the world if I had all my ducks in a row and was still able to increase my wealth while I did it.