Very rare and unknown fact, but underneath the Vatican is a very Satanic thing. There is a large room with 13 chairs in it. 12 of those chairs are occupied, with the bodies of the 11 former heads of the 'Illuminati' although of course that is not the name. The 12th chair is occupied by the current head. The 13th chair is empty and is for the Antichrist. What has happened in the last few years, for the first time in history, is that the Antichrist's chair has started to be occupied. Jordan Peterson of Canada was approached, initiated, and brought to the chamber to occupy the throne of the worldwide Antichrist beside the current head of the world/'Illuminati'. He is in fact far more dangerous than it is possible to realise and he is playing with dark powerful forces beyond the comprehension of most in the western world. We've all seen the shift in his personality and agenda as a result of this. It's up to time now to determine what his next steps will be. He can't be stopped at this point. He's too powerful.
-Dude, trust me
I expected more out of the Antichrist than “wash your dick”
*rubs dilz on antichrist's face*
Do they give tours?
imagine the smell
also this
Sounds interesting.
we always knew the Antichrist would be bizarre and come up with some unpredictable utterances. 'Wash your penis' (by force) is clearly an ominous allusion to whatever he plans to say of us or demand we do next. I don't think God can save us from him.
Jordan Peterson would give you a tour. But he would kill you and eat you to prevent you telling others afterwards, his bloodlust has become so consuming.
>opposes communism
>is called antichrist
This fucking junglenigger is redpilled. Also
>The organization that gets shilled against the most in the lugenpresse controls the lugenpresse.
makes totals sense. Prots are fucking retards
this is the anti-christ
Damn thats batboy did they ever get him out of the cave?
>they still believe anti-christ is one person
>Not knowing the majority of the human race is anti-christ
How literal does it have to be. Almost all of the people here will go to hell.
Half the population of the human race can't fit on one chair. Why would they build the chair if it wasn't one person?
you are such a fucking idiot, muhammed
I'm serious, you're going to hell along with the "jew" handlers.
me or him?
I think he means both of us
This is why Protestantism is stupid. When everyone gets to make their own rules, you have anarchy. Christ is a king, he doesnt like that
>Half the population of the human race can't fit on one chair.
That's why its been empty. you nit. The chair itself is only a symbol.
The Agenda at the moment is to make Jordan Peterson the first man on Mars - via private spaceflight companies creating this technology for them. Then for him to announce that he is in fact the Antichrist in front of a worldwide live audience. Then he returns to Earth while pandemonium is setting in and begins to rule the world on Arrival back on the Planet. His first words upon setting foot on the Martian surface for the first time may be very shocking and disturbing to a huge number of people and they will resonate.
uh i think your divining a little bit too deep in here buddy , why would that kermit voiced leaf be the antichrist? he's not even jewish
The crazies on Jow Forums are funny
>I won't be happy until I'm prime minister
>won't be happy
It's all there lads
Satanists and their activity paves the way for the Antichrist to step in relatively unchallenged, but the Antichrist isn't Satanic in presentation. The man capable of deceiving the whole world would have to know better than to adopt some faggy shit like red drapes and pentagrams and spooky candles.
I always imagined his home, dress and aesthetic style would be very streamlined and minimal, so to make himself attractive to a lot of different people. The real takeaway is that commies, leftists, faggots and Satanists aren't going to be given special treatment for sucking Lucifer's dick. He doesn't work that way.
very true and based
>“And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.” (Daniel 8:23)
Peterson has a very stern countenance and is extremely well versed in Hermetic/occult writings.
>“Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” (Daniel 11:37)
Jordan "It depends on what you mean by 'God'?" Peterson met his wife when they were still children and has never shown any interest in womanising.
This is undeniable proof that Peterson is the Antichrist. He will truly wreak havoc upon this world.
The antichrist is a sentient AI. Fuck off with your schizo posting OP.
Yeah i believe he ran for office once
this is not schizo it is truth. You haven't been underneath the Vatican have you?
You're half-right.
To fulfill his promise, God needed a human being that people could talk to, and hug and feel and everything. The Devil's forgery is very complete, in a sense. AI cannot achieve full human sentience, in fact, and the algorithm is in the process of selecting a human being to enact its will in a more direct, empirical way.
>antichrist sounds like kermit
oh no no no no
>opposes feminism
>called antichrist
fix your logic dude
from what I understand the plan is to use a very large amount of money (this technology is still very expensive because it's not yet mainstream) in order to augment Jordan Peterson's mind so that he is a hybrid with essentially vastly superior cognitive capabilities, smarts, way with words, ability to sway people even more dominantly. He will not really be the Jordan Peterson we once knew. That is their plan anyway
The Antichrist is someone everyone loves though...
Peterson is still learning how to get everyone to love him. He's not doing particularly badly even this early in
I don't think it's Peterson. In order for it to work the way it needs to, the person who achieves the title has to be an honest-to-God darkhorse with little to no pre-existing public brand or pedigree. I don't disagree that he's the center of at least one faction's attempts to "elevate" him.
The elites have tried to assert a false-Messiah upon the people several times, and with increasing frequency of attempts, in order to try to force the situation into one specifically advantageous to them. It's a game to them, but the powers they're playing with are very real. It's no coincidence that they keep dropping the capstones every time it's tried. Pic related.
the funny thing is, his kermit-like voice makes him even more endearing as he invokes nostalgia on a deep level when he speaks, if you were ever a fan of the muppets, as most were at some point and likely still are.
if the antichrist is real and will emerge at some point, you can bet your bottom dollar that part of his shtick will be to invoke such things in the minds of the masses. to make them project their childhoods onto him (or her) by way of triggering some sort of instinctual, deep-seated memories of comfort and happiness.
Im pretty sure his plan is mostly just making a bunch of money selling self help bullshit to stupid people.
Perhaps with a little classical liberal nonsense on the side.
I just get weird vibes from the Muppets.
So the Antichrist is Homer Simpson
the end is neahhhhhhhh
people still believe in this antichrist shit ?
wake up christcucks
Even his diet is Satanic.
You don't have to believe in the Biblical canon to comprehend the dynamics playing out in reality. There exists today an infrastructure of logistic, cultural, and monetary influence that reaches all corners of the Earth. It's already operating as a One World Government in all of the essential ways. It only requires a figurehead to seal the deal at this point.
lel, most christians have no idea of what antichrist even means beyond movies and don't believe in it. the majority of believers in antichrist are occultists.
I take it you're unaware of the works of theosophists such as Alice Bailey, Helena Blavatsky etc? You know that theosophy talks about the coming of a world leader (that fits the christian description of antichrist) and that theosophy was a fundamental part of the foundation of the UN, Bailey herself having deep connections to it via her company called Lucifer Publishing, aptly changed to Lucis Trust when people began asking questions.
I know you know none of that. The concept of antichrist is deeply engrained in the occult, and many more occultists believe in it than "christcucks" and occultists are in control. So whether or not you believe in it, you should be concerned that they do, and not what Christians believe.
this is the anti-christ
Wat do
That's the nature of the deception. The function that the Antichrist algorithm is carrying out is completely mundane, worldly and physical. Any claim to its spiritual nature is a superimposition at best. It has to be, because it gets to be this way when enough people turn their back on God and the Holy Spirit.
well yeah, I agree. because the enemy cannot create it can only subvert, corrupt or mimic.
>Helena Blavatsky
You stupid faggot magick larping queer
You're not "in the know" you're just a joke
she was a fat joke and so are you
Should we be preparing, you know to counter Peterson in some way - he may start operating the reigns of power extremely quickly and out of the blue. We want to be proactive not reactive to fight this thing properly, if we can even win
I never said I was in the know.
So? Jesus went to hell as well.
According to some doctrine, yes. I don't really have an opinion about that though.
I will be your Antichrist and you will like it.
Good one.
I'm gonna fucking say it again.
The Antichrist is not any of the central bank Jews' stand-ins. If the person in question has any kind of name-recognition at this time, it's not him.
It's Barron Trump silly.
That's what the old books, John Titor mythos and time travel Tesla stuff is leading to
He's a fag on the interweb. If that is the best the illuminati can do I'm not afraid.
The Antichrist will appeal to internet culture. I don't think it's Peterson though he is a Satanist nonetheless, probably a mason.
I believe Barron fits the bill, or if not him, whoever reveals himself to be "John Titor". This is what the Mandela effect and other such psyops are conditioning the population for. A time travelling cyber savior
Everything you said makes me less afraid. Barron is an aspie and Titor was a fun LARP. The person who can travel through time would rightly be the ruler regardless of religious affiliation.
You don't get it. Time travel can't happen. It would be faked. Predictive programming would make it LOOK like he time traveled.
And he'd be fighting against a "villain" that's really Jesus Christ
Yeah I do get that and my point still stands. The person who can travel through time would be the rightful ruler of the world. The man who can convince everyone that he has will likewise be able to claim such a position.
If the world can be so easily conquered it should be conquered.
I've seen many theories about anti-christ but to think some philosoph nigga in his 50s is the one you have to be real dumb
Don't be so Anti-Semitic! Their Jewish stories give them comfort.
Jesus Christ was a carpenter. Noone saw that one coming either
He had to pay for being a jew before he could ascend.
I'm literally loling at what a silly bot thread this is, lol!
OP is fuggen based and redpilled.
Juden beniswashing is a radical individualist who wants to continue to turn earth into hell.
I had an issue where a time traveler said he won the presidency is was up to shenanigans. I still have my collection of WWN.
Wow, powerful.
Imagine the most powerful ppl in the world picked a mentally ill freak that literally only appeals to 0.001% of the population (due to his obvious stupidity and rage and hairplugs and lies) to represent them?
which bots
>I don't think God can
which bots what? OP?
>Jordan Peterson of Canada was approached, initiated, and brought to the chamber to occupy the throne of the worldwide Antichrist
This is a shill thread
>Join my dad simulator cult, goy!
>Buy my $2k rug!
he looks like a low iq beta faggot
>Its Peterstein
figures, what was his IQ test results? 116? LOL
Transtrenders aren't people, they're literally demons. Doing anything but killing them off and their creators is evil since it normalizes them and creates hell on earth. JP is one evil sneaky dude.
Kill yourself NPC shill.
In this photo peterstein is revealing himself to his cult by wearing the disguise that he wears during their private satanic rituals
he's canadian, not american.
God can't save us from him, but we can, and will.
Hitler was a painter. No one saw what was coming next.
I was a neet. no-one saw what was coming next.
Creative and powerful, "user"!
Every thread has shills, dude.
Whatever the case, running around trying to identify some individual as the Antichrist is fucking stupid. If you're up and have a perspective, it's going to be obvious who and what the Man is when he starts making his moves
I put forward thoughts trying to see if people can start regarding the Antichrist as a, sort of, cognitive-behavioral function but I guess blowing a gasket and projecting your distaste for the Catholic Church, or Jordan Peterson, or whatever, is easier to wrap one's mind around.
we won't know for sure who he is until he makes himself known to everyone without a doubt. christians will see him as the antichrist. the world will see him as the saviour.
Then we must all stop washing our dicks.
washing your penis is phallus worship.