How do you guys feel about Cory Booker as a presidential candidate now that he's running?

How do you guys feel about Cory Booker as a presidential candidate now that he's running?

Attached: Cory 2020.jpg (1000x1161, 214K)

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gaynigger is gay

Hes the most retarded candidate to run for president. Good choice for you burgers

Attached: corybooker1.jpg (980x551, 169K)

you just know

Attached: corybooker.png (800x644, 639K)

Sorry, one black homo was enough. (One too many, actually.)

LOL. Captchas “Storefront”. All the storefronts have bars...

This my nigger...RUN COREY RUN...he got my vote and my dead relatives vote too. COREY FOR PREZ BITCHES

This 56% nigger is what the Jew wants all goyim to be. And look at that he is an angry nigger that hates himself and everyone around him.

Attached: cory-bookerjpg-aa0ddc3fbdddcd21.jpg (915x610, 76K)

He's seriously too stupid to act as a Judem puppet. They couldn't get anything done with the drivel that escapes his mouth. Kamala Harris is their best bet right now.