
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE twitter.com/POTUS_Schedule
WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump Meeting w/Chy-na VicePremier Liu 1/31/19
>TrumpTweet: Securing Our Border 1/31/19
>Pres Trump Meeting w/American Manufacturers 1/31/19
>VP Pence/DepAG Rosenstein/ActDEAAdm Dhillon @DEA 1/31/19
>Amb Cohen @UN LOLocaust Memorial Ceremony 1/31/19
>Amb Cohen @UNSC on Syria 1/31/19
>HHSSec Azar on FoxNews 1/31/19
>SpecRep4NoKo Biegun @Stanford on DPRK Denuclearization 1/31/19
>PressSec Sarah on CBNNews 1/31/19
>KAC on FoxNews 1/31/19
>NASA - Keeping the Promise 1/31/19
>SoS Pompeo on Hannity 1/30/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/shitposter FM Payne 1/30/19
>EdSec DeVos @CCCU Conf 1/30/19
>FEDChair Powell News Conf on Econ Policy 1/30/19
>FDAComm Gottlieb on CNBC 1/30/19
>JCSChair USMCGen Dunford hosts Thai Chief of DefForces Benyasri 1/30/19
>Continue The Attack 1/29/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Attached: 1549029084093.png (1176x300, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Your inability to use /pol/ terms like oldfag/


I love Trump and I hate Jews.
If you don't know about the Jews yet, Start with these:

>Crash Course: Life, Race and Politics
>Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told
>Europa: The Last Battle
>Mein Kampf Volume I & II - Adolf Hitler
>The Revolt Against Civilization: Menace of the Underman - Dr. Lothrop Stoddard
>Subversion - Yuri Bezmenov

After that, read this as it explains so much about what was going on in the 1960s
>White Power - US Commander George Lincoln Rockwell

Highly Recommended Supplemental Redpill Material:
>Dr. William Luther Pierce
>On The Jews and Their Lies - Martin Luther
>The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
>The International Jew - Henry Ford
>Sun and Steel: Art, Action and Ritual Death - Yukio Mishima
>Historian David Irving
>Manly Palmer Hall
>The Money Masters

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I hope it happens again, this time I'm in a position to scoop up properties for 20% of their previous value.

I love Trump & I love Jews.
If you don't know about the Jews yet, start here:

Wherever Jews have gone they’ve shown exceptional educational, socioeconomic, and intellectual achievement. Ashkenazi are undoubtedly one of the most successful ethnic groups in the world. The average IQ of Ashkenazi is 109-115 depending on type of cognitive test (White Gentile, 100). The 12pt advantage of Jews is seen in every country in which they reside.

The extent of Jewish overachievement is astounding
> Jews constituted 0.8% of Germany’s 1930s population and 24% of it’s Nobel laureates
> 0.075% of Italy’s population and 24% of it’s NLs
> 2% of Russia’s and 70% of it’s NLs
> 10 of 14 Fields Prize or Wolf Prize winners for outstanding mathematical work
> 15 of the 33 Russian grandmasters

Jewish achievement in America
> 3% of the 20th-century population
> 62 of 200 Nobel Prize winners for science, literature, and economics
> 32% of Forbes’ 2009 400 richest Americans.

Jewish prominence is a result of
+ an exceptional attachment to and drive for money.
+ abnormally developed will and strong kin networks.
+ the marginal position of Jews motivating them to achieve success unconventionally
+ bourgeois virtues such as sobriety, a desire to succeed, a dislike of violence, an emphasis on education and learning, and high self-esteem
+ Judaism being a group evolutionary strategy that selected for ethnic nepotism and high verbal intelligence
+ Talmudic tradition

This means that Jewish achievement is biological, evolved; natural result of high level of intelligence.
> Eugenics in Jewish customs promoted the more intelligent to have more surviving children.
> This includes rabbis who were permitted to marry, in contrast with Christianity, which required celibacy among priests.
> Christian discrimination against Jews in the Middle Ages forced Jews into white-collar occupations that required a high level of intelligence
> Historical travails of Jews have selected against those who are unprepared

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I hope China wins

>I love Jews

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Is anything fun anned for today?

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another one added

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This is MAGA country!

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Probably not going to happen the same way it did last time. The housing market in large cities may decline due to the Chinese not buying anymore though.

>told the police to turn off their body cams before talking to him
>the "noose" was literal kitchen twine

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good morning /ptg/!

remember at least a glass every morning!

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Friendly reminder that FinnKike likes to LARP as overly-fanatical Trump Supporters.

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Your inability to use /pol/ terms like oldfag/

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I keep telling you that this is a bad study to use to show Jewish intelligence.

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>Jewish prominence is a result of
>+ Judaism being a group evolutionary strategy that selected for ethnic nepotism and high verbal intelligence
>+ Talmudic tradition
this sums it up.
they just claim achievments themselves and destroy anyone who tries to name them for their bullshits
that's the power of opinion shaping media

DNC primaries are goint to be the most boring shit ever. Thanks to Schultz they know that stepping out of the line will result in instant decapitation and the DNC picks the winner at the end. The only salvation would be Bernie joining in but we know hes DOA. Any other way its just going to be a big circlejerk.

I like this guy

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STRONG. tough. @foxandfriends

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> Right-reaction
> winning

the Globohomo Communist State known as U.S. will make sure China will bend or break.

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>> Jews constituted 0.8% of Germany’s 1930s population and 24% of it’s Nobel laureates
Because the people who grant the Awards are Jews.
Just like the emmy's or whatever award shows we have now. Just jews patting other Jews and their pets on the back.

Remember when Obama got a Nobel peace prize for doing absolutely nothing?
Meanwhile Trump brought peace to the Korean Peninsula after almost a century and got nothing?

>shilling based on huggers posting
Don't make her feel any more important than necessary


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>Obama adds jobs
>fake news, the president doesn’t effect jobs and even if he did these figures are made up!
>Trump adds jobs
>BASED TRUMP, master business man and job creator

Oh no no no

Anyone know what she's doing with her hands in that portrait? Symbolic? Modified merchant?


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Adding Muslims would have been racist?

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>Obama adds jobs
Maybe with illegals but that nigger didn't add any American jobs.

Isn't it amazing that meme flags are absolutely 100% shitposting?

YFW Vancouver ultra bubble crashes
Justin's socialist paradise with no survivors.

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Who's that pokemon?

Chinky, my link posting must have really REALLY bothered the kikes.

Isn't that funny? I think it is funny.

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Kek confirms

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>Obama adds jobs
98% of them were part time, burger flipping is not a career choice people want to make

Drumpf starts using E-verify for hotels and courses and stops bringing in temporary workers from the Caribbean for his clubs. Where did everybody go?

By eliminating regulations you can actually add jobs faggot. Its called entry barriers.

>Isn't it amazing that meme flags are absolutely 100% Jewish?

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I'm on the list for the Foxconn factory. Can't wait!

Anyone have Kristi Noem's cell number?
I need to send her lewd photos pls

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>Japanese meme AI has obtained sentience, creates new religion

it's over...

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I think it would have been funnier if it was anyone other than the FinnKike, since he'll just spam-war with you.
And when it comes to senseless spam, you can't beat him.



You're that same faggot from a few hours ago who was saying you would let the Democrat win in 2020 if Trump didn't get the wall built, weren't you?

You can apply to the other 380k jobs, dont worry

The bleach would have been frozen.

i've got job interviews for office positions lined up this week. first time in 10 years i won't be working from home. i have no idea what kind of shoes or outfit i need to wear. halp.

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i'm watching money masters rn while I be postin



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>The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-six percent (56%) disapprove.

Since you're intent on repeatedly shitposting this graph I'm going to point out that you're deliberately using the "strongly approve/disapprove" graph to show off how deranged you (and other jobless liberals) are.

Good thing you won't even live to see them lose cuck

REACTION from Russia, via its TASS news agency, quoting TV interview w/ Deputy FM Sergei Ryabkov:
> "What will come next is a huge question. I fear that the New START may share the fate of the INF Treaty, it may just expire on February 5, 2021, without an extension..."

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that and also the jannies/mods will always delete and ban my shit but most likely won't touch his posts
So yeah, up hill struggle.
but as long as we keep to one post per thread, it shouldn't get out of hand.

So is this a new cold war or?

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NATO secretary gen

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>first time in 10 years i won't be working from home


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Well, you probably should change out of your long johns and cum stained sweatshirt. Prolly...

Attached: this exact attire.gif (333x251, 948K)

>Isn't it amazing that meme flags are absolutely 100% shitposting?
I filter memeflags, now.
Since we have faggot OPs, sometimes I miss the new thread posts, but that's fine.
It filters replies to said flags, too, which is good and bad.

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Khakis and a button up shirt with a tie is fine for most job interviews. Wear a suit if you have one though.

I have a 132 IQ. Bow to me.

they're free to leave any time they like

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borrow the moor's shoes

Are you one of the journalists that just got let go?

>Nationalists that love America, hate Jews, hate the tv Jew, and hates shitskins
>Knows what the fuck empire is
>Knows who the fuck that b-list nigger actor is
>Knows that he's gay
Their imaginary story has more plot holes than the Clinton foundations records

This is the most subtle cartoon I've ever seen from Ben.

Attached: DyTw02zUwAALdsG.jpg (638x480, 98K)

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Pretend to be a zoomer to fit in

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>but as long as we keep to one post per thread, it shouldn't get out of hand
Pretty much, yeah.
There will be people that whine about it as "spam," but if it's once per thread, I don't see an issue.

>splitting 1 mcjob into 6 mcjobs
>= adding jobs

Good job my man, but instead of pointing nobel percentage you should list individual achievements and discoveries since people are pointing out that nobels are a circlejerk.

The left calls you racist? Call them baby killer.

Hi Finn, glad you remembered me.

Doubtful you can meet the hiring process of not simply being a wagie in a cagie





Trump just said we're going nuclear. the jobs report was nearly double the estimate, so theres going to be a lot of Ancap memes about shutting down the government, leads to higher job growth.

I would say just filter the comment, it should work unless I update it for some reason. I really hope everyone understands why I'm doing it.

unironically based

>using filters
>for any reason
Immerse yourself in the shit, user. It will make you stronger.

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Be prepared for the modern workspace. Theres few things more soul crushingly jewish than an open air office.

>instead of pointing nobel percentage you should list individual achievements and discoveries
Ah, the space is only so limited. Letting mutt supremacists seeth is entertaining enough.

I think of it just as a second OP post (in that I don’t read either, because its the OP post and who reads that? Refreshing the pastebin is for faggots too)

Kek they'll have those fake villages set up for training, but with real Muslims that you can shoot.

>I love Jews.
Says the known kike.

H-how do you do that, again...? Asking for a friend.

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>Obama said jobs we're added
>Record unemployment continues to climb
>Spends his entire time in office forcing entire public and private sectors to shut down
>Destroys what little factories we have left
>Somehow magically creates jobs no ody ever heard of or sees
>Only jobs bis admin ever creates is foreign scum coming over here to take the jobs of others
Yeah whatever you say jew

>when the brainlet who wanted to vote for dems if Trump didn't build the wall is also dumb enough to think the Finn is a jew with a VPN

It's amazing that you remained asshurt hours later. Maybe try not being a fucking retard and I won't have to call you a retard?

>You are the big gay
Never fails to make me smile

It should have been Moloch altars not buildings


1 minute ago

Top Dem on Senate Foreign Rltns Cmte Menendez on withdrawal from INF Treaty:

> President Trump clearly lacks an appreciation or understating of the importance of arms control treaties and today’s withdrawal is yet another geostrategic gift to Vladimir Putin.

Fuck nato, what can they even do in retaliation? virtue signaling nonsense desu

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Thank god my office at least still has cubicles
The surroundings of grey velcro-ish surface are comforting in an odd way

>t. an inbred sandnigger suffering from maple syrup urine disease

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No you dumb faggot
Russiastan has no money
At all
They're going into fucking debt just to continue what they're doing in Syria and Ukraine



Those numbers are bad too. Can post any of it really. They didn't make a graph for his bad approval rating... better than any approval rating in the history of the country, many people have said

4 year degree fag. So you are right. The whole point of manufacturing is high school degree workers can get well paying jobs. But I'm not qualified for a a job that doesn't exist, you are right. 8th wonder of the world

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Don't forget that it was one of Chicago's coldest nights, and that bleach ought to freeze in such conditions.