This is the Japanese government's latest scheme to increase birth rates

This is the Japanese government's latest scheme to increase birth rates

Could it actually work?

Attached: 1534495123116.webm (1066x600, 2.92M)

giv nippon gf

Attached: plz.png (778x512, 47K)

Probably just stop promoting a culture where everyone is a repressed sad sac too scared to talk to each other to make friends or relationships let alone an entire new human.

Are those MAGA hats?

Fucking lel

Based gooks

But why? with more people comes lower wages, increased crime, and expensive homes.

Sorry Japanese gfs are in very short supply you will have to get one yourself

Attached: 1536356567668.webm (1920x1080, 2.58M)

Probably not. Why would a guy go visit a day care when he does not have kids. They should forgive part of a home loan for each kid born.

Nips aren't gooks. Learn your slanteyes.