Interracial fight: knocked into a seizure

>White boy arguing with a black guy at a supermarket parking
>White boy's family tries to prevent a physical confrontation
>White boy calls the dindu a nigger
>Another nigger suckerpunches the white boy
>White boy gets knocked into a seizure and his family starts screaming

Can't American whitey say nigger in public? Webm and video related

Attached: seizure1.webm (280x464, 1.63M)

Some comments

Attached: comm1.jpg (608x548, 130K)

>nigger suckerpunch
Always the way, isn't it.

Attached: black_facts3.png (619x352, 8K)

Attached: BixNood Muhfugga.jpg (288x288, 19K)

wh*tes cant fight

Attached: wh.toid attack attempt.webm (268x480, 1.26M)

DESU if you engage a nigger without a sidearm, you really shouldn't be surprised by the outcome.

Pffft. Some family. They let the nigger live?

ah! my favourite poo masquerading as a coon.
Whatcha been up to, pajeet?

It’s always a sucker punch

Yeah, that nigger's right there on camera. The shops all have CCTV so they'll have his plates. Fucking moron is going to jail now lmao