>“For my mum’s generation, older, successful men were considered the best husband material. Husbands were used to being in control of their wives, but in my generation, that’s not so. Love has nothing to do with money, education or age, but is about sharing and a relationship of equals.” Preach, girl!

Good thing I met my girl back in college and we're already planning to get married once we both reached 27.

>men waiting at least 30 to settle down

For men, good luck finding a mate when you are 28+. All the beautiful women are beyond your reach and will just end up with washed up 40+ year old independent womyns.

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op got cucked by a geezer


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Meanwhile in reality
>Age of marriage increasing
>Marriage is collapsing

leftie mentality and feminism in general push women towards husbands they feel will be easier to control, no shit shlomo. As long as you aren't a weak-willed cuck you won't have this problem.

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My fiance is 9 years younger than me.

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I'm a 34 year old boomer and i'm dating 22 year old women. Guess what, every woman thinks she's deep and needs someone "mature to recognize it".

there's pretty no incentive to get married as a man anymore. if you anything of value it's better to never get married.

>For men, good luck finding a mate when you are 28+
Only if you choose white women, which have had 3 sexual "partners" by 18 anyway.

Attached: muh white womyn.jpg (1852x1666, 677K)

try harder, roastie
>in all fields

Not surprising. I know a few guys who passed on some VERY decent women, only because they wanted to LARP as Chad and fuck around. Now they're in their mid 30's and bitching about how there are no good women. They alternate between laughing at all of the "30 year old cat ladies who put their careers first" and jerking off to anime with high school kids. I think if a woman has a mind to get married and she's approaching her thirties and still isn't having any luck, dating younger men is a much better option than either sticking with the same age bracket, or dating older men who are all divorced and fucked in the head.