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>Lesbo-with-dead-career says something


Trump is literally killing gay people OMG!!!!

Who thought giving people freedom was a good idea

>all these awkward pauses waiting for cheers and applause

>imma lesbian
>pls clap

Powerfully gay

>i rub pussys with another woman and play pretend family

Dumb dyke needs a deep dicking

what did exactly trump did since he got elected against lgbt people? genualy curious, the only thing i remember was the trans ban in the military and thats just common sense to not let mentally ill people to leech out of the state to detroy their own bodies

monkey tv

Oh goody the left has a new obsession for the week,
She said fuck trump shes so cool

Does she have the gay cancer? Is she barfing her food? Maybe the laxative diet?

>crazy cat lady scores virtue points in her own mind

>that receeding hairline


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Poor girl.
You can tell she hasn't had a good dicking in ages.

in this new brave era, if you are not actively anti-racist, you are racist. if you are not actively anti-"bigotry", you are indeed a bigot. you're either an ally or an enemy to these folk. ain't no conversation to be had, and ain't no staying to one's self. it's all a fight for justice, they imagine themselves like the blacks in birmingham boycotting busses

I imagine she got her fill as a teenager in Hollywood.

The top comment is so good.

bring back insane asylums. end the biological hazard that is the faggot.

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>Trump has warm ovens...
But is he eating them.

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She aged fast. Top kek.

white woman + degenerate = looks ready for the grave at 30

I think someone needs a bit of the old reeducation.

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Did she have work done or is the derangement just eating her alive? What the fuck is going on with her face?

She was probably even younger when she got the Hollywood gay-conversion therapy, which consists of rape by fat old producers.

Oh wow a homo pretending to care about child abuse? That is rich.

>in this new brave era, if you are not actively anti-racist, you are racist. if you are not actively anti-"bigotry", you are indeed a bigot. you're either an ally or an enemy to these folk. ain't no conversation to be had, and ain't no staying to one's self. it's all a fight for justice, they imagine themselves like the blacks in birmingham boycotting busses

This is insight here, you got it! that is why they dove-tail with Islam so nicely.. absolutism and world domination..

Common libs are fighting for the size of their cage in the name of decency..

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Ssooooooo fucking ugly. What happened? That fucking forehead and her skeletal structure in the face and that washed up, used up whore look she voluntarily has going.


>175 dislikes

Jow Forums BTFO

Joel should've let the Fireflies keep her.

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wow this late night comedy show is hilarious, she really brought some solid jokes to the table. I can't wait to watch this to cheer myself up after a long hard day of work earning money that will be taxed and given to freeloaders.

...you wanna do something about that?


Wow. She said a bunch of emotional nothings backed up by more emotional nothings as this millionaire travels the world and goes on poverty vavcation tours (privileged cunt), comes back and wants us to feel bad for marginalized shithole countries we have no business caring for.

>“I couldn’t get married”
“The Christian church and Christians are generally evil people”
>boohoo I want to get MARRIED

FUCKING PICK ONE. She looks like SHIIIITTTTTTTT and I hope SHE kills herself because that shit was so pathetic it made he violently shit my pants.

She aged horrifically. Not because she looks ugly these days - she doesn't - but because the one thing she had going for her she no longer has. She can't do the whole smol and cute thing because she's too old.

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what is it? I don't tweet