Hasn't been seen in weeks

>Hasn't been seen in weeks
I'm not saying she's dead but there's no way she makes it to the end of the month.

Attached: ruth_bader_ginsburg_collar.png (640x360, 244K)

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching RGB crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

I bet March 15th she would peacefully pass away. That’s her birthday wish

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and what if they cut off her head and surgically reattached it to a 16 year old's body that they kidnapped?

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She died before Christmas, user. Why you think no reports about her seeing her family?

It's time we enact common sense judicial control. RBG must be replaced by judge Judy until after the next election.


Common sense judicial control for a common sense life

>mfw the democrats have her dead corpse stored away in a freezer in some libshits basement until the 2020 election

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Replace the Shrew with a Jew! I 2nd this motion.

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LEGO version of RBG to show up on Monday

Attached: LEGO Ruth Bader Ginsberg.jpg (3010x1680, 268K)

Sorry drumpfkins, lifetime appointment includes the afterlife!
pol BTFO forever

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Attached: RBG Dies.png (1030x222, 52K)

>Why isn't a jew seeing family for christmas?

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I'm starting to wonder if Trump deliberately antagonized Pelosi so she'd delay the SOTU, giving Ginsburg more time for her health to decay.

I just can't wait to see all the shilling.
>Drumpf can't do this! SCOTUS needs to be balanced!
>Block his next nomination!

That includes Kavanaugh so it balances out.

>Drumpf can't do this! SCOTUS needs to be balanced!

If they say that point out that Obama appointed a Jew, even though they're overrepresented more than any other group.

#RuthProof bump.

>we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

He's the President, he already has them you retard.

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they won't even interview her at home, they just call it a Qtard outbreak without doing the simplest thing and getting her to wave at a camera and completely destroy the growing story that she is dead

She's not functioning either way. I think the congress is just waiting respectfully for her to die so they don't have to put the indignity of impeachment on her. Or, rather, I guess, they'll let her block a new appointment by Trump for as long as possible. Who does the impeaching? The House, or the Senate?


why hello there, newfriend

I don't care if she's dead, if she's incapable of performing here duties aka attending and listening to cases brought to the court, what's the point of her being on the court? Oh right she's gotta hold out for a year then trump can't nominate during an election year.

the senate, regardless though, no chance in hell... requires 67 votes

House impeaches senate removes from office