UK: BBC Confirms TV licence costs Increases to £154.50 from April 1

Sad news day for our UK friends.

>The BBC has confirmed that viewers will have to pay £4 more for their TV licence from April 1, when the price will increase to £154.50. When broken down the new fee amount equates to £2.97 a week or £12.87 a month.

>Those buying or renewing a licence after 1 April 2019 will pay the new fee. Those buying a new licence before 1 April 2019 will also pay the current rate.

>Anyone watching or recording programmes on live TV, or watching or downloading BBC programmes on iPlayer, must have a licence. The charge applies whether the show is being watched on a TV set, computer, tablet or any other equipment.

>Last April the fee rose from £147 to £150.50. Before this the price stayed at £147 between 2010 and 2017. Dozens of people have complained about the price hike on Twitter, saying that the licence already costs too much and asking if it is now time to 'scrap' the system.

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>April 1

I'm fine with this. The BBC's costs are going up because of inflation so it's only fair so they can keep making quality programmes

Name fucking one, I'll wait...

do you both actually pay for it?

How about well make that payment optional then? You're fine with it you pay. Why the fuck I must give my shekels to commie propaganda channel just because I watch unrelated channels live?

You are OK, citizen.


it is optional. you don't have to pay if you don't watch live tv

at least they can maybe not pay - we on the other hand don't even have a choice

You need to work on you reading comprehension mate

no one watches tv anymore
if they do it isnt the bbc, its HBO and shit.
you even made clarkson move to amazon.

LOL who pays TV Licenses anymore. From my experience recently they can't jail you or anything. They can suck a cock.

When I get out of my parents basement il never be paying for a TV licence, just make me

Brits are too pussy to do that. It's why they list the revolutionary war, everyone with balls became Americans

will the world ever stop laughing at bongland?

Tell the Zionist BBC and UK Gov mafia to go suck on a cock, preferaby a newborn freshly circumsised one. Oh and dont pay your taxes either and take out your money from those zionist banks. Thanks.

based and bbcpilled

>britbongs literally get fucked by BBC

Just stop watching television. It's literally mental programming/brainwashing that YOU are paying for.

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>Ye got yer propaganda loisense?

Can't you just not have TV?

Bigoted biased corrupted propganda has been total failure

No one trusts them

Why not just stop watching and disconnect your TV? Would you still have to pay the faggot propaganda tax?

Oii m8, uve gota loicense for da TV?

Literally an old person tax at this point.

Who the fuck under the age of 40 watches TV in this day and age.

I don't have a TV tax smd don't watch TV anyway.
What kind of retard enjoys TV these days. The stories have poor structure and are written by idiots.

Realistically, and assuming you own a TV purely for gaming or connecting it to your computer, how hard is it to get out of paying this license?

British government takes this TV license shit so seriously

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imagine paying for state and Jewish propaganda
there's not many cucked nations on earth like the fuckin Brits

Le trolled bad Brits epicly!!!1!!1

I paid for TV license for one year, didn’t bother renewing it because 99% of the stuff on television is crap.

TV Licensing sent me a letter telling me that I am under investigation and being monitored. They said they may also send somebody round to check that I am not watching TV.

I feel like telling them to get fucked, but I have heard they can be complete arseholes and end up taking you to court.

If one of their shithead employees does turn up they can come and see for themselves that my TV is not connected to the aerial and I will demand that be the end of it.

I don't know anyone irl that actually pays for this shit lol

It's also optional, you don't need to let the inspectors in.

>Everyone with balls become American
This is pretty much true anyone with a dick left that shitty island centuries ago.

Not hard at all. I believe they simply have to refuse an inspection and state that they're unable to receive live broadcasts. They may get pestered by licensing enforcers, but I think they're mostly powerless.

Majority of European countries have TV licenses and some are even worse where you have to pay for it even if you don't have a TV.

BBC hasn’t made anything worth while in a decade.

>TV license
More like broadcasting license. They can charge you money if you watch live BBC through internet or on your mobile phone. Very easy to determine IP of person who is plugged into broadcasting, then they show up at your door and tell you to pay.

All you have to do is just answer the door, say you don't watch TV and then say "bye" and close it on em. If you invite them into your home you're a fucking brainlet

Britbongs gonna have to pay more. FUCKING LAUGHABLE!

>Be British
>Pay licence to watch TV
>Turn on TV
>Nothing but Race mixing and immigration propaganda.
Its no wonder most Britanons don't pay for it

>calling it a tax when it's basically optional

The TV license meme is fun and all but it's actually one of the few state-run things in society you can opt out of. In that regard, it's a plus compared to being forced to pay into the BBC's garbage from your pay packet.

The only bizarre aspect of it is "agencies" hounding you for payment, which are some kinda corrupt money-making exercise for politicians or something. If you buy a new TV then you have to make sure you pay in cash and give a fake/incorrect post-code, otherwise you get the meme inspectors asking you whether you're watching Interracial Historial Revisionism 2 on something you bought to play vidya on.

Lots of countries have state-run television and you are forced to fund those even if you don't have a TV, but I don't see anyone making funny posts about it. The BBC raising its fees is an act of desperation and it's quite enjoyable to watch.

Never paid the license fee, never will

Peaky Blinders, and that's it.

This is true. In Portugal you pay an "audiovisual fee" which is included in your electricity bill. There is no way around it, and it gets used to fund garbage state TV.
Monthly amount is € 2,85 (plus VAT), which is ridiculous.

The Peaky Blinders is appalling, it londonified the west midlands so fucking hard.


I especially like how scared he looks during the whole video.

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All you have to do is refuse to pay it.

If you actually watch TV then it's slightly different, but the TV License mafia are not policeman and have no power, so you can just ignore it.

Get to fuck. They sell everything on to profit overseas, their programs are complete shit. MotD and the occasional movie are all I can ever imagine watching.
Good troll tbph, I got a lil mad

rotherham bitch

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I pay $100 a month for my cable, phone and internet. What’re you fags bitching about?

>Buying a tv cable package bundle
Peak Boomer

They need the money to build statues like this:

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true, us Americans get bbc america for free. They do an hour long news show on television here. And it's one of those channels that you don't even have to subscribe to cable or satelite to access


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Gotta pay for black Achilles cocoa butter

We have TV license too in Slovenia, but i pay 153 euro per year. Brits pay more per month.

>Britchads and Britcucks at eachothers throats instead of everyone elses for once

This is a good thread.

No it’s about the same, but lol at paying that in the Balkan’s

>bbc 6pm headline news last night

>nothing about the sheffield machete stabbing
>nothing about the french yellow vests in months
>something something brexit bad
>the weather is cold
>it's cold in chicago

It's never fucking news. Why do we need to know about the weather in a random American city!? Most nights it's Donald Trump bad.

I'm sure Americans can watch BBC news online and you should watch the main evening broadcasts like 6pm or 10pm. It's laughable how obviously fake it is.

It's bad when your nations propaganda channel is an acronym for nigger dicks


What the fuck man... The "first black anything..." gets a statue now.

What a hideous cunt she is, giving Diane Abbott a run for her money.

Use this link to tell BBC to fuck off.

What? You don't enjoy watching the mythical black heroes Hercules and Odysseus fuck each other in the ass in passionate homosex?

It's historically accurate bro

question for brits

cant you just have internet and fuck the tv?
or netflix and fuck it all?

Daily reminder that you can simply stop watching TV and you don't have to pay the license.

>"oi, I'm ere to inspect your aerial orifice."
What now bruv?

Good goy

Fixed the link for you

Ive seen a fair amount of British TV on Youtube and which would you call "quality"? Its boring, and most of it has an undertone of subjects must comply with the government.
>be british
>pay subscription fees for your propaganda
>this is quality
>21. januar 2019
>RTV Slovenija
>glede na naraščanje stroškov in inflacijo že dolga leta »zamrznjen« pri 12,75 evra na mesec. Vlada bi ga lahko brez spremembe zakona povišala za največ deset odstotkov, torej na največ 14 evrov na mesec.
>given the rising costs and inflation, for many years, "frozen" at 12.75 euros per month. The government could increase it by no more than 10 percent, without a change in the law, to a maximum of 14 euros per month.

RTV is like BBC here.
We didn't raise it because of inflation.
This is for radio and television, but i can cancel it if i want, i might do it, since i don't watch much television and especially not listen radio.
12,75 x 12 = 153 euro per year

a lot of people actually do pay it, they sent a goon to me mams house a few weeks ago. I told him to get out the garden n dont come back. Had one more letter saying pay or else since but she's not worried. I've never paid for one, had my own place for well over 10 years.

Same here. €160 a year (€13pm).

I only pay it because they drag you to court and possibly fine you. If you don't pay fine, possible prison sentence.

They probably spend more money in the courts and collection fees. Now the cunts not only want to raise it like the UK but they are redefining it as a digital licence. Threatening to ban you from isps if you don't pay.

Haven't paid a TV license in over 10 years
>Unplug TV from wall
>Fill in the online form every now and again to say I don't need one
>Use TV for gaming, youtube, streaming, KODI, etc
>Have never had a visit or angry letter
Might make a youtube video explaining this so I can just link it in future as so many people are misinformed about TV licensing e.g. my Mum is terrified that I don't pay, she thinks I will be arrested just for owning a TV without a license.

Do you happen to have a pond in the garden?

Run a television station.... Not able to be financially successful... charge as much as cable

check'd n based

okay so whats just so hard about not watching TV

How are those self defense laws... O yeah forgot m8, if you stand your ground in bongland the state cucks you. If some faggot walked on my property and demanded to check my tv I would knock him out cold faggot

>paying for the Bagel Broadcasting Channel

Chaim you're doing it wrong.

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It is same in Slovakia, you have to pay 5€/m if you are connected to electric grid, it doesnt matter if you watch state tv or even own tv set (I dont). Worst thing is that state tv is unironical literal propaganda channel and completely ignoring any legal obligations of impartiality, representation or freedom of information they have. And this comes with holocaust remembrance reports in every evening news on top of it.

You dont pay? They will sell your obligation to 3rd party extortion service that will use friendly executor to sell your house for 1/2 of the value to another friendly party and use the money to pay 5,10 or 20€ you didnt pay.

If you pay government license they shouldn't have ads, but they have ads here since 90ies.

>private profit company
>government non-profit company
pick one

Capitalists don't give a fuck about rules or logic.

In the UK you'll need to apply for an exemption and constantly renew it.
And don't be surprised if the police comes knocking on your door to have a talk with you about this suspicious behaviour.

You should have asked to see his goon license

Lmfao. Portucucks have to pay for RTP. Rise up Portugal you used to be a based celtic nation.

A few decades ago they still made quality content.

Can they fine you or take you to court

lmao one looked thrugh my window and said i can see you watching tv. Just replied, so fucking what, i'm not paying for pedo coverups

Portubro, how is the weather there in first week of April?
Trying to get my Dad to come with me to Villamoura before he dies.

It's not even funny at this point.
I still don't feel any compassion towards britbongs but now it's just not funny anymore.

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TV license? Hahahahah

I don't know, never heard about it. They are more concerned about putting this law on high court, because we aren't in Socialism any longer and they have ads, so this law where you have to pay money is kind of useless. Also, if you pay government television tax then they should never show a single thing from another country, but they do in ads and in shows. National television should be about promotion of nation.

Yes? Why wouldn't you be able to? You don't have to purchase a tv license. There are also tv licenses in other countries. As far as I am aware in Germany the license fee must be paid by all even if you don't have a tv.

Everything they produce is a globalist propaganda piece.

The government is going to send someone to your house to make sure you aren’t watching TV? What the fuck!

Dude, you don't know shit. In the UK you don't pay the license automatically (unlike in France and some other countries where it appears on your yearly tax bill), you need to actually go and explicitly buy it. Guess what, if you don't watch tv (which you should not watch anyway) you just don't buy the license.

>my Mum is terrified that I don't pay, she thinks I will be arrested just for owning a TV without a license.

I get this a lot. people think the tv license people can just walk into your house and have you charged.

I had a license and simply moved places and got threatening letters almost instantly which made me not renew the license. I occasionally get them but if I get a knock on the door I am going to tell them to fuck off and slam it.