To other people in Europe, has your country been one of the country affected by this and how do we punish Poland for this
Polish meat scanadal
Vi måste påminna den Polska jäveln om 1656
You should be more concern about your nigger meat scandal
ska få käka lingonsylt en hel månad
>blabla yada yada pfflflfl
Pay wall
Did a pole fuck his wife or something? I need a quick rundown.
stop talking African.
>Also the few swedish I met were literal faggots and autists, Norwegians made fun of them for not being allowed to be proud of their country.
Basically hundreds of cattle that had cancer got sent to the slaughter, what they did was just cut off the cancer parts and payed a veterinarian to give his approval that the meat is fit for human consumption. Then they sold that meat to 10 different countries in Europe
And I heard about a couple of Frenchmen got caught having sex on a work site. What about it?
did this meat even get exported? Authorities got on this fast as fuck and slaughterhouse owners are getting destroyed.
Being Polish is punishment enough
Yes, we know that Sweden got at least 240 kilos of it. However you being Polish perhaps you can help answer a question, the new got broken by a site called Superwizjer. Are they a credible source? Left wing? Right wing?
Yes, it was exported to several countries. That meat even ended in some slovakian schools
left wing antipolish germano american scum media outlet
Mutt, you eat shit per norm, we have standards for our food production
Calm your horses, he didn't say anything about eating cancer meat. He simply asked what the situation is
Been eating polish?
It's a reportage segment for a leftist news station TVN. It's not always a credible source but it this case, it seems that their investigation and reportage was credible as minister of agriculture addressed this and went on personal crusade against slaughterhouse owners.
Yes, has only been confirmed in kebab meat tho. So you have even less reason to eat that garbage.
Swedish accent it very cute! Please make a vocaroo either singing a song or calling me worthless shitskin trash
>poisoning the ones who betrayed us
pretty based if you ask me
Where's the source?
Wtf is OP even talking about
So what will happen if you eat a cow that has cancer?
>eating cancerous cells
Can't wait for Mutti Merkel to claim it's safe.
I don't think the cows had cancer, they were sick, had inflammations and were full of antibiotics
But what are like side effects?
>eating cancer cells will give you cancer
wow does that mean we become cows when we eat cow meat?
Look at our country and ask that again.
>>poisoning the ones who betrayed us
>pretty based if you ask me
Thinks polaks don't poison locals the way daily
>Only as it has been exported, it has become known fact.
First there was horse meat, now this. NEVER trust polak
One would assume the issue is that they were pumped full of medication, not that they had cancer.
>slovakian schools
Yup lol!
>Can't wait for Mutti Merkel to claim it's safe.
It literally is. What do you think happens to cancer cells when they get exposed to stomach acid?
Cow's genes can never combine with yours.
Sure, it's gross, inhumane and pretty jewish, but not really a health hazard.
horse meat is great though. I love sausage made with it.
people are overreacting so fucking much
Reports mentions tumors
Think of it like this, what happens when you eat regular bad/spoiled meat?
In any case it was advertised as meat from healthy cows. So if you're brave enough to eat tumor-laden meat, go ahead.
eating spoiled meat is fine if it's never been hated
Microplastics is a global issues and don't think your country is spared.
There are benign and malignant tumors, non- cancerous and cancerous
You really overestimate your digestion. A lot if not most diseases come from poor quality foods. It's not a matter of "what doesn't kill me is ok", people eat this filth then wonder why their immune system is garbage and they feel like shit all the time.
You need to value your body man.
this lol.. basically trying to insult our earlier discoveries.
>What do you think happens to cancer cells when they get exposed to stomach acid?
Well there is a chance that the cancer cell won't break down and then when they get to your intestine your body might absorb them. Not sure what would happen next
>killing and eating the white man's second greatest ally
dogs and horses are more human than you, you disgusting toilet cleaning subhuman
Horses are great but unlike dogs they can be eaten and actually have good meat. Our culture was very tightly bound to horses from ancient Slav times up to WW2, this one of the reason why eating horse meat isn't seen as something bad here. When you live long enough with one type of animal you figure out all of the uses for it, and it's not like we are killing young healthy horses, only the ones who break their leg or get old are send to slaughter house.
I haven't even heared of it.
Why is eating horse morally wrong, horseburgers are based af.
of course not. i only eat swiss meat fucking northcuck.
literally the complete inverse is correct you brainless nigger
places with the closest connection to horses treated them as sacred animals that were above cattle
or do you think that people that are the most tightly bound to their common folk also eat their family when they die so as to not waste their meat
horses were treated as well as humans and buried with dignity
same with dogs
How much you want to bet you will eat a horse or even a dog if you starve and have nothing else?
same reason why eating dog burgers is morally wrong
the horse is not cattle, he is a noble beast that is above such uses
but you've probably never ridden or had a connection to man's second greatest ally janez
Fucking polacks what else would you expect
that's not the point you obtuse retard
you'd eat rats and your fellow man if you were starving on a marooned ship
but there is a difference in eating a horse in the last possible moment and breeding him as animals for slaughter
i wouldn't expect a gypsy to understand though
250kg ended up in sweden lmao
>i wouldn't expect a gypsy to understand though
Horses are fucking war and work animals, they aren't like dogs who are companions. Every fucking culture that used horses in their armies had used horse meat as food for obvious reasons. Horse is nothing like a dog and has to go through complex process of training to be useful to humans. You have obviously never been to a horse stud and experienced what relation between horses and humans is like.
Most of paintings with Polish historical events have horses in them, horses are one of the pillars of Polish culture and statehood.
that's not an argument you depraved savage
go kill some puppies for your perverse enjoyment
>places with the closest connection to horses treated them as sacred animals that were above cattle
And many people seem them as a source of food. Like Austria, Belgium, Iceland, Italy. Even the mongols aren't above eating horses
>Horse is nothing like a dog and has to go through complex process of training to be useful to humans
I'm having troubles understanding your text, are you saying horse don't need a lot of training? Because they do, it's not like you can put a saddle on them and except to ride into battle.
>that's not an argument you depraved savage
It is and remember its an animal that can be eaten so why not do it?
I've ridden a horse before and I also ate it. It's delicious. Taste kinda inbetween a deer and a cow. The meat comes from a locally owned farm, so we do whatever we want with them cause they're ours.
>You have obviously never been to a horse stud and experienced what relation between horses and humans is like.
i have been a trained equestrian since childhood you depraved homosexual
>Horses are fucking war and work animals
you yourself admitted right here that they are above cattle you moronic faggot
>Every fucking culture that used horses in their armies had used horse meat as food for obvious reasons
literally not true
you're obfuscating the explicit use of cattle with necessity
not an argument gypsy
this is my last (You)
I'm saying they do and this process requires a lot of establishing human dominance over the horse and it involves physical means.
You are just butthurt than people eat horses while you dont, also they are pretty good only chewier.
>i have been a trained equestrian since childhood you depraved homosexual
No you haven't because otherwise you would understand what type of animal horses are.
And horses in Poland aren't raised to be slaughtered. They get killed when they no longer can fulfill their role. What is worse, using every last bit of animal or burying ton of meat and letting it rot. You are a fucking hippie who humanizes animals.
>And many people seem them as a source of food. Like Austria, Belgium, Iceland, Italy. Even the mongols aren't above eating horses
yes i am well aware of the perversion of the role of the horse in modern times
at least the anglosphere still carries the torch of the horse as a noble beast above slaughter
>No you haven't because otherwise you would understand what type of animal horses are.
i am though
the only way you can justify your argument is some by pathologizing my natural connection with an animal i've trained since childhood with
>What is worse, using every last bit of animal or burying ton of meat and letting it rot
eat your dead then
eat your dead family members too
that's what niggers do
>eat your dead then
meant to type eat your dead dog then
>noble beast
Read what you just wrote and think about it you cum fairy.
that's not an argument mate
Not considered halal meat, Sven?
>above slaughter
You sound like some poo in loo talking about cows. Or some roastie complaining you shouldn't eat rabbits cause the're cute.
Fuck, how plastic is destroying this planet in my lifetime. I remeber when I was a kid plastics were just being introduced. Now the shit is everywhere, perifirating the intenstinal walls, causing god knows what future cancers.
Don't hurt Litwini, Piotr
Humans aren't equal to animals you retard. Horse isn't equal to human and never will be. Do you have horse cemeteries in your abortion of a country? You are displaying same level of retardation as hindus with their cows.
Time for arguments is over
You don't eat carnivorous animals.
>You don't eat carnivorous animals.
Never eaten shark meat? Its incredible soft and has a lot of fibers.
Another failure of humanity
Poland is not to blame. The meat came from Germany, whereas it was only discovered in Poland
at least the french are masculine enough to work on a worksite.
It's literally the exact opposite. Our food standards are higher in all forms. But you can't walk around with a butter knife, so you've got that going at least.
Stay enslaved, bong.
>Poland is not to blame. The meat came from Germany, whereas it was only discovered in Poland
>Take you pills
yes you do
are you retarded or have you never been hunting?
yes and horses aren't equal to cattle retard
that's the point of all this
some things aren't treated like other things because of certain reasons
the utilitarian approach to meat is meat obviously doesn't work because you don't eat family members or dead pets
or are you one to eat your dead hamster?
Fish can't be really compared to mammals, when talking about animals I was thinking about mammals.
would you eat your dead dog then?
no you wouldn't because you know that the role of the dog isn't to be bread for meat
animals have evolutionary roles
most of them are explicitly bread to be slaughtered
from cows to rabbits to goats
dogs and horses do not fit that bracket and this is a fact
when you find graveyards that have humans buried with goats and sheep instead of horses and dogs then i will concede
Fucking tatar shit , werent your ancestors eating horse meat when they were turkic bulgars?
Its not cows
To all the polish people here watch this
And please explain to them
Horses aren't equal to cattle, same with donkeys but they definitely aren't above slaughter.
And what fucking carnivorous animal do you hunt for for meat? You niggers eat wolves or wild cats?
All you horse haters don't lie to me you wouldn't try it.
Everyone in this thread is a retard.
OP's pic is called "mad cow" disease. That isn't cancer, you retards, but it can spread to humans just by eating the infected meat.
Now does OP's topic concern cancer and not mad cow? Then why did he call his pic mad cow? Either way he is a flaming faggot.
'sage' goes in 'options'.
You really can't grasp a concept of raising animal for other purposes and then killing it when it no longer can fulfill its role
Its not cows
>Be cucked Britbong
>Delusionally claim culinary superiority