More Oarfish being washed up on Japan’s shores, in japan they believe it to be an omen of earthquakes because they live over 200 meters undersea and only raise to the beach in light of it earthquakes, which trigger tsunamis in Japan’s case. Almost a dozen has washed up now this year and the last time this happened was Japan’s last tsunami which killed over 200 Japanese.
>South African Prophet Siener Van Rensburg >predicts Japan will be done in by a earthquake >Earthquake caused last tsunami >God does this to based japs and not the chinese
This fish needs to swim to California and haunt Chuck Jewmer
Tyler Phillips
Don't fret Japan this earthquake is just to shake your genetic stock around and reinstall the spirit of Bushido into your cirizenry by means of trials and tribulations
Christian Harris
>South African Prophet Siener Van Rensburg >>predicts Japan will be done in by a earthquake First thing I thought off lol. Hopefully it happens, so that means we are one step closer to England getting wiped of the face of the earth.
Jayden Long
>2019 >best early warning system is fisherman spotting omens
Jaxon Mitchell
Kekd. Americans are so fucking funny.
Dylan Kelly
fuck off chang
Jaxson Morgan
Daniel Moore
>Be nip >Die due to Tsunami
Nathan Brooks
This desu senpai.
Logan Garcia
Fucking leaf
Carson Jones
are fish the real jews? how do they know?
William Gonzalez
How does it feel to know that your mother was a Nankin rape baby? Lmao
Liam Young
>I saw a fish >IT'S HAPPENING >CNN Yeah, pretty slow fake news week
He's an insectoid chink, buttmad about his grandmother whoring herself out to Japs while his granpa prepped bulls in Nankin.
Adam Torres
It's karma for all the whaling and destruction of sea life you Japs do. Think it's cool to cook lobster alive; harpoon a whale and let it writhe in agony on the boat for hours, de-fin fish and sharks without killing them, eat still-alive animals and laugh as it writhes around in your mouths? Disgusting subhuman behaviour.
David Sullivan
If Japan had attack and conquered vladivostok like Hitler had wanted instead of Pearl Harbor the axis would have won.
Carter Thomas
>leak nuclear waste into the depths of the ocean for decades.
oh shit these dead fish mean a earthquakes coming!
i just lost alot of respect for the samurai
Charles Thompson
> de-fin fish and sharks without killing them japan just loves taking credit for the chinese that cant resist shark fin soup