Redpill pls

I am a german and my country is turning into left/antifa wonderland I need a redpill

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hello tax collector!

All the oldest human art is found in Central Europe

Pic related should be your number 1 priority
Get german(ic) wifey
Have at least 2 kids
Get gun
Have a doggo

And instead of hating the muslims, we should unite against the kikes, crush them and then we can deport the muslims to their home countries, optimally including 3rd gen and further turks etc

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I am concerned about your intent towards our based little friend from double chan.

AfD is cucked.

>instead of hating the muslims, we should unite against the kikes, crush them and then we can deport the muslims to their home countries
I don't understand the level of vitriol against them, really. Only the whole "wrong god" thing separates them from most of "us".
This shit could all be over & done with if we had some unity with the literal fucking hate-filled enemy of the jews literally surrounding their fucking homeland itching to wipe them out as much as rightists itch to wipe out antifa. Just waiting for the word that we won't glass them for doing it.

You already are redpilled if you are aware of this.

You need to fight. You need nationalists in power. You need to name the jew. You need to beat up migrants and make them leave Germany out of fear.

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You have been fucking over every country in your general vicinity for over a millennium.

Enjoy the dystopia.

Yeah no shit
Trump's cucked too, the only thing that's important is that they're moving the allowable topics of discussion further to our interest
Also, while they're controlled opposition, they still expose the utter insanity of the left to the normies

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Its a condition of the damaged german psyche which was ultimately hitler's fault. The german psyche, if it exist and I am just a canadiananon btw, cannot comprehend the necessity for self survival and either total cuckdom or destructive genocide (and i think the genocidal urges because of the effect of hitler's failures is directed inwards, into cuckdom, its fucked).

I was doing a sanity check. You passed. Keep moving in the right direction.

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the gif doesnt animate.

first world > second world > third world

know your place

>mudslums gonna outbreed you in your homeland and demographically replace you just like the jews did to them in palestine.

oh come on now, the jews and the arabs deserve each other.

The problem is that they are in our countries. Since muslims and christians are not really aligned on many topics, it's very, very easy for the kikes and their pawns to play us against one another
The minority will be told they are opressed, or their interests not acknowledged and the majority will see advancedment of foreign interest as a take over. Which is both true, and that's why countries should all be ethno-states of their indigenous populations. Jews want, or rather need, some sort of conflict to be able to operate in a nation, and racial or religious differences are perfect for that.

so how do you get a license?

>central europe not being a genetic cesspool, a literal cum dumpster 'reserve' of genetic material from transient scum

mongrols of the human race desu senpai.

its a fucking misery

our beautiful homeland...

Sanity is a social construct

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it isn't just the jews who want the animosity. There are even selfish socialists who are fucking ethnically german that want to sell out their own country men for the pursuit of the oligarch lifestyle.

Every second that passes brings you closer to Memewar2.

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internationalist kikes detected

One thing is clear I already hate the left more than anything

it has already started. its just its a slow low intensity covert war rn but things are building up. also white nationalism is a loser ideology, along with socialism, along with all the failed ideologies of the past.

take up arms then

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Thats me sry

>this retard things the left is his only enemy
>(((good goy))) never punch right, it isnt like a n international conspiracy of division requires controlled opposition. oh yes goy, punch left and only left but you, you the socialist-utopia-goy never punch the poc, only punch right, yes yes punch right

good goy, will they ever learn?

If only the jews stayed there & focused on them.

>it's very, very easy for the kikes and their pawns to play us against one another
Not just with muslims, they ideologically divide us amongst ourselves & play us off one another. Been doing it here for decades & have it now to a perfect point for long term control; both sides itching & preparing for a civil war we know must come but never will. It'll never be allowed over that edge.

Exactly as they want & you're meant to.
I'm not saying hating the left is "wrong", but it's a problem that should be secondary to the main one.

Do a Jagdschein or join a Schützenverein, but I'd recommend the Jagdschein, because afaik there's less regulations on that
The gun safes are very expensive, but the rest is relatively affordable. Granted, you might have to safe a bit of money, but arming yourselfs is very important.

Hard Whitepill that just came to my head:
There's still too many citizens who have arms in Germany/Europe that they have to take the "democratic" way
(((They))) are afraid

I am the eternal leaf prepare for the day of the rake. I will shit up every thread with contrarian red pills until all you faggots get mad and bring us that day you eager to see unfold. let the election crash.

>implying democracy is a kike thing

oh fuck off you degenerative golem.

They're cryptokikes, essentially
It's very easy to identify them and the perfect solution for these would be deportation to Africa, so that they could be with the niglets they so desperatly love

This was actually meant to a conservative on another thread, but here's your redpill.

I suppose you admire the liberal democracies that defeated Hitler, as a reasonable "middle ground" between National Socialism and Bolshevism. Guess what, our modern dystopias are a direct consequence of the military triumph of said democracies. They have no mechanism to protect themselves from corrupting influences, and that is a fatal flaw. It inevitably results in cosmopolitan godlessness, just as a matter of time. What was the first thing the Jews from the Frankfurt School did, as soon as they fled to the US? Proceeded to systematically demonize and dismantle America's core values. It is not a virtue to be compassionate towards parasites. Hitler's movement only make sense after you understand the forces which he opposed, and you're not gonna hear of that on FOX news. Just as in physics, maintaining your ground in politics demands the use of an equal force, in opposite direction. Conservatives seek to achieve stability through inertia, tolerance and passivity. Not gonna happen. Can't glorify the America of the 50's, without recognizing the horrid consequences it incurred, and HAD to incur. That's what Hitler sought to prevent. Take a look at the things he said would happen upon a possible defeat of the Axis in WWII, and the state of modern-day Western societies. He was right all along, on all but details. The allied did not "liberate" europe. They occupied it, in the name of international financial interests. These interests are diametrically opposed to those of the European peoples.

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But i think you are also a cryptokike too, but of the false opposition that the jews perpetuate to continually entrap us into a dichotomy that doesn't exist. A dichotomy that they need for their survival to trick us as existing, a false conflict that generates the very dynamic they seek to profit from.

the race bs is bs but race is just expression of proteins and nurture plays a huge role. we need to ask why societies are entering or has entered or cannot escape these destructive cycles and patterns. national socialism took the best any state can wish and destroyed and withered it useless. it squandered the spirit and will of a very strong people and rendered them into soulless mass gassers or utter cucks who react to the 'semen' of the shit skins not with utter disgust but with a cum begging pose.


Yes, there's infighting in our people, but think about which issues we fight about.
>gibs (which is overwhelmingly blacks/foreigners)
and whatever I don't remember right now
Problems among our people was about taxes, etc, now they essentially all revolve or stem from foreigners

I don't like the left because they are delusional and stupid calling someone who is proud of his country instantly a nazi. In my opinion they are cancer to my country/home who try to destroy Germany since the reunification of Germany


and so fucking wrong.

what happened and if you are intellectual honest about it, you would readily acknowledge, is that we saw globalization and our elites said it was okay to sacrifice of our poor and middle class by putting them in direction competition with the global pressures of the wage floor collapsing.

want proof? your country is a shitstain nation that shouldn't exist because it is by far nothing (in comparsion to canada) to be proud of and yet your country exist and your country is undercutting and underbidding my country's aerospace industry. our engineers dont want to work for 24USD an hour you fucking monkey.

that's the real redpill and this is why we will win again.

>our engineers dont want to work for 24USD an hour
>50k a year
There aren't too many statements that scream "first world problems" quite like this one. Christ, how high HAVE your grocery prices gotten?

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The nazi far right is also doing you guys a huge favour of destroying not just your country but countries everywhere. Yep, we want the repeating of a history where an egomaniac wasted the resource of an advance state in a way that was utterly utterly useless. Did germany achieve anything in its war? No and yet in hitler's wastefulness he ruined: concepts of nationalism, of community, of communal good, of patriotism, of democracy, of patriotic democracy and for what?

what did we gain as humans out of hitler's cuckdom? he literally wasted so much good just to be a loser.

a fucking loser.

a loser that we are still haunted by in our much needed discussion about demographic replacement, internationalism, globalization, the fact that 80% of all illegal immigration in canada is fucking eastern european in good jobs that stop canadian-born people from basically like having those positions (its a paid holiday to make 20 times as much as you would in a slav-shithole as you could 3 months in canada illegally and then spend that money on putina le whore in ways you cannot see that canadian peso stretch in america).


Fuck you for pretending we are entitled because we want a livable wage and those fucking faggots from brazil is making it tough. If you want to be a kike much like your israeli overlorders, i don't blame you amerimutt.

i am a small reason that exemplifies why tootles hated canadian posters.

>because we want a livable wage
If you can't fucking live just fine & comfortably on 50k a fucking year you've got some kind of serious fucking problem.
Christ, we've got mexican illegals pulling wages for a lot of normie jobs down to $3-4 an hour. $10 isn't a realistically "livable wage" here.

Do you realize and I am being literally serious rn that, and this is from my education in political science, that the west, that those expectations you have of a realistically livable standard is a yuge indicator of a very real kind of inflation, of a kind where being middle class

>you can afford 2 kids and a mud hut in africa for $10 dollars an hour and send them to the best NGO-un-sponsored skool for free because you can afford to pay for their bus trip


>trailer park, food stamps to help you ride out the shocks in global food prices and demand, fornite and force fed education to not be racist

oh yah, this isn't inflationary times. its just capital is so not inflationary, its just people, their value is becoming worthless fucking stupid kikeniggers

I never said I like my own country. Indeed, it shouldn't exist, as it runs contrary to virtually everything I believe in and value. Also, you didn't address my point. Did I say globalization didn't happen? No. I offered a perspective on the foundations of modern ills.

>Christ, we've got mexican illegals pulling wages for a lot of normie jobs down to $3-4 an hour. $10 isn't a realistically "livable wage" here.

A mexican making $4 an hour is rich by mexican standards and rich enough to send excess wealth back home to like get their parents to improve their properties. can you say the same with your $10 legal wage?

do you realize what i am saying? do you not see the red pill yourself? the fact you are competiting globally for an opportunity to participate in an economy that doesnt care if you are african or white, willing to work for 10 cents or 10 dollars.

>I never said I like my own country. Indeed, it shouldn't exist, as it runs contrary to virtually everything I believe in and value. Also, you didn't address my point. Did I say globalization didn't happen? No. I offered a perspective on the foundations of modern ills.

The lack of democracy and the utter utter inability of third worlders to escape their fucked up cultures of favouritism, globalizing in that world where we instilled in our first-world citizenship and fairness, our elites fed us to the wolves. to the pathological slumlords whom only exist through arbitrage and parasitism.

that's the ills of the modern world. it isn't the west, its you, the filth. death to the global south when? when we had the cold war, the world had to align, it had to discipline itself. its various leaders knew that you had to fall into align of either poles, and depending on how unselfish you are as a leader, you would choose west enlightenment and instill a strong tradition once in a lifetime helicopter tours.

Fuck phonepoasting

Do you write these yourself, or do you use a bullshit generator? Anyways, have a good day.

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>an argument

good response monkey! when you get paid 29USD an hour, maybe then you'll have the skills to parse some fairly simple concepts. fucking monkey

This is fucking disgusting

The tragic history of China.

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Chinks are all rape babies.

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Chinks were subhuman niggers before communism.

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And yet he is more than wiling to die in order to hurt you. How is that not the best example of controlled opposition? Oh the right side of society, punch left. And the left, punch right. But the right side, dont punch the more extreme ones because you know, you don't want to punch us ch-sen ppl.

i mean you dont want to punch those very based folxs who dont care about optics. 1488 gas the bikes nao

Chinks are a literal slave race.

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Chinks loved being enslaved.

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