Women can kill and do a little time in jail

Woman kills her own children, gets 1 year in prison.


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>make something
>destroy it
>have to go to jail
That's bullshit

This is good.
Women have been persecuted far too much for far too long that they need benefits like this to even it up over the long run

>she got any time at all
That alone surprises me desu.

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it was just a post-birth abortion i don't know what the big deal is stop trying to control women's bodies

you can't let tits like that rot away in a prison, are you crazy?

Womp womp

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women are like animals is the responsibility of the man to put them in order, the jew put the disney princes fantasy in your head goy

This, it's current year. And women is not supposed to be held responsible for their own actions.

Men are like animals too, is the responsibility of the king to put them in order. You misogynist white suprematist nazi.