Do you unironically wish the Nazis had won?

I sure do. Or at least wish they had never began invading and instead led by example/used their economic power to convert other countries.

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No I have a lot of white Jewish friends


You are a racist bigot. I was told to come here by a friend and what i have seen here is terrible. This does not represent me as a human being.

I hope you find your path in life away from a boring homogeneous future.

Yes, killed the jews, tamed the niggers, and stopped communism

Lol no. What a horrible day to day life thatd be. All good things came after ww2 and the spliting of germamy. The only bad thing post ww2 is israel.

Lee Zeldin, I'm looking at you right now, on television, calling people anti-Semitic, Senators Cha...ah, Minister Farakhan, anti-Semitic.

Everybody's anti-Semitic when it comes to talking about you people, who have murdered black people, systematically, enslaved them.

Read "The Secret Relations between Blacks and Jews," by your so-called "Jewish people." >You're occupying the Palestinian region, and you murder people.

You're worse than Hitler. You ARE WORSE than Hitler.

Put this on your speech when you set your ass up in Congress next time, and talk about us giving money to you...MAGGOTS.

And you'se bloodsuckers at the expense of the American people.

Take care of your damn self, and a matter of fact, get the hell out of Israel, and take your own asses back to Europe, Ashkenazi JEW, but you're Jewish, KIND of.

I get sick of you calling people anti-Semitic when they're not. I'm calling you a hater of the people in the Palestinians.

You stop murdering them, and maybe people will look at you like you're decent people. >Right now, you're nothing but animals, and pretending Jews. You know Hitler told you that, right?

And that's why you try and demonize him at every corner that you can.

So get the Hell out of Israel, and Stop. Killing. Children.

And thinking your children are better than any anybody else, you fucking maggots.

Now put that out on television.

You got my phone number, you got zip code.

You come after me, if you want, I don't give a fuck 'cause I hate you people for what you did to others, black people, and I wish Hitler would've done his fucking job.

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Of course. What would be wrong with that? We had no reason to go to war in the first place. His war aims were very limited.

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The world is fucked up cause Hitler was an autist and prior to that the serbs were even more retarded

>white Jewish

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You should write your point using your official language: لغة رسمية في السويد

if only for the based fash aesthetic and a couple hundred million dead communists, yes, yes i do.

>pic related algeria SS

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>all the good things
kill yourself or at least stay on your containment board tranny discord /vg/ degenerate scum

نعم أنا أحب هتلر. هو يا راجل.

It would have been better for modern Europe, but that's too many slavs to sacrifice.


Hitler was sympathizing with Islam. He even had some sandpeople in an SS division. Fuck him.

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islam hates jews too tho

>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
No, it doesn't work like this.

>نعم أنا أحب هتلر. هو يا راجل.

A man after my own heart! Sieg Heil!!!

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i wish they one. If i was around in 1939 i would of left america and enlisted in the SS. hopefully people will wake up and realize Hitler was right.

it was mr kikepuppet who flooded us with truks after ww2 and merkel still does it to this day

eugenics and racial preservation would have saved us from domestication syndrome

civilization would have never degenerated, trannies would have never existed. Architecture would have never fallen this far. Art would still be majestic and a representation of aspirations, not depictions of sin.

Jews would've had their Israel set up in Madagascar. Kept in check, but alive and prosperous, even.

niggers would have been better off too, because no one would have pulled back their dicks from colonialism, only to leave them on their own, with a parting gift of instability and motherfucking communism.

The space race and aeronautic experimentation would have arguably started way earlier, Europe leading the way

Slice of life anime and gay moe shit would've never existed

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Hitler should've won WW2

WW2 defeating Hitler was a mistake the holocaust is a lie and has been proven to be a fraud,

1.5 million kikes died, not 6 million. Defeating communism in russia would be easy since communism is a weak socio political economic system ran by kikes.

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no because nazi's are racist and there is already enough o that in the world

The west would be so much better off rn

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I wish the Kaiserreich won.

Yes, I do.

t. Kurd

they would be living happily ever after in madagascar, I don't see the problem

So you'd literally rather just have Germany become an Islamic nation rather than potentially siding with them in their own nations to stop the Jews..Smart logic Hans

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Hitler fucked up with his Slav autism

>Poland saves the Evrope from muslims
>Poland saves the Evrope from soviets
>Nazis: "kill the poles!".

Hitler and the Nazi were imbeciles, and irreversibly hurt nat-soc and white civilisation with their retarded policy.

If Nat-soc and logic ever has the chances to rise again, g*rms and everyone identifying as """"nazis"""" should be genocided first.

Sprichst du Arabisch, sprich es jetzt!

If you could have shown every Allied soldier what 21st century earth looks like they may have had second thoughts about the whole thing.

Of course. Anyone who disagrees is a Jew or MAGAfag

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I wish they won, we would not have a world run by greed.

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Speaking German is hard so I saying no.

...poland attacked germany, got onehittet and came back with "brüders". its always the same, when hans hit to hard, ausländers come back with brüders, ww2 in the nutshell.

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>...poland attacked germany

I give you the chance to back off before it gets to the "hurr danzig is gaerman cley" point, in which I humiliate you and your pathetic kraut revisionism with facts and send You to another "hutt not g*rman fault" threat.

At least the REAL Germans, one that are extinct now, would not deny attacking and being aggresive. YOU coward faggots just keep repeating: "n-no... hehe.. t-they attacked-first... desu...".

You are a disgrace to your own ancestors and to Mankind as a whole. Go suck a muslim dick, that's all you modern "germans" are good at.

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wow the other 4.5 million kikes will be so relieved to hear that they didn't die, do you want to tell them or shall I?

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As you are not only ameri-mutt, but also a naziboo, I will save my time and instead of giving arguments (which would have been understood by an average Homo sapiens), I will use methods of communication similar to yours.

Pic related.

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>hides flag

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... the pole, starts wars, fuels wars!

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Libtards think NS are Fascist, yet they are not. Fascism is not about anti-semitism or any other kind of racist xenophobia, Hitler was a dumb ass and Mussolini was a traitor. If the Axis won WW2, they would have collapsed in the same way the USSR did.

>Damn I have no counter-arguments!
>I Know!
>Show me your nationality!
>That way I can attack Your nationality instead of countering Your arguments!

Bravo, inbreed! BRAVO!
Next time you might want to learn some of this "verbal tae kwon do" and use it in a fucking DISCUSSION. You wouldn't have to resort to meme posting instead of giving proper arguments.

I could humiliate you and the """german""" half-breeds even more, but You have already proven it's not worth my time.

Go back to crying about how bad California is / how perfect Nazi Europe would be, instead of actually doing something that would profit the Caucasian White Race.

Counter arguments to what? Why would I waste my time debating an Israeli?

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>Go back to crying about how bad California is
Who said I was in California?

>Counter arguments to what?

So now You have problems reading basic english language, or You will deny the existance of a post that was made 5 minutes ago?

>Why would I waste my time debating an Israeli?

>I can't counter his argument!
>Initiate ItMustBeAJew.exe

Pic related. This is You.
Worry not though. You would have a place in Your precious leader's armies: You would have been send in the first line to shield proper human beings from bullets.

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Are your jewish friends too good for Morocco?

What about Poland? That was the Jew capital of the world back then. They deserved to have their shit pushed in.

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Yes. We’d be on other planets by now with teleportation and immortality and antigravity technology by now. He was 100+ years before his time. He was too good for the time in which he lived.

Islam would be harmless dude if the Jews didn’t try to promote that shit everywhere and flood white countries with millions of brown muslims. Islam is not the problem. The Jews are. That’s an alt lite talking point.

No, every single of my posts is pure satire and I am the most harmonic, migrant-supporting, loving person imaginable, officer.