18 year old Christopher Daniel in Scotland was found guilty of sexually abusing a 6 year old girl multiple times following a 3 day trial. The court decided that despite him being guilty he would not receive a conviction, not be registered as a sex offender and would not be punished in any way at all.

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I don't want an 18 year old to get fucked for life over something stupid, but that doesn't seem right.

And now I'm having second thoughts about the rotary club. I had been told they're just nice old people without something better to do.

he's not even getting a fine, not even getting community service, not even being put into some sort of mental health program.

>when you're 18 and anglotrash, they let you do it
>.. grab em by the pussy

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anyone who does something like that should be violently executed and made an example of. There are things where you could say "oh well he did something stupid" but not when it involves harming children.

The worst part is not being put on a sex offenders list or even getting the crime put on his record.

I nailed my car into a wall the other day because apparently there were Jews hiding in the snow trying to get me back for exposing them on Jow Forums and I got a fine for that. You're telling me there's no fine for fondling underaged girls?

meh. I'm too old to find them attractive anymore anyway

His parent are rich, aren't they?

If at 18 you can't already discern things that are right from wrong then you have problems, simple as that.
This whole "people are young they should be allowed to be stupid" is utter bollocks. Apparently parenting and education is done for its own sake or something.

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>His parent are rich, aren't they?
Perhaps the rotary club is actually a hedge fund