What is behind all this anti-Russian propaganda?

what is behind all this anti-Russian propaganda?

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Other urls found in this thread:

russia-insider.com/en/politics/its-time-drop-jew-taboo/ri22186#Hostility to Putin's Russia is largely a Jewish phenomenon

my cock inside your gay faggot OP mouth is behind the propaganda, fag.

I wish russia would invade this disgusting shithole of a country.

we are just returning to the way things were before 9/11. Hating muslims fell out of style and the chinese are bro-tier

muh first woman president

More like pro-russian propaganda designed to make people still believe Russia isn't just a hollow shell of its former power.

Russians were always villains, even in the 90s. The stock villain was always "Evil Russian ultranationalist seizes power and attacks the US to return Mother Russia to glory". The media is lazy and will never let go of their antipathy.

Russia being evil.

Holy fuck that pic trigger me, because literally no military strategist would be retarded enough to try an invasion by taking control of the entire west coast of a continent. I mean they couldn't even hope to cover the border with their occupation force, less so keep control.

Fuck, nothing worse than faggots and propagandist improvising themselves tacticians.

Jews. The khazar hates the rus.

>Installs bugman tier social credit good boy points
>Increasingly repressive and expansionist state more so than Putin fags could dream

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Deep State think tanks like CFR and Tavistock.

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Watch the "The WWI Conspiracy" by corbettreport. You'll see an example of propaganda that partially led to WWI and notice how similar it is to what's happening now. All you do is just spin every single story possible against your targeted enemy.

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Hilarious that it actually depicts the Canadians fighting back. Don't they know that means they lose?

I wonder.

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that game is to analyze players based off their nations to help with predictive programming

I sincerely hope Russia nukes you, and soon.

> implying Russia taking California over is a bad thing
user plz

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Chinese people are just yellow Americans

Russia has been our bad guy for the last 60 years, who is behind all these slide threads

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russia-insider.com/en/politics/its-time-drop-jew-taboo/ri22186#Hostility to Putin's Russia is largely a Jewish phenomenon

well you could also interpret it as portraying Russia still being a major threat when in reality they're like a sick dog that people are looking for an excuse to kick.

Then again im pretty sure its fucking shitty marketing for a shitass phone game probably made in chink land by chinks who didn't want to involve chink land in a game where they could be beaten, thus ROOOSIA is the only other country at odd with the US who could even remotely come within an inch of whats being portrayed in the ad.

Attached: !ohitshappining.jpg (507x499, 48K)

Russian pacific fleet alll but non existenet. Tiny population east of the Urals.

Comical. Would be" racist " if it was the Chinese Red Army/Navy who cost the US 100,000 war dead in Korea, Nam, etc.

That pic would NEVER happen. People know we have more guns than people and will kill the fuck out of any invading force.

Russia has been constantly portrayed as America's greatest enemy in realistic fiction ever since the Cסld War.
This is nothing new.

That map represents the coalition of Commiefornia and Cucknadia's surpise attack against America in the future.

Jews still hold a grudge against Russia for:
1. Annexing Poland
2. Kicking them the fuck out of the Communist country they subsequently created
3. Speaking out against faggot kikery

Everyone knows it China who is infiltrating west coast at the moment. Russia would be using azlan puppets coming in from the south if anything. Gay as fuck.

It should be China.

wasn't there a load on Chinese anchor baby companies snuffed out recently in California somewhere.

Chinese aren't even humans, they're disgusting bug creatures. How the fuck are they bro tier?

>military budget is like 5% of NATO's budget
>Russia invade NATO country
Here we go.
But more laughable scenario was in Home Front, when Best Korea invades Murrica.

The studio should have just abandoned the project and kept their integrity when they cucked to China censoring them.

so where do the chinese jews come in?

just another product that capitalises on the fantasy of a war between the us and russia like cod, news reports and youtube videos

>Canadians fighting back

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If making history has taught me anytging its that america can only be conquefed by landing in new york and cutting off new england.

Then seize boston and philly simultaneously for step 2

Final stage stretch out to DC and detroit. Then thats it its basically game over for america

> single Russian aircraft carrier works

Ww3 is a meme

It's just going to be a new crusade for the holy Land except with divided (Cristian) forces and divided Muslim forces trying to occupy what's left of Israel.

Russia and the US are putting on a big show to head fuck China, which in the long run will crash and in fight before their military deployments can even begin to commence.

China will fragment into a handful of old China commie states with shit power, and new China states that want to be ameria-cucked and posses all the good bits.

>able to invade the west coast

Any ship in vladivostock will sink before leaving port

You are delusional
Russian-Chinese alliance is inevitable

are there any decent strategy games for the phone ?

True, the Russians have half the U.S. population and even California alone has a bigger economy. China has the economic might and metric shit tons of expendable men to throw at the world. They will be hard to stop.

China is a paper tiger as soon as they can’t maintain their artificial growth China will shatter

basically, Putin refuses to bow down and acknowledge the jews as his masters and do the bidding of Israel, just like Assad

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>chinese are bro-tier
fuck off chang

Attached: china in a nutshell.webm (240x320, 1.98M)

>what is behind all this anti-Russian propaganda?
plot twist: it's Russia behind it

>chinese are bro tier
Looks like a californian is dropping in to let us know which sideline he sits on

All rusians show on their tv is ww2 movies and ''documentary's'' about usa how terrible life is there and how every russian misfortune is american doing. Also a lot of alien pseudoscience stuff.

Russia has stricter antisemitism laws then the US, your post is a joke.

It shows fuctional military equipment in Canada, what a fantasy.

israel will start WW3

WW3 will be in middle east

chinese siberia is inevitable, my friend.

Well in the pic BC has fallen. That is predictable since thats where all the hippies and cucks are. But then you reach Alberta which is basically North Texas. Every civilian is armed and itching for conflict, highly industrious and a military base every 100km to 200km or so. It could hold its ground.

Lol no
Rather turkish Berlin than Chinese Siberia
We have nuclear weapons and not a banana country like you

Not ao much. With Trump and Trudeau middle Canada is very seriously talking separation and possibility of joining the states.

And space tigers

>64 player strat
It's a fucking Mobile game isn't it.

>Russia invading the entire north american pacific coast
I think this game took some artistic liberties

if you want to learn more look up Aaron Maté. He has been arguing against Russia Gaters. The russia bs started when Hillary Clinton lost, as a distraction. They didnt want anyone to realize how shit she was, how much people hated the democratic party, or realize the primary was rigged against the only person that would have won the general. So instead of allowing people to figure out hillary robbed america of a different future, they blamed Russia and pulled "evidence" out of their ass ever since.

A mobile video game is propaganda.... okay....

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The Chinese, the real major threat, have paid off Jews to pretend for the public that Russia is the only threat.

Do you believe that?

I think stereotypes of the cold war are still alive and can be exploited in games
That's all


Military-Industrial Complex and Deep State, same as always.

>Russian California
If I was a burger, I'd let them take it.

Chink shill, get the fuck out.

kikes and their chink allies trying to destroy the white race for good with a war between the US and Russia

No way in hell Russia makes it all the way to the Rockies. Not even with tsunami nukes. Get the fuck outta here with that dream.
