What is your opinion on white mexicans?

What is your opinion on white mexicans?

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What is your opinion on dogshit thats spray painted white?

You mean amerilards?

I think they're fat and ugly lol

They stare a lot and it bothers me

My opinion is in all fields.


I have no opinion.
But this little turd looks like an abortion survivor, foetus-faced retard. If you look closely, you can see the marks made by the wire coat hanger - that’s what the tatooa are covering up.

for a long time I just assumed they were regular americans with speech impediments.

That's hilarious... How many times does Italy have to be fucked by niggers before you do something about it? I bet it sucks being considered North Africa...

Mexico is a multi ethnic society like most of north amarica

Most are dirty goblins but some are based and some are white

I am one of those, hello. Ask away I guess

Subhumans, but lil xan is kind of cute, I want to fuck him the ass.

Some of them make good movies

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That’s ireland’s flag retard

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Fuerza Blanco, foo!

why dose he look so fucking retarded ?

Looks red to me... Oh well, Ireland is WAY worse than Italy... At least Italy had to be fucked by niggers to be turned into them...

They can pick tveir side in the race war.

Join the whites and east asians or join the niggers (litterally everyone else)

White what?

Amerimutt abominations need to be GASSED

stop trying to make white mexicans happen.

Pick one.


I thought it was just a sterotype, but you, americans, suck at geography really really bad

There's no such thing, you are a mutt shitskin

You have to go back

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Gay figgits

>not vexillology
>Romania chastising anyone's scholarship on any subject ever
>Romania even knowing the subject

Do you have any opinions on the bochos, senpai or are you just here to do the "lol I'm a stupid Romanian" bit?

never went on that redifag shit

Post body

>Mexican intellectuals

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Sure thing m8

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>white mexicans

"White" latinos need to realize you will never be fully seen as white by actual European descend whites, no matter how light your skin is relative to other goblinos.

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All 17 of them are faggots

South Americans and bootlickers who are Caribbean are probably worse (note this does not imply those who aren't).

same as white argentinians

>If you look closely
Yeah I won’t be doing that. Yikes.

Nice bait have a (you)

Honestly I had a light skinned friend from Ecuador in college who hung out with other light skinned people from her country. The light skinned were smarter than the dumber brown skins in that country and flocked together in elitist fashion. But they are still all dumber than most full bred whites in America. And they kinda know it. They are jealous of anyone with blonde hair and feel stupid with their stupid accent

Literally what?

they are the same thing as white Burgers the only difference is that they speak Spanish

>white mexicans
You mean whites who moved to and lives in Mexico. There are no "white Mexicans".



We are the most powerful race in the world

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i really like having 15% indian blood I think its really cool

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this kid looks like he stares at a TV for like 20 hours a day

white mexican tween boys are fucking hot.

That oxymoron, holy shit.

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what the fuck is a white mexican?

All Based

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>fellow white mexicans larping on this board, what do you think of yourselves?

mostly Spanish descent. You have full blooded natives, natives mixed with slaves, and natives mixed with Spaniard conquistadors, and some almost conqs.

>white mexicans

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Why does he have Anne Frank on his face