>be me
>> Allergic to winter, (i get rash all over my skin when winter comes)
> Learn about The Great Famine of 1695–1697 and The famine of 1866–68
> Learned how people survived 2 years without summer by eating pine bark bread and boiled Lichen
> Find out that the famines coincide with grand solar minimum
> Find out that The black death and the Plague coincide with grand solar minimum
> Evolution happens when earth enters ice age
> There was liquid water on mars but there is no longer
> suspect that man made global warming or climate change is a hoax
> wonder Why they would they lie about it
> Controlled opposition say it is just a ploy to collect carbon taxes
> Well there is much easier ways to screw people out of their moneys then lying about something that people can witness with their own eyes
> lead global warming skeptics knowing that Humans can't change the temperature on earth no matter how hard they try, but they don't tell you that Climate is the result of the globe heating up differently at different areas, The sun is the source of heat so Climate change = change in Sun activity
Co2 is needed for every plant living in this planet and 400 parts per million is not optimal for plant growth
Look at the vegetables at the market today, they are smaller then they used to be just a couple years ago, the plant know that we are headed for a grand solar minimum and hey are gowning smaller to preserve themselves
> Year 2030 the population is back to about a billion people since modern population is just bubble that is ready to burst
> scientist warn people about the coming ice age in the 1970's -> Chine realizes that all the past dynasties have fallen duo to bad growing years they wont make the same mistake again so the deploy one child policy to keep masses from dying to starvation
> China saying that 2000's is going to be the Chinese Century, Chinese people will eat pretty much anything they can get