Why Portugal consider themselves to be White and why should they be in the EU?
>They don't have any famous philosopher, physicist or mathematician
>manlets of Europe
>raped by sandniggers
>their greatest achievement was floating to South America(even a coconut can do it) and subduing stone age people by trading the native cooperation with the Portuguese high-tech like combs and shirts
>it's in their genes the urge to race mix with niggers. Look at the sheer number of Brazilian mulattoes.
>The language that they take so much pride on speaking, reflects the sandnigger genes that were forced on their women. Hundreds of Portuguese words have the prefix "al" that means "the" in sandnigger language, for example.
>are fucking broke
>their traditional women grow mustache like pic related
>Coward genes are strong in the Portuguese. The purest and best bred Portuguese specimens were the Portuguese Royalty and nobility. When Napoleon threatened to invade their country, the whole royal court abandoned their people without a second thought and fled to Brazil. Raising a weapon against their enemies never crossed their minds. The French is known as Surrendermonkeys, but the Portuguese literally fled from their continent, swimming across the ocean to escape from them.
>After some time of the Portuguese royalty feeling comfortable by being in Brazil, they engaged in the Paraguayan War. The Brazilian(Portuguese) Empire forced nigger slaves into the war and the Empire won it. In recognition for the Nigger helping, the best bred Portuguese woman known as Princess Isabel ended nigger slavery in Brazil. In other words, she realized that without the masculine Nigger, the Portuguese coward manlet would have been stomped by Paraguay.
>Europeans that immigrated to Brazil in the early 20th century, noticed the relative Portuguese low IQ. Today, calling someone a "Portuguese" in Brazil is offensive because the word means "dumb" or "idiot".