Nationalists who love america BTFO
Nationalists who love america BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
>making america great again is hateful to all those that hate america and want it to fail
that doublethink is ridiculous.
slide thread
traitors should have their windows smashed
>duh liberals can't force those christians to make gay wedding cakes
>duh liberals can't refuse us magalards, they need to make food for us in their restaurants
How about wearing a burqua? That's still allowed, right?
Dude, this guy is such a cuck that he literally took part of his wife's last name when they got married. Don't even acknowledge him.
>or any other symbol of intolerance of hate
Literally himself
The argument could very easily be applied the other way you dingus
>hating swastika
Look at this bigot, this is a symbol of peace and luck. This small minded individual just offended many difrent races and religions. What a racist twat.
Only if there is a cute, feminine penis underneath. No underwear. I want to see it print and swing a little while it walks.
>We're the tolerant ones. We're the liberal ones.
that's literally discrimination based on political ideology (illegal) archive and report him to the better business bureau
I thought it was legal to discriminate based on political views (even with politics being increasingly race-based).
>be 250 pound solid muscle in maga hat
>make the food lopez
>si senior, si si
What about a sickle and hammer?
>order food
>get food
>put on maga hat
>eat food
>get kicked out before finished
>free food
I am the smartest man alive.
>those are in any way the same
Let me explain something to you, retard. In the case of the wedding cake: the cake itself fundamentally opposed his religious beliefs. He had every right to politely decline them service as he did.
In the case of this literally who on (*(((Twitter))): you do not have the right to discriminate in this case because you aren't having religious beliefs being impeded on by the act of serving. If the rules were reversed, and someone refused service because someone was publically supporting King Nigger, the store would be burned to the ground 5 minutes after CNN heard about it.
Now shut the fuck up and let whites with an IQ over 90 discuss politics
>sit down
>order meal
>eat meal
>whip out MAGA hat
>get thrown out before paying
are you
I would accuse us of being bots, but I know I'm real soooo...
No, just a crazy coincidence.
No that nigger stole my idea.
Like i give a fuck about some wetbackâs restaurant
He has a very popular video on Youtube on how to roast potatoes.
Nigger?!?! Thems fightin' words.
Holy shit the media turned on this guy quick, there's already a bunch of stories about this tweet
This low-t faggot took his wife's name when they got married....Of course he would write some shit like this.
You don't have an IQ over 90, though. It's perfectly legal for a private business to discriminate on the basis of political affiliation. The restaurant owner has every right to refuse service to individuals wearing MAGA hats.
Lol, "I am a Latino defying Trump you guys!" I fell for it.
Taco Jews
He already cucked out. What a fucking loser.
What about faggots wanting a faggot cake?