Did you know that in Poland the police can arrest anyone they believe is merely thinking about committing a crime...

Did you know that in Poland the police can arrest anyone they believe is merely thinking about committing a crime? EG It is not illegal to have a weapon, but if the police think that you have criminal intentions and a weapon you go to jail.

In America if a bunch of youths are hanging out in a dark alley with baseball bats and knives and hoodies waiting to jump someone the police can't arrest them because no crime has been commited yet.

Is this common sense nigger control or a violation of the NAP?

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The polish police have a culture of racism.

On one hand it is unfair to minorities because polish police will arrest them just for crime of being black and appearing as a criminal. On the other hand blacks in Poland are on best behaviour compared to other countries like south africa.

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post the law and your sources.

In most countries if you have cash on you and don't tell the police where you earned it, they can confiscate. Also called extortion.

o rly?

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>nigger control

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Sage the leafbait

you are responsible for your own safety, police are only obligated to investigate your murder.

>Is this common sense nigger control or a violation of the NAP?

It's both. Fuck your NAP and your gay abstract concepts, the West is a dump right now because it's more concerned about arguing and debating ethics while shitskins are raping and murdering in the streets.

"ยง 1. Anyone who has a knife, machete or similarly dangerous object in a public place, and the circumstances of his possession indicate that he intends to use it in order to commit a crime,
shall be subject to arrest, restriction of liberty or a fine not lower than PLN 3,000. "

3000 PLN is like average monthly salary

>In America if a bunch of youths are hanging out in a dark alley with baseball bats

Thats wrong. You cant just walk around with a bat unless ur about to play baseball. American law is more common sense based than youre letting on.

What are the police going to do? Talk to you? Ask you to put the bat away?

That's the difference. In Poland if you cant explain why you have a bat they would arrest you for suspect criminal intentions


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already archived retard

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Yeah, theyll probably talk first but you can get arrested if they have reasonable suspicion. Im surprised you dont know this

arrested for what?

>bat they would arrest you for suspect criminal intentions
same in the USA bucko. If you have a backpack with a crowbar and a skimask in it you go to jail for burglary tools, you arent even asked to explain yourself. Also NAP is a meme, it doesnt exist, lolbtard fantasies.

>culture of racism

is this a meme?

That's not true at all. Everything you say is a lie you fucking leaf.

But if a group of people merely had hoodys and concelead knives, hanging out beside an atm, the police would do nothing.

If a nigger was waiting in an alley with a baseball bat and a hoody the police would not arrest him. If you believe otherwise please tell me what they would charge him with.

It is true. What part is untrue?

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being bl*ck and appearing as a criminal is redundant

I guess theyd charge you for walking around with a fucking club, which is illegal.

The state is a private entity. Public property is state property. Any law they pass is allowed.
Your private property such as land is rented from the state. If the state decides to change ordinance or zoning they can and your fucked.

no its not

Yes it is. Get the fuck off my internet you dipshit.

police in america regularly arrest people for possession of "burglary tools" if they suspect them of breaking into cars or homes
in shitty cities with gangs and non cucked police forces they catalog the gang members and can get permission from a judge to arrest any of them seen together in public

Where im at, you can keep a loaded gun in your car but not a baseball bat. Unless youre driving your kid to little league, its illegal to have a bat on you. Why would you?

>has to edit Swedish army posters
>when his army spreads actual homo propaganda
Nice try jebiewdenko

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