So 3 senior FBI officials (2 of whom are still at the FBI) colluded among themselves, the Clinton Campaign and the DNC to contract out a domestic espionage agenda to Glenn Simpson's Fusion GPS firm where the wife of senior DOJ official Bruce Ohr was employed. If you know the whole backstory to what happened to Trump in 2016, you know he and his family were the targeted victims of a series of 4th amendment related human rights abuses courtesy of the deep state and approved by the Obama WH and Lynch DOJ. It seems the FBI allowed political actors have access to the most sensitive spy tool in our bag: the FISA 702 database collected and maintained by the NSA. The only question left now is:
>How do we get this to the normies?
This is literally the biggest news story of the past 18 years and the MSM is in total blackout mode
Other urls found in this thread:
>colluded among themselves, the Clinton Campaign and the DNC to contract out a domestic espionage agenda to Glenn Simpson's Fusion GPS firm where the wife of senior DOJ official Bruce Ohr was employed. If you know the whole backstory to what happened to Trump in 2016, you know he and his family were the targeted victims of a series of 4th amendment related human rights abuses courtesy of the deep state and approved by the Obama WH and Lynch DOJ
Is that what that says?
>The only question left now is
Ooooh this is satire, nice.
Such a fucking blackout I did not even know about it.
Jesus christ.
Whatever, it is not like we are going to do anything about it anyway.
>This is literally the biggest news story of the past 18 years and the MSM is in total blackout mode.
That is because the job of the MSM is to blackout mode the biggest stories. Worry about the shananigans of the Kardashians, goyim! Nothing to see here.
Why doesn't Trump speak about this?
Why don't the Republicans speak about this?
This and fentanyl seized at border
Forget this shit, we gotta meme learn2 code and downvote Gillette!
The idea that ONLY three rogue FBIdiots are involved is laughable and insulting.
Oh and RBG is dead lol
Oh yeah and nancy pelosi tried to flee the country and got stopped lol
Muh trump is just dumb
Even better! You goys should be posting flyers of the magahat kid saying stand your ground! It will surely own the libs!
My lord some of the people on this website are fucking retarded, and don't know the first thing about political activism.
They are distracted, and swayed way too easily to be on a propaganda machine like this place.
If you fell for any of those three psyops you need to pic related
Them covering up that she is dead, or at best incapable of continuing at the USSC, far surpasses the crossfire hurricane shit as far as treason goes.
It's so vague, it could be anything or anyone
speaking of which has anyone tried to FOIA proof of life?
it rules out comey strzok and page because they were all fired/resigned. But, other than that yea.
LoCk HeR uP
This certainly isn't the biggest story in the past 18 years. The CIA and their WMD iraq claim is way bigger.
I bet Hannity opens with it tonight.
Retired FBI Official? Retired as in fired?
It pisses me off that the media is able to ignore #Spygate into oblivion. Hopefully Trump starts declassifying docs and arresting people soon.
call upon the fbi’s master
Dat memory hole LOL
>It pisses me off that the media is able to ignore #Spygate into oblivion. Hopefully Trump starts declassifying docs and arresting people soon.
Dude the media is ignoring spygate because all the media companies have indictments from Mueller waiting to be unsealed. Tons of journalsits were paid by Fusion GPS to facilitate this fake narrative.
It’s still not exactly clear what this relates to unfortunately. This would be much more massive if they told us which investigation they were specifically referencing. Who knows, most major happenings happen without any of us knowing, this could be no different.
but they won't because it's really really fucking bad
god damn fucking spooks, they're a bunch of rotten faggots, and I pit the patriot agents who must grin and bear their colleagues' insufferable retardation
>ons of journalsits were paid by Fusion GPS to facilitate this fake narrative.
As true as that is, Mueller is not going to expose it. He's not /ourguy/. Sorry to break it to you.
the MSM buries corruption stories, and buries them harder the bigger the corruption is.
all those banking scandals got memoryholed as fuck. leaking the private identity info of millions of americans? who did that not us! and man they even have rumors Eric "Fast & Furious" Holder is going to throw his hat in to the presidential run? A guy who literally got caught doing illegal arms smuggling. Holy shit might as well run Ollie North.
Yes Ali Tweed was trying to assassinate him, Ali Tweeds militia men turned the area into a war zone to keep law enforcement busy while they tried to get him.
Trump went to Saudi Arabia shortly afterwards and spoke to the king there, Then right after Trump left ali Tweed and all his minions where arrested, many hung. I think Ali Tweed is still in jail there?
USA should not have gun free zone BTW. A free country would be to easy to take over without the first and second.
>As true as that is, Mueller is not going to expose it. He's not /ourguy/. Sorry to break it to you.
Yes he is and you're scared shitless right now I can't wait for the real indictments to start being opened by Mueller. God you people make me sick.
Bump this every day until justice!!!!
Q user predicted this.
Mueller would need a presidential pardon otherwise he needs to cover his ass, Mueller is like the rest of the deep state judging from his record.
There is evidence of Mueller being the cover up guy for corruption since before 9/11
>Our guy
Don't think so.
You know how they use CP blackmail to control the deep state?
Ya he's connected, freed many.
>Mueller would need a presidential pardon otherwise he needs to cover his ass, Mueller is like the rest of the deep state judging from his record.
>Reddit spacing
>Assuming you speak for a collective
>concern trolling
Fuck off back to the discord
Covering up the damage inflicted by having a double-agent at your agency for 20 years:
Covering up a huge security breach at a National Laboratory, hot on the heels of 9/11, by blaming (and Endlessly Investigating - where've we seen this before) a completely innocent guy for the 2001 anthrax attacks:
Bingo. Anyone who thinks Mueller is /ourguy/ eats Tide pods.
IDK though.
Trump really really doesn't like child fucker or the people that protect them.
And secret presidential pardons have been a thing sins Bush senior was in office.
Hillary got one from Obama before he left office, "for all crime she may or may not have committed". That is why no one could move on her right away, they had to catch her on new crimes or overturn Obamas pardons.
I think those letter they got at bush senior funeral where letters telling them that Obamas pardons where overturned.
>Covering up a huge security breach at a National Laboratory, hot on the heels of 9/11
It was a government authorized use. They where offing everyone that would expose that 9/11 was an inside job, National enquirer reporter got offed of all people, he had a big story, even his mum go hit.
Then they used the scare on government buildings to clean them out of any documents that could lead to who actually did 9/11.
Mossad likes to show off though, they can't help it.
Stop posting this fake ass pictures that have already been debunked you faggot fucking leaf
triggered shill detected
It’s way bigger than that. Bush was already happy to play the game. Trump isn’t. This is future of the republic type stuff. Iraq and WMD’s was business as usual
Yes yes
Mossad said its not true and they're nor agents even thought the documents say they are in fact mossad agents. There are plenty of reasons for Israeli are students to need 3,000 detonation wire couplers.
He has, plenty of times. So has Dan Bongino and other conservative pundits.
The problem with the entire scenario is that it's unprecedentedly convoluted and complex, like a good noir film. Only real political junkies can keep up.
you know this shit happens all the time right? This is how shit operates, how fucking nu are you?
nor = not
are = art
>pardoned hillary for all crimes she may or may not have committed
how is it possible to extend clemency for crimes of which she wasn't convicted?
What kind of cuck shit are you talking about faggot ass leaf? You're just making shit up like your fake ass county faggot
the idea is to hopefully bring awareness I think. because you know how good Police are at policing themselves, well FBI is no different. They can suspend the staffers with pay for 6 months. In other words send them on vacation on the taxpayers dime.
secret pardon is secret pardon.
Source would be common sense seeing as she didn't vanish until after the letters where handed to her and Trump was in office almost two years by then.
Anyone seen hillary since Christmas?
Ford did it for Nixon if I remember correctly. First I've heard of Clinton getting a blanket pardon from Obongo, I don't believe it.
9/11 was a inside job but when you post retarded crap like this it makes the rest of us look bad.
Yes yes
Mossad said it's not true and they're not agents even though the documents say they are in fact mossad agents. There are plenty of reasons for Israeli art students to need 3,000 detonation wire couplers.
there I corrected the spelling errors to help you out euro meme flaggot.
Nothing here back up what you claim at all. You're just making shit up (actually just repeating shit made up by some fake news site like conservative treehouse or whatever)
FBI user here.
The two FBI officials are Bruce Ohr and Bill Pristap. The IG office is not quite correct when they say retired. The official was fired. Guess who?
You are such a disinfo fucking faggot every last bit of relevant info is in the op
McCabe =DD strzok's boss
We already knew this tho
No you're not shill or else you wouldn't ne kanging around unless you're a fucking glower to boot
FBI practices opsec, they dont say silly shit like this except to hit hard at the truth because it puts them against the grain of policy
>how do we get this to the normies
Keep making threads every day about this until then. Someone will figure something out. Be relentless.
Yep im also an fbianon#metoo.
True patriots domt leak info.
FBI user here.
Can confirm this guy is a shill.
Also the moon is a hologram and hillary Clinton is a lizard that evolved from a Newt and Trump is colluding with the Ugandans
>get it out to the normies
Isn't there a police force of some sort to do that? Oh right.. who arrests FBI agents?
Take your meds.
>every last bit of relevant info is in the op
Yes, and says nothing at all about fusion gps or any of the shit in your post.
>who arrests FBI agents?
The military as of January 1st. But I do believe the investigation was started before the new military trials power and policies took effect, so that would be why the recommendations where handed back to the FBI.
When the final chapter of all of this is written, maybe just maybe the two chief culprits in Russia gate will be revealed. That is the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran. What Clinton official was in bed with the Brotherhood? And what FBI official was in bed with Iran? That trail leads to the truth.
The Democrats and the Clinton Campaign were just keystone Cops in this shitfest.
You must be new here.
Absolutely nothing will happen and I will put my entire life savings no arrests will be made. NOTHING EVER HAPPENS. FUCKING LEARN
>Dude the media is ignoring spygate because all the media companies have indictments from Mueller waiting to be unsealed.
>unironically believing this
>unironically shilling for mueller
you need to go back
>It was a government authorized use.
Yes. I was just trying to fit each thing into one short sentence for easier consumption, so I didn't bother to give details, but you're essentially correct. Carry on, user.
>Five Dancing Israelis bump
Amazing bible study MOTIVATIONAL
Racism debunked, are you an accelerationist ? Wanna see the Vile people defeated?
Live coverage special of the 200th millionth post! God spoke again!!
Sam Hyde Gillete commercial supercut
Jason dalton MKultra uber driver
Top 100 happenings and memory holes of 2018
Get comfy and expand your almond activators
Bellagio Sampler's training is almost complete and his power level is rising rapidly.,..
The Muslim brotherhood is a front for British intelligence, which is a front for American intelligence, which is a friend for Jewish intelligence, you absolute retard. You faggot cuckservative Q-tard trash don't know the first thing about anything. Kill yourself.
The IG has no power to do anything.
FAR, OMB, and CoI policy discrepancies. Well, they'll have to take some extra training next year.
>Muslim Brotherhood and Iran
That would be the very first time, all the documentation I have seen show it as being Britain, Fusion GPS and the DNC. Then what was Britain became Australia (LOL) and then back to being Britain and the DNC.
My money is on six month suspension with pay.
Actually not. The Muslim Brotherhood is a radical Islamic organization with ties to both Iran and the Islamic State. They are quite the group. Yes they have worked with other groups including American intelligence, but they are well a stand along entity. Seems you have some anger issues but that is ok. You should join the CIA they can use folks like you.
Who in the Clinton world and who in the FBI were activated to stop Trump and blame it on the Russians? The Democrats just followed up.
what was with their influence in the Egyptian part of the "arab spring"?
You fuckwits! They are obviously talking about Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
>Reddit spacing
I've never understood why some anons lose their shit when you hit enter at the end of a train of thought. It's like their dicks dropped off or something.
Not going there. But do you now understand a bit more why Trump went ape shit over Iran. And Oboma. Oboma was way too close to the Iranians, also look into Kerry and who his family married into
what are you prepared to discuss?
Not really much to say beside what I have been posting all week. Next week is the shit storm to end all shit storms.
No one really cares because we know the Trump administration will do nothing about it.
here's hoping. God bless
I want to Bream her Shannon if you know what I mean.
NSA user here.
Can confirm THIS guy is a shill.