Half the country floods while the other half burns. Overcapacity dams are releasing water which will destroy houses downstream to save the ones upstream. Meanwhile fish are dying in empty rivers, hydroelectric power generators don't have enough water to run, coastal river cities have water restrictions.
Why is Australia's water infrastructure Africa-tier? How do we fix it?
Australia fails at water management
Are you stupid?
Bring in more refugees
heard the same thing for 30+ years.
nothing will ever change in this country
both party's never do anything for the better
more immigrant scum from Africa year in year out
deny islamic terror
and yeah, they are not gonna fix the water problem either.
Just pump water from the ocean inland you retards
This, it's getting beyond a joke though these days, their insanity and obedience to their Kike overlords over the needs of the Australian people is becoming glaringly obvious.
It’s almost as capitalism is an exploitative system that doesn’t give a damn about longterm environmental damage as long as capital changes hands to make one party wealthier than the other.
its been going on for longer than people care to recognize.
pic related.
wtf you talking about?
take your delusional socialist shit elsewhere.
people like you, bitching and moaning about capitalism =
>latest smart phone (dont worry about the other 20 phones you trashed)
>never use solar power or anything,
>live in the city where everything is "instant" for you.
We need more military aged male "refugee's" from actual war zones, It's not like they're going to have any mental health issues or be prone to violence after having spent their childhood raping and killing. They should be useful in suburbs like Vaucluse and Toorak.
it's a manufactured crisis. they have the means to solve Australia's problems, but they don't want to.
the country is in a worse position than most people realize.
I am considering moving to Oz but I am kinda concerned about stuff like this.
Learned that brisbane had water shortages since it was founded.
Which is worse, the infrastructure or chinks/poos invasion?
Also, as a pretty white pastanigger, would I be considered a foreign ally against chinchongs and poos or just another fuken wog invader?
*laughs in nederdiets.
don't live in inhospitable areas that are prone to natural disasters fag. that's the great thing about america, other than commiefornia and florida its mostly lush and above sea level. and before you ask we killed the indians fair and square and stole their land. its ours and we are full.
you're entire country is going to be underwater in a generation or two. all we are gonna lose is florida and that's not much of a loss.
The shops always have plenty of pure mountain spring bottled water in stock, public water is a joke.
We have a problem like most western nations in that our government implements policies completely unmandated by the voter, embroils us in foreign wars, sign treaties we should have absolutely nothing to do with, like the climate change bullshit, refugee agreements and the like and at the same time only pork barrel infrastructure and important issues at election time. That's if those issues don't interfere with their globalist agreement, if they do they're ignored, like our electrical capacity and water harvesting infrastructure.
Yes you will be a wog but as long as you behave like an Aussie you will fit in.
Infrastructure would do okay without the 40% extra poo chink population burden.
For now you would be an ally but once we get rid of the chinks you'd be back down to greasy wog status.
According to my sources the chinks are multiplying and buying properties everywhere. Also influencing the government and shit like that. I wish they could be removed but I am doubtful.
What''s bizarre to me is that you have shit ton's of solar energy coming in compared to Europe, but photovoltaic's aren't that widespread. My parents have had panels for 8 years and basically pay no bills, with way less sunshine than Australia.
The sea is going to rise by an average of a thousand feet? Are you high?
>What''s bizarre to me is that you have shit ton's of solar energy coming in compared to Europe, but photovoltaic's aren't that widespread.
I thought rooftop panels were pretty common now but anyway the way they make people install them is by offering attractive feed in tariffs and discounts, the cost of these solar schemes is transferred to the purchasers of grid electricity driving those prices up, in other words a complete fucking scam. Here we have the worlds largest reserves of coal, cheap and abundant, so cheap we can sell it to developing nations who consider it cheaper than their own coal. This allowed said developing nations to build massive new coal fired power stations in huge numbers so there industry, that we compete with has cheap abundant electricity. We haven't built a new large power station here in years and most, about 80 percent are operating well past their operation lifespan. Meanwhile you can have all the fucking panels in the world but one cloud will drop your photons to virtually nothing, it's not and never will be an alternative to spinning a generator with steam or water but that's what they're telling us we're getting, solar panels and Elon's batteries.
Everyone's too busy putting out fires without water to bother with solar power.
Plus we already have a lot of coal and coal miners and coal power plants so we're going with that instead.
It's almost like Australia is a continent, and as a big place with diverse geography, it experiences different climate and weather in different places.
They're going to fire up the desal plant in sydney. First time since building it
need more leaky weirs.
Not just that, but there's also apparently gigalitres of water basically going into the ocean up north in Western Australia constantly and they'd rather do nothing and make us drink recycled poo xenoestrogen plastic particulate water instead.
Wow, that's a hell of a bottled water label right there.
Yeah, photovoltaics can't work alone but done properly are a huge help. Here they are financially convenient even without subsidies. Home batteries are still too expensive but in a couple of years they could be used too.
I guess your electricity is still kinda cheap so you need extra fees and shit for panels to be considered.
Isn't half your country a fucking desert? Why would you divert water to the desert?
There's cotton farms in Antarctica?
kys faggot
no u
>Three Gorges Dam
>Various nuclear failure in remote Siberia affecting local native populations
muh capitalisms tho
>based science
Pretty sure what will fix it is 10 million more people from China and the middle east.
>I was born last decade, and I know exactly why everything happens. I can fix it too, if you make me your Lord!
you'll get your chance, just keep learning, dumbass.
But seriously though, cotton farmers are syphoning off way to much water from the murray/darling system. It's absolutely retarded.
>an entire continent is having trouble with water distribution
gee, maybe it's time to slow the population projections and stop importing third-worlders.
Leaf faggot
are emus launching guerrilla campaigns on soft targets?
is it time?
The water from monsoonal rainfall, which is heavy and annual flows north into the gulf of carpentaria from a line at Mt Isa, the rain that falls south of those ranges goes into rivers that feed into the Murray Darling basin. In flood years that water is wasted and what does go into the basin goes out to sea, the idea would be to capture that monsoonal rain and feed the basin constantly from dams stockpiling monsoonal rains.
Thirsty faggot got no water ass lookin faggot
Forgot pic
>posted from an iPhone
St Stephen with a rose
In and outof the garden he goes
Country garden in the wind and rain
Whereever he goes the people all complain.
>seething leaf
At least our water remains in it's useful liquid state you fucking snow monkey.
"Kike" overlords lmfao
blame Capitalism kid.
Who wants immigration more like who benefits from immigration despite its social consequences..the economy.
Whos benefited from letting in all the Chinks to buy houses..the economy and speculators.
When it comes to their own financial interests people don't act rational.
Gif related, that's me with all my water
Oh yeah? Want me to put it between my butt cheeks so it turns back into liquid and you can have a drink on me like AC/DC?
With socialism there would be water just no food
>pic related, me with my water.
Holy shit that was hilarious. I love frankie.
Unironically the fact Australians are bat shit crazy will probably save them.
This leaf is bringing it holy shit
>muh capitalism
You're an enabler of the spic-nig cycle. Violently kys.
nice gif
I'm an optimist, so when I see a cup of water I say the cup is half full.
You're an Australian so when you see a cup of water... Oh wait, you don't! Lmao! Lol!
Please kindly fucking kys in a vat of acid slowly and scream with excorciating pain thank you xoxos
Yeah that flood was kind of amplified by the dam operators absolutely believing in the armageddon global warming theories prescribed for Queensland in that it wasn't going to rain for 1000 years and that every drop in the reservoirs should be held onto. So when they let their dams go into overcapacity and had to release huge amounts of water all at once into already swollen rivers they almost sent Brisbane to Peru.
People shitting on solar are fucking retarded, I live off solar and a few lead acid batteries just fine. So long as you are not living like a fucking American and cranking a/c 24 hours a day, solar is perfectly sufficient. With modern panels, even in a cloudy day I get plenty to cover my domestic usage.
>Tfw no power bills
The best feeling in the world.
>be aussie
>not cranking a/c 24/7
>living like a fucking American and cranking a/c 24 hours a day,
Why the fuck do you need a/c when you are sleeping
Why the fuck do you need a/c when you are driving on a beautiful day and can crank down the windows
Why the fuck do you need a/c on a cloudy day
Air conditioning is unaustralian and having solar enables you to run it for free during the hot part of the day when you actually need it and some batteries let it go for an hour or two after they stop producing until it cools down in the evening.
>be you
>takes things literally, not seriously
Bitch we have trillions of cups of water. Just they're all in Queensland right now instead of where we need them.
>Implying a majority of this country doesn't sleep, drive, work and live their entire lives except for the walk to and from the car in a/c
It's disgusting.
From what I have gathered talking to Australians on Xbox Live there are two kinds. The first kind is a loud mouth idiot who likes to hear themselves talk and seems to live with 20 people, the other kind is a mumble mouthed type who is OK.
If you’re not blaming the liberal party 100% for the murder of millions of fish, you’re taking in the lies of the mainstream media.
The liberal gov has been payed off by cotton growers to allow them to illegally pump millions of tons of water, and then the liberal party BUYS BACK that water with tax payer money in a fucking cesspool of corrupt government circlejerk to make millions and fuck over Australia.
Fuck this countries politicians
The solution is more refugees
Yep, plenty of water and it's all hoarded and/or stolen with a stamp of approval.
>implying its a binary
Why are you yanks so fucking stupid and fat?
ah, I see you have met my pals VIC (faggot angst) and QLD (unintelligible warbling)
we dont get chased around by emus all day
>Sign says 'no swimming'
>Literally cannot swim
How is this a failure? Seems like they accomplished their goal.
That accounts for the fatness, what about the stupidity?
>throw a bunch of white convicts onto a giant island
>it becomes 1 million times better than Africa within a short period of time
Leave aussies alone.
Aussies hate wogs, make no mistake. Don't come here planning to make friends.
I have said this before. Australia is literally a banana republic where the government is bought out by rich people and elite Satanists who just want to milk the country for everything its worth. Politicians just buy votes with welfare and import future voters for themselves while selling off valuable assets and opening the property market to rich foreign investors. We don't have a sustainable economy and our government barely invests in the infrastructure. The plan the way I see it is to stiff the native Anglo population and keep importing poos/chinks who will be content with working with below average wages while taking 40 year mortgages for the smallest, cardboard houses out there and not complain about the crumbling and overburdened infrastructure.
Oh yeah and thats another thing in Australia you have a generally apathetic population (speaking about the Anglos who are hedonists and practically atheist) who go about their day just waiting to drink it and get high off drugs at parties.
While the government has been hijacked by foreign powers like China and crazy eco-terrorists like the Greens.
Australia is the most successful multicultural country in the world. - says every cuck PM since Howard
Depends what sorta wog, blonde haired blue eyed wogs are fine, wogmutts btfo
Have the government decide that things like having access to clean water would be a nice priority and approve the necessary funds to build infrastructure for it. [spoiler]Simple.[/spoiler]