Over 25 years old

>Over 25 years old
>Still working in retail, construction, fast food, waiting or bartending

If you're still working the above jobs, e.g. a shop assistant or waiter, at 25+ then you're a loser.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it, you fucked up in life.

>t. Big 4 auditor

Attached: burger king.jpg (1607x1927, 438K)

what race is he? i see both asian man OR ugly mixed continental

Life is meaningless OP who cares

Attached: jokkkk.jpg (650x396, 32K)

definitely Finnish

This only applies to shit second-world countries like the UK and US where the minimum wage is hardly bearable to live with.

that's a good pleb anyhow we have to see your post loicance

Chinese. It's McDonalds Taiwan/Hong Kong.

Last time it was a big 5 worker, and before that a big 100. Make up your mind

>be me
>be 26
>own my own construction business
>gross $3.4 million alone in 2018
>see this thread
>instantly become a loser

Minimum wage should be barely survivable. How hard is it to bring some food out or press a button on a nozzle of beer behind a bar.

Meanwhile, I'm auditing extremely complicated and deliberately obscure financial statements. I'm literally the bulwark of the entire financial system. Without us, everything would crumble to dust including your pensions. It's only right that I'm remunerated more.

You know what I meant. I obviously meant the person shovelling cement all day in the middle of winter, not a business owner.

I won't sugarcoat it either, you work for a boss and will always work for a boss.

varg has like 7 kids, and unlike you won't be imprisoned and eaten by gangs of cannibals if the power goes out

Its you again!
Enjoy the grind drone

In the modern economy, how many other options are there?
Coming back now, but was gone for 20 years
Good lucking racking up 500k in debt and having to worry about getting AIDS
250k debt and working 80 hours a week
H1B and outsourcing is killing this. Now to mention you're walking into a feminist hell hole.


Attached: 1542144695948.jpg (807x802, 74K)

Sounds like you're a Jew to me bud. At least at heart. Ride that desk to glory fella.

Burger King > Mcdonalds when it comes to burgers.

McDonald’s > Burger King when it comes to chicken nuggets and fries

Fantasy land you’re in the basement living off your parents

im a network technician without me the internet infrastructure would go to shit and you wouldn't be able to shit post here

Great job captain obvious


Useful grunts are necessary - if everyone was a winner then you wouldn’t be so special now would you? :}

man dont judge people for their jobs, by gods grace there go i

Do you want a medal?

Who cares, work is for slaves.
If you don't have your own business, are self employed or have passive income then you're an even bigger loser.

>chicken nuggets

>bragging about being an over-taxed shabbos goyim chattel

Attached: 1523273422017.gif (633x600, 176K)

>big 4 auditor
Wow congrats on being a cyborg button pusher for big banks. Get off Jow Forums and back to crunching numbers. Mr. Shecklesberg said you only have worked 75 hours this week

Man one of my friends was going to SF to code. He got a job at a bar to support himself. He decided to drop out of coding and pursue his real passion, music. Now he just spends his days working the bar into his late 20's and early 30's while trying to make it big with music.

People like this is how Hitler came to power. Classist faggots in their offices think they're better than the little people who do the little things that make the world go round. Hitler acknowledged and glorified the worker and his contributions, saying that we are one people and one nation working to a great future for all.

If this is an attempt to get people to try harder it's pretty shitty.

>Job is a janitor.
>Get shit all the time because I work a low paying job.
>My face when I do other side jobs for cash and sit on a fucking mountain of cash because of wise investments.
>Bitches be thinkin I strugglin but I keep my bills so low that I have plenty left over from work as folding money.

How hard is it to not blow your money on stupid shit.

>Over 25 years old
>>Still working in retail, construction, fast food, waiting or bartending
good thing i was bartending at 25. in fact, year 25 for me was a damn fine year.

To anyone who read OP's post , he's wrong.

100000% percent wrong

Keep doing your thing.

>bar tender
>rich city in Cali
>made $88k total last year (not all tips were reported tho but I kept a log of daily tips and it all added up)

Implying you make more than a union carpenter, you pencil pushing cuck

I worked those shit jobs too but levelled up after university.

My point is those jobs are a good stepping stone, because they do teach some skills and life lessons, but the 30 year olds who work retail/construction etc. the 'lifers' are invariably unambitious, feckless and lets face it, dumb.

>being this salty
It's actually quite simple, even in burgerland. Study hard for a useful degree, find a job. If you don't like your job, find another one.
>H1B and outsourcing is killing this
If your job is taken by a poo, he is just better than you. Offer more.
Better than wageslavery mcdonalds

[This post is not available to EU users under copyright law.]

>Actually implying lawyers can't make that 250k in a year
Fucking retarded 1 post by this ID faggot

I make a little over 100k/yr and work in construction, because it pays so damn well for so little input. Though I'm making moves to start my own thing in a completely unrelated industry. My current job will always be a backup if things don't work out.

Unless your goal is only to do what you love no matter the opportunity cost, what matters is not the industry but the revenue you get. Things that are in high demand pay more. Develop the skills and knowledge to do those things. If someone's offering a million bucks for shoveling a few tons of shit, grab your fucking shovel. White collar, blue collar, doesn't matter. The purpose of working to make money, you can be a pretentious faggot on your own time.

Sometimes I feel everyone pushing the

>University is a scam! Go into trade!

Is just part of the lower 50% in terms of intelligence. If you're even halfway bright and do a good degree (Maths) at a good university (Exeter or UCL) you'll find a nice, comfortable job easily.

The people who don't are people who aren't smart enough to go to good universities for good courses.

you're ultimately just commiting usury which is worse than murder

>27 years old
>make only 55k a year
>low net worth(70k)
>no wife

Who else /failure/ here?

Attached: 1381713188536.png (398x321, 67K)

are you that deloitte peasant from a few days ago?

>It's actually quite simple, even in burgerland. Study hard for a useful degree, find a job. If you don't like your job, find another one.
I don't know what it's like in Australia, faggot. But degrees are mostly useless in America now.
>If your job is taken by a poo, he is just better than you. Offer more.
You really have zero idea how it works.
Google doesn't care how great of a programmer you are or how hard you work. They would rather bring in some H1B pajeet and pay him below minimum wage.
>Better than wageslavery mcdonalds

You’re a fucking joke fella, nobody cares about big 4 audits anymore since they can’t even pick up disasters like carillon or conviviality

The average person can't differentiate propaganda from reality, let alone have self-control.

>Shirt clearly says Burger King

he's fucked if they cut off his welfare though

Clean my piss

>>Actually implying lawyers can't make that 250k in a year
Yeah, maybe if you're a partner at a firm.
Most NYC lawyers make 100k a year.
After taxes and rent they'll clear 55k.
They'll be paying off those loans for 10+ years (assuming they spend and save wisely)

Carillion was a classic case of overextension and cosy partners. Their balance sheets iirc were pretty glaring. Low cash and high receivables is a massive warning sign.


>If you're even halfway bright and do a good degree (Maths) at a good university (Exeter or UCL) you'll find a nice, comfortable job easily.
They import H1Bs for those jobs or outsource the work.
A math degree nowadays can pretty much get you a job as a math teacher.

>55k a year

Buddy you're doing a lot better than majority of Canadians.

But just as a fuck you im making 60k a year doing IT Networking at the age 22

Wendy's >burger king > McDonald's when it comes to burgers


You're better than 99% of 27 year olds.

fake only pussy "lead" burger flippers would feel the need to re-post fag shit like this everyday

Kill yourself

newfag. Hope you become an hero.

Is the US job market really that fucked?

Big 4 Auditor? Enjoy your 60 hour work weeks of hell for shit pay.

If you can climb that ladder to partner, by all means congrats... But somewhere along the way you're going to run into a few dickhead managers, senior managers, or partners/principals that just don't like you.

Big 4 is a Pyramid scheme, only so many can make it up to the top. I would know, I've been with Deloitte and KPMG.

I drive a big rig and pull 135k a year and dont have to see a single fucking leftist twat tell me shit or dress in fucking suit or button up gay drab and deal with NPC Zuckerberg looking MF's all day. House and car paid off and I'll be retired by 45

i dont want a medal but there has to be people doing all sorts of jobs to make everything around you work
if everyone was an auditor you probably wouldn't have a job

Look closer

look at the m on the drink and the chink runes you dumb fucking retard americano

If you are any and work at the right spot you can make make pretty good money in those, except for fast food.

Waiters and bar tenders at high end establishments can make more than enough to live comfortably on.

Construction comapnies often pay for schooling to allow you to move into the office jobs. A construction PM (or sup) for a good contractor can make good money.

Also seriously hope somebody audits the big four but just goes to show they are too powerful and the government sucks corporate cock

>hotel general manager
>run large resort in large tourist area
>make only ~250 a year not including quarterly and annual bonuses
>mfw worst guests are niggers
>mfw I have no face because niggers stole it like every amenity in their rooms
>frequently double charge niggers "on accident" to watch them chimp out over a couple hundred bucks

No shit, that's why everyone gets out after getting their qualification (2-3 years) to get those $100,000+ salaries.

How many 28 year olds do you know on $100,000 a year? Not many im sure.

I'm unemployed and have no skills, who /doomed/ here?

Attached: 1544075984693.jpg (867x881, 262K)

knew a former deloitte auditor who came over to my investment firm, he said that job sucked ass and was shit pay with no perks whatsoever

>britbong makes retarded post

Depends on how and where you work. I worked a few years as a waiter on a cruise ship and lived like a king when i came back home.

>I don't know what it's like in Australia, faggot. But degrees are mostly useless in America now.
It works here like everywhere else. A degree in ancient Samoan history is useless. A degree in law or STEM is not.
>You really have zero idea how it works
Yes I do. Like all organisations, Google are required to pay a minimum wage, and their sponsored employees are compensated well over that. Same goes for practically all tech companies in the developed world.

I'm afraid it's you who has no idea.

no one fucking cares about your job.

if your bragging on Jow Forums and your actually succesful, then it is you who are the loser.

imagine working a fucking office job, same four walls and a computer from 9-5. You and your ilk would perish if shtf

Learn to finesse people, you can get pretty far in life with minimal credentials my man

>Is the US job market really that fucked?
That's why Trump won.
You have no idea.
Since 1990 it's been fucked
>Outsource as many jobs as humanly possible (manufacturing, call centers, programming, they even outsource paralegal paperwork nowadays)
>Bring in as many H1B visas as possible (programming, low level tech jobs, engineers, medical techs)
>Import illegal immigrant to take over blue collar jobs (fast food, restaurants, construction, farmer workers)
Literally all that's left are teachers, some constructions, police/fire/sanitation
Becoming a doctor or lawyer = 500k debt + 80 hr work weeks

why do you guy care about race so much

Oh you're one of those people that thinks their job defines them so they spend their life working only to realize on their death bed that no one ever really cared. Butcher here op i get to cut steaks for a living and get to choose the best piece of meat for my dinner. Plus i get to have fun in an all male department. Can you say you have fun at your job?

I shouldn't say this but it physically grosses me out to see people older than early 20s working shitty service jobs. Especially when they're serving me food -- I assume they're filthy, disgusting, mental issues, narcotic addictions ... and have likely given up on aspirations and dreams ://

>>make only ~250 a year not including quarterly and annual bonuses
Good for you, bro
>frequently double charge niggers "on accident" to watch them chimp out over a couple hundred bucks

you made this post a few weeks ago lame boi

I work in tax fields, and it wasn't too bad. It depends on where you go. Auditing sucks ass all the time though.

For me I was almost in a quasi consulting practice for tax systems. It was more technical and depended a lot on the client providing us with data. If client is slow, then we're slow (Not working 60 hour weeks).

That 60 hour week audit shit will drain you. FUCKING FAST. And it's all just stupid shit.

I’m an electrician and make 90k a year. Thanks for your opinion tho faggot

>If you're still working the above jobs, e.g. a shop assistant or waiter, at 25+ then you're a loser.
>I'm not going to sugarcoat it, you fucked up in life.

Some people are happy with their life choices....

Others just post on Jow Forums

My sister will start an internship at Deloitte this summer, what should I warn her about?

why the fuck are you such a downer man that dude may have fucked circumstances outside his control like let him mcfucking eat

>knew a former deloitte auditor who came over to my investment firm

That's the plan of 90% of Big 4 auditors. Do your 2-3 years, get your qualifications and then go into industry, banking, investment, consulting, whatever. The ACA, ACCA and CPA are incredibly prized qualifications in a huge range of industries and once you get it you're looking at salaries ranging from £100,000 a year to £10,000,000 a year. There's really no upper limit.

i work union construction for $45/hour. it's a low a status job but i don't really care. i'm content with the money i make and i stay fit with it.

p.s. big 4 accounting stuff is the literal sweatshop work of the financial world, and is nothing to really brag about

>omg everyone else should suffer because i'm a nerd

Get fucked cunt

bartending is for terminally unmotivated low IQ idiots. while your peers establish careers, pensions, fringe benefits you're slanging drinks til 3AM in a dead-end job

There is more than you realize... and plenty of those $100k+ jobs aren't that much better depending on the industry..

Also most don't make $100k after 2-3 years (presuming you joined straight out of college). Typical starting pay is $50-65k with variable raises of 6-10% depending on how big of a pool your group gets.

I have nothing to say to that except red meat is a serious health hazard. It's delicious but incredibly bad for you and the sooner people know about it the better.

I eat chicken or fish, with the odd lamb or beef only once a month.

Should be replaced with unskilled labor. It's probably one of the easiest industries where you can become a business owner by the age of 25.

>being union


>t. Big 4 auditor
So what, you tow trucks or something? Listen, you caught me at a good time. I'm about to buy a house, and I figure I could use a pool cleaner. Hit me up if you're interested, Nigel.
Probably all the dick-sucking she'll have to do. (That wasn't a metaphor.)

Attached: acc.png (1262x507, 61K)

>being anti union
lick more boots, cuck

>A degree in law or STEM is not.
As I said law degree = 250k debt + 80 hr work week.
STEM is now a meme because they have so many H1B visas. 20 years ago a non Dr. STEM grad make $80k. Now they make 60k.
> Google are required to pay a minimum wage, and their sponsored employees are compensated well over that. Same goes for practically all tech companies in the developed world.
Ok, so Google is paying minimum wage. No college graduate is going to work minimum wage for Google. They will look elsewhere. We're competing with minimum wage slave labor.
Stop being such a globalist faggot.