Do you support Cory Booker for president?

Do you support Cory Booker for president?

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Nah I support Tulsi.

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No. What a fucking clown.

Cory in the house

It's His Turn

I'm registering as a Democrat just to vote for the shittiest DNC candidate in the Primary.

He is literally couch Hines from madTV
Prove me wrong

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It's a prime year for strategic voting in primaries considering Trump likely won't have a challenger, a bunch of states are considering not even having a rep primary.

Yes. It's Booker time baby!

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Can we convince Democrats to write in AOC? That'd be hilarious.

I'm not even sure that a write in campaign wont start on it's own as some sort of impotent sign of progress or some shit.

>all those gay assault cases that will appear

No. we already had one stupid gay black man as President.

Fucking egg headed nigger. Hahahaha damn his appearance itself is amusing. He can play Spartacus while chucking a spear in 2020

I support civil war if any fucking commie gets in.

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Bitch nigga what do you think?

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Who the funk is this?

this faggot better not even come close to that position of power

>supporting a democrat
>supporting a nigger
You make me laugh, OP.

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Every time I see Monkey Booker he is literally chimping out, screaming, foaming at the mouth, and jumping up and down on top of the table like a damn baboon. Man tantrums are very unattractive and this ape like douchebag makes a public spectacle of himself every time a cameras pointed at him.


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I support his run for the many embarrassments sure to follow.

Wasn't one incompetent faggot nigger enough?