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What is Jow Forums's opinion on sam harris?
Caleb Scott
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Christian Parker
Honest bloke. Fair play to him.
Asher Walker
Colton Williams
What does OP think of his shitty life with his shitty job where he shills on Jow Forums to make money?
Isaac Wright
Superficial priest of Scienceism who ignores science he doesn't like. Also sage.
Lincoln Gray
He's made some very good points on AI.
Trying to wake people to the danger.
Alas no one fucking listens...
apart from that i dont know much about him
Connor Murphy
What science does he ignore?
Ryan Green
Looks 100% Juden
Parker Wilson
At first, before I was red-pilled, I quite liked Letter to a Christian Nation, until I realized he would never write a Letter to a Muslim Caliphate or a Letter to a Jewish Ethnostate.
Fuck the gay kike.
Ryan Baker
Connor Mitchell
Yea but Evangelical Christians are the worst
Hudson Young
>Chomsky-style propaganda spook + do drugs kids
Fuck him
Adrian Parker
>white evangelicals are worse than jewish atheists
This is Jow Forums for ya
Leo Parker
Yea, Evangelical shit heads are brainwashed and vote republican even though republicans are the anti Christ party and exploit the working class
Brandon Rodriguez
Intellectual heavyweight. Men with far more rational ideologies have lost debates to him.
Camden Morgan
does anyone have the video where he gets BTFO and starts to sweat by william lane craig? I don't even like Craig but I always get a kick out of that video.
Evan Williams
oh look the commi sides with the jewish Sam "We need one world government" Harris. color me shocked.
Charles Sullivan
yes be specific user
other wise you just sound like a whining bitch
Jason Fisher
Based and redpilled. I loved him in Zoolander
Blake Torres
Zionist shill posing as a "freethinker". Anyone who still takes him seriously is an NPC and a tard.
Connor Evans
Very intelligent, but showed himself to be a two faced snake during the US election. Went from being my prime influence to they guy that pushed me over the line.
Jonathan Wright
The spiritual leader of atheism (literally)
Harris will be remembered as a visionary far ahead of his time with his views on science and morality. Our great grand children will be known as Harrisons, the modern day humanist.
Nolan Davis
Dont like him. Watched a little of his Peterson debates and thought he was either being willfully stupid or just insincere. Frames god very narrowly and refuses to engage with theological questions outside his simplistic caricature of them. But why wouldn't he? hes built his fortune on being Mr. big time atheist, so he has every reason never to give an inch lest he lose his following.
Wyatt Ward
kinda long but surgical takedown of Harris' "Why I Don't Criticize Israel."
Leo Brooks
Petershit lost both of those debates btw
Angel Ramirez
>Harris' "Why I Don't Criticize Israel."
Ok added Harris to the zionist scum list
Jeremiah Nelson
ultra low IQ eceleb faggot
PhD in fake field
most likely a kike also