I don't get it, is this movie supposed to make Hitler look bad or turn you into a leftist? It just does the opposite

I don't get it, is this movie supposed to make Hitler look bad or turn you into a leftist? It just does the opposite.

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where do i find this?

>supposed to
That's Jow Forums's problem with at least 70% of media

I think the original intention was for it to be anti hitler but they did a really terrible job of it and ended up making him look human and correct on most issues. Your programming is just expected to kick in and be repulsed because "MOUSTACHE MAN BAD"

what is death of the author
You can take anything thats leftist and interpret it your OWn way. Leftsist may chimpout and claim that that is not the right interpretation but they don't hold the master key of Art interpretation so they can fuck off

Netflix, i'm surprised it's there

nah fuk that I am not paying those assholes

What is the movie called?

The movie in English is "guess who's back?"

The best line is when a camp survivor confronts him and hitler says he's very sorry all those people starved when the allies bombed the supply lines.

Or look who's back.

Thanks user

Graci Seniore

Look who's back

>shoots dog
I swear they added that just because they realised that he was way too likable.

It's always weird to me that portrayals of Hitler in film never seem to look like him. The only reason he looks recognizable to us is because his image has been used and invoked through pop culture. In reality he was a pretty nondescript guy.

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like i said before Death of the Author..

Hitler was a modest, animal loving, science hating man of the 60s. He was average on every front, but he did fact take control over Germany during the term of Germany getting fucked decade after decade. Now that Germany is out of the game they're no longer fucked, but cucked.

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he was handsome

You're high G

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Good movie. I have it on disk. I had to learn enough german to make my way through the menus to find the english subtitles.

As if he would ever kill a dog in cold blood. They don't know shit about Adolf.

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Years ago there was an actor named Bobby Watson. He had a so-so career, never getting too many parts. When the war started, someone noticed that he looked a lot like Hitler.

From that point on, he was the go-to guy to play hitler in various films (many comedies). He wound up playing him in at least 10 different movies


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>I will protect you from the bombs
>they didnt die in the bombings you gassed them all
kino moment right there
also the meta ending


It's purpose was to laugh away at rational thought process and solutions and show a population can be tricked through political comedy and media coverage basically exposes how the left has operated since forever and is ironically the same way Jow Forums operates but in reverse .
Basically dont take rational thought process seriously and ridicule it until it becomes pop culture and repeated. .think of it like this "they took our jobs" says the red neck making sure to only pin this stupid racist backward character within the media meme instead of showing a clean cut factory worker who actually lost his job because illegal immigrants are cheaper for the factory owner wich is another aspect to the story in regards of being competitive on the market plus more profits but common joe isn't allowed to think this far because it's just comedy bro and we all know who really complains about loosing there jobs they aren't socially liked amrite .. guess what was just overcome and ignored through this process = the fact that they literally did take there jobs but the factory owner and cheap illegal workers are entirely ignored.
That's how long term media memeing works my friend it can pin a character be it loved or hated to any subject it chooses to.

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>tfw you remember which side won

Stopped watching TV years ago.
It's all just become detached bullshit.

meant in response to

The (((people))) that made it made a miscalculation. You don't see it until you watch the whole movie up to the ending but the message was supposed to be like,
>You see Germans, even today, after you've cucked yourselves so fantastically, if Hitler came back you would follow him. YOU WILL NEVER ESCAPE THIS CURSE FOR DARING TO DEFY THE CHOSENITES GOYIM!!
The idea being to guilt trip them even more into providing more shekels to HWOLOCWUAAST survivors and do whatever Jews want even more.

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The same thing occured 'Tropa de Elite/ Elite Squad' in Brazil.
The leftists created a movie to paint the police in a bad manner, then turns that people liked those cops in the movie that looked badass and beat 'muh opressed thugs' up.
Leftists are so out-of-touch with reality that they eventually SHOOT their own feet bigly.

no no and no.

its a fucking comedy.

"Look Who's Back"

it's why they're not letting people put nazis or swastikas in movies in the last 5 years since Jow Forums apparently took over the world. they think we say "wow cool desu senpai" every time we see a nazi, even if they're over the top evil villain caricatures. and they're not wrong.

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I'm astonished by the amount of people who can't see it. "Hitler" in the movie is not Hitler that died, but it is a symbol for the idea...

"I will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right"

Watch it again, all of you. However, this time look at Hiler not as a person, but the ideas that he represented.

Think about it:
- He was suddenly reborn among children playing (symbolises the youth that is more and more "woke" when it comes to (((them))))
- Journalist finds him and thinks it's one big joke. Look at Jow Forums: "we're just LARPers, hahaha". Everyone knows it's been serious for a while. The same way HItler in the movie was never a joke from the beginning.
- He is not only charismatic and able to speak truth in a studio full of people who are used to useless "comedy", but wherever he goes people always find truth in him (while they think he is some actor)
- The Hitler in the movie is not based on the real Hitler rather the modern NatSoc ideologies. This can be seen on many occasions for instance: he kills a dog, because it was too aggressive. I don't know whether or not real Hitler would have done so, but he was known as a lover of animals.
Another example: in one scene he admires the beauty of nature right before he litters (shows millenial/zoomer knowledge of environmentalism without applying it)

-It is very clear this movie does nothing but show the people what is. It' in the style of a documentary and an honest one at that. It shows both lovers and haters of this modern resurgence of the NatSoc ideology.

This is also confirmed at the end of the movie where the guy who found Hitler tries to kill him. He does (shooting Hitler of a building). But the he appears right behind him telling him HItler is "in them".

Last line of the movie right after a montage of right-wing/anti-immigration protests:

"Damit kann mir arbeiten."

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Derek Would've been ok if he learned something about diplomacy in prison I understand hating niggers is one thing but when you locked 24/7 its ok to be diplomatic and do some dirty buinses s with them. But Derek wanted to fuck up the whole entire racial politics in prison

Death of the Author Abo I believe its a message that Hitler did nothing wrong.

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Kinda like how American History X was supposed to make skinhead nazi Edward Norton look bad and reformed anti-racist Edward Norton look good. The movie did the opposite.

>but when you locked 24/7
>and do some dirty buinses s with them
That sounds … like a really fucking bad and gay idea. How is your anus now ? All healed up ?

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