[I hope] the country will be taken over by the military—they'll close down all the synagogues, arrest all the Jews...

>[I hope] the country will be taken over by the military—they'll close down all the synagogues, arrest all the Jews, execute hundreds of thousands of Jewish ringleaders.
What did Bobby Fischer mean by this?

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-76052-0335,_Schacholympiade,_Tal_(UdSSR)_gegen_Fischer_(USA)_Crop.jpg (363x303, 53K)

He was redpilled as fuck.

The kikes tried to slander him by claiming he was part jew.

I think he's pretty naive about how our military works. It works for ZOG.

Imagine what hell it must have been. He could see an endgame coming 25 moves away. Now he could see the (((plan))) unfolding and knows where it leads, but because he is the only one who can, nobody will listen to him.

That's what happening in Brazil.

But most people here don't know about the Jew.

They want the military-army to take down the "communists" and "globalists".

Most Brazilians think the problem is "the Left" and "the media"

But it's exactly the same situation.

Attached: brasileiros.jpg (760x433, 265K)

The military was one of the last holdouts trying to counter the jewish takeover during the Cold War. The military knew jews were soviet sympathizers, but it was hard to deal with them due to the 'nazi' fascist card being played ... as it is now.

I guess Bobby would rather a military takeover than what has come to pass since his death. He literally moved to Asia because he couldn't be around jews....even though he was a jew himself. One of those guys who is so smart, they teeter into crazy

>The kikes tried to slander him by claiming he was part jew
He was a jew. He didn't accept that heritage, though, and clearly understood jewry for what it was.

Maybe if he didn't give a fuck it would help.

Monkeys aren't well known for their strategic thinking.

He was racially jewish you idiot but not religiously

Maybe the bell curve works for Jews too. On the far end of the spectrum, some can be redpilled.

Attached: fischer.jpg (850x400, 71K)

Stop believing IQ is morality.

I didn't refer to IQ. I mean a redpill type bell curve

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The only "monkey" here is you, retard.

Attached: Brazilian_kelly_key_e_karina_bacchi.jpg (1200x676, 178K)

>He was a jew.
You can't be a Jew unless you self-identify as a Jew. Even then that would make you a fake Jew because Jews are not a race or a people you dumb burger.

Attached: Jews not a race.png (772x685, 94K)

The average IQ is 85 points, so only half of the population surpass chimpanzee levels of intelligence.

Nothing to do with monkey either.

Attached: Brazil_Navy.jpg (770x400, 44K)

He was too redpilled for his time and age.

He was a pedophile and a faggot. He said some redpilled stuff being very self-aware of what a Jew is and his disgusting nature but he will never not be a Jew and his degeneracy is proof of that.

He wasn't any of those things. Fischer was a great man. A warrior, with a childlike soul. Able to see pretty much everything with exceptional clarity, and remember, this is before the internet. He redpilled himself.