Dems Are Handing Trump The Election failing to admit that they screwed Bernie last time and thus indicating they are going to screw Bernie again. How does it feel pol to know your main guy is going to get another 4 years to make america great again because the democrats are actually inbred morons on par with the Habsburgs of yore.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Dems Are Handing Trump The Election
just like they did in 2016.
have you not figured out how it works yet?
none of it's real, op.

Bernie was a fuckup nobody wanted. Fucking laughing my ass off at that kike crying on national television like a bitch.

Pretty good desu

Attached: wojak happy.jpg (1000x872, 61K)

of course it is real. it is really designed to maintain the status quo for the donor class. that is all that matters.

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not only did we want him but all polling showed he would have beaten Trump in the general election

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honestly trump user I am glad someone can be happy about this. because the democrats themselves certainly arent happy. and the commies like me who get screwed by both parties are never happy. but at least the anons on pol can be happy. because I may disagree with them but at least they are laughing their ass off at all this.

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Need more footage from this. Also remember a bandaid in his head.
It was incredible how fake the whole thing was. There was genuine enthusiasm for Bernie and absolutely nothing viable for Hillary at. all. To some he was hope and she was utter disappointment. His ideals we're a bit pie in the sky but people were rallying behind that. I don't remember any genuine enthusiasm for Hillary at all. The system was hugely rigged against her. The caucuses and super delegates are such imbalanced ideas; just an absurd way of voting. They were taken advantage of to force that cunt forward when many others rooted for the other guy.

And Trump had zero. Whooped your ass. Lol

Nero a best!!!

what the fuck is this face trying to convey

The same polls that universally showed a Clinton win as well?

Warren's policies are the same, Bernie should just drop out and endorse her for maximum chance, he's too old anyways.

Which discord are we using today? I wonder if this thread will even make it 100 posts before kikesquad OP deletes it?

It's trying to convey: "I had to kowtow to this horrible bitch who rigged the primary against me and I still can't complain or even acknowledge what she has done because then all the traditional leftist powers in the media and government will crucify me"

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This. What a fucking clown.

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Trump can't and the Republican party needs to die. They are in the way of white self-determination. They need to fuck off.

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hi user, OP here, I am a poster on /a/ and /vg/ but I never posted on Jow Forums until today because I just never had the interest. Can you explain the "kikesquad" meme to me?

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Habsburgs at least opposed freemasonry.

The Habsburgs also opposed best guy Pier Gerlofs Donia and see where that got them.

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It boggles my mind how the democrats can be this stupid. The only possible explanation at this point is that their sole focus is appeasing the donor class. It's just beyond redemption.

You are right.

This is why we need to support Tulsi Gabbard or even better: AOC
Have you seen how triggered and obsessed all these Neocon Jews are regarding AOC?
I can't tell if they're actually scared of her or if they just see an easy target for their own publicity like Ben Shapiro who i believe isn't scared of her but it gives more Shekels than if he would focus on Kamala Harris

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Also just think about how much dirt the Clintons have on other members of the party.

Do you honestly think the DWS of the world are going to let Gabbard or Harris get elected?

I am not even a Trump supporter. I am a Jew and a commie and a leftist. But it blows my mind that Jews in my parents generation are so naive that they dont think the clintons have had lots of people killed. I dont know if it is willful stupidity or just getting set in their ways, or both, but there is some disconnect there.

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Of course not, which is why Trump supporters should support her, not only because the Dem establishment would lose their shit, but also because i want to see all the Dailywire, National Review, Commentary Neocons go absolutely nuts and see Ben Shapiro turn from 10 tweets about AOC a day to 50 tweets about AOC a day
>pic unrelated

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This was when I started questioning him when I was a cuck. I glad he did it. Put me on the path to many many redpills.

Does pol believe in pizzagate?

Nah, just like QAnon that's more of a Boomer thing
Does Jow Forums believe some weird degenerate shit goes on there? Yea
Does Jow Forums believe Podesta and friendsis hiding some degenerate shit he engages in? Yea
That's about it

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Jow Forums doesn't want to hear about reality. They're too stupid to realize that a man that is the literal epitome of the establishment is simply telling them what they want to here. And they'll only read this post with the cognitive dissonance that tells them im just a trump hater. It's the biggest phyop of our age and the tragic irony is that those who recognize history is just a series of phyops are the ones falling for it. I have a feeling (((they've))) done this exact thing with civilizations in the past.

I mean as a commie leftwing Bernie supporter I totally believe that Billary had lots of people killed. I mean what about that guy who served the DNC of a lawsuit and was found dead of a random mysterious overdose? I guess the truth will come out someday.

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yeah the rust belt is dying to vote for a geriatric socialist

you can hate on the commies but we are legion and we are going to replace the obsolete leftists at the DNC someday/

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For a second I was fearful that the Dems would try to temper their bat shit insanity, but thankfully they are openly doubling down on the cray-cray.

>this pic
how do you feel about leftists in the CURRENT_YEAR shilling for mega corporations as long as they emptily "support" some progressive social issue, and at the same shitting on workers based on their non-college education, while most young leftists are victims of capitalist student loan scheme?
you trade baking a faggot cake for allowing corporations to get even more control over your everyday life, especially considering how much is it related to the internet and how leftists defend straight up censorship.
not to mention supporting/voting for people who started the whole syrian shitfest.

the "workers rights first" left no longer exists. it's now all anti-workers, anti-white, and progressiveness for the sake of progressiveness (even if it only fucks everyone over in the end)

If it means anything user I don't really care about the economic system, I'd just like my children to grow up in a white nation. I'd fully support National Bolshevism if it was on the ballot.

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Exterminate communist agitators with extreme prejudice.

Doesn't help that every establishment clown is throwing their hat in the ring. Dem primaries are going to be a bigger shitshow than the Repub ones were.

achtung kikesquad

am curious your response to the /pole/ack

Same polls had Kasich beating burnoid and Hillary... completely meaningless

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I dunno what to say. He pretty much summed up the stupidity of the American left especially with Syria. It blows my mind how leftists act like the US is totally innocent in regards ti Syria and Ukraine

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>believing polls
>current year
Aww you're cute. Time for bed though, kiddo!

It sucks for lefties with an echonomical focus autistically have to drag the whole international revolution ball and chain along with theme everywhere their thoughts go. Can't you fucking muppets get pilled on race realism and tribalism and align your quest for equality with the fundamentals of fucking human nature?

Nope. Faggotry, white genocide and mud nirvana under the hammer and sickle or nothing. Fuck your people. Fuck reality.

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>No refunds!

He had nothing to cry about. The supporters of his warped ideology just bought him another house and a really nice car. He was the ONLY candidate that had a chance in hell of beating Trump, and I really think he would have. The democrats were just too stuck up to take a guaranteed loss vs an independent commie, and in doing so they lost totally. In the last 2-3 years they have tried to reinvent themselves, and somehow in the process have alienated normal people to their new tricks of gun grabbing, baby killing and Israel hating. The Israel thing is an interesting angle, and they are more hateful openly than the evil republicans ever were about that. In addition they are dealing with a 5 star troll of a POTUS who somehow brings out the worst in them. It is all entertaining watching them lose.


It is imperative that no matter what happens that we are organized and still fight. I want to see them crushed, and I want to see some of their new bullshit laws (Colorado and California) give their electoral votes to the popular vote winner....and I would giggle when they are stuck giving them to Trump. Oh how I would laugh watching that blow up in their face.

>The only possible explanation at this point is that their sole focus is appeasing the donor class.

I think you're behind the times.

After the primary loss against Obama and all the shit that went on during that campaign the DNC were reluctant to take Hillary on as a nominee in 2016, but then she turned up with a fucking shitload of cash and Bernie was nowhere near, so the DNC sold it's soul to Hillary for the money.

Since then they've tried to clean house, not just to prevent yet another Hillary disaster, but to prevent the same polarisation over funding.

I still doubt that Bernie would have won, but the campaign would have been a lot more balanced than the train wreck that Hillary ran.

I know that Hillary is still running some hidden "exploratories" and PR fronts to allow her to step into a nomination race, but I doubt that anyone would be foolish enough to let her run again, even if they stuffed their mouths with gold.

They don't need money, they need power. They need someone electable.

Can't see that in any of the current rabble (Fauxcahontas, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, even Bernie again), some jokers were even suggesting the clueless AO-C.

Fuck no.

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>have like 30 candidates
>all get between 1 to 10% of the vote
>superdelegates get to decided who wins yet again

I might actually be inclined to agree with you if I had any idea what the fuck you were on about.

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Daily reminder that Hillary would have confirmed the TPP.

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If the DNC is willing to admit their mistakes then why do they keep going off about wikileaks being evil for showing off their actual corruption?

Sandy From The Block is retarded and needs no help from us. Let her story play out and I guarantee we’ll come out just fine.

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lmao kys shill kraut kike

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>If the DNC is willing to admit their mistakes

I don't think they are willing to admit their mistakes. Just because they have purged some of the more egregious Hilldawg supporters and placemen / women doesn't mean anything more than they are cleaning house to prevent her forcing another fucked-up run at the Whitehouse.

She was bad enough last time around, they don't want her fucking them over AGAIN!

Having said that, they have no clear candidates for 2020. The dross that have been identified thus far are pretty appalling bunch of identitarians and leftists (Bloomberg excepted).

Joe Biden has a good middle-of-the-road record, but he's just too old, too white, too male and too fucking weird.

If it's left up to the superdelegates then it's going to be Hilldawg vs Bernie all over again.

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Jewish rage

MFW Bernie is actually Radagast the Brown.

>Winning general

Bernie had no chance against DJT. He would not have ran six months of media propaganda setting up Trump as a nig-hating groper. Bernie’s policy proposals are very popular with 30% of the population but everyone else is smart enough to know better and would not buy in. Hilldawg’s corruption is the only thing that made the race appear close on paper. Trump’s base is 60% of the population.

>Trump’s base is 60% of the population.
>Hillary massively unpopular outside coastal US
>Failed to secure popular vote

Seriously user, explain that, because I can't.

Attached: Polls show Hillary Clinton has a 92 percent chance of winning.jpg (563x768, 81K)

I realize you’re a gullible inbred kike so I understand your confusion.

Subtract obvious regional anomalies in vote tally’s that, combined with evidence, are nearly certain indicators of fraud. Second, have basic knowledge of electoral college and think like a strategic voter. Trump voters in blow-out states have no reason to vote, suppressing popular vote totals. The popular vote total is literally not a thing that matters. Look at electoral college percentages and consider three or four likely vote fraud states where result was switched to Hillary.

Were Trump not overwhelmingly popular he would have been shot during the campaign.

8 out of 10 donors are kikes. user why aren’t you a national socialist by now?

3 million more votes for Hillary...


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Rather than just rehashing the Jew Haden bullshit I was actually after an honest answer.

I'm not saying there wasn't electoral fraud, clearly there was, but it was at the margins.

Trump's 60% support base (claimed by you) was somehow knocked into second place in the popular vote.

I think that would have taken a lot more ballot box stuffing than actually occurred (and it DID occur)

Paki can you even read?

Jew schultz will win

the only place for a communist is a river with a bullet in their head

They'd pollute the water. A muddy ditch would work better.

It’s 2019, a white democrat might as well be a KKK member.

>OP here

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Funny because all polling showed the same for Hillary

In a country of 330 Million, that's nothing to crow about. That could be a rounding error.

Oh yeah cus we want a communist JEW as president right?

Bernie's gonna win in 2020 the same way Trump won, he'll have a strong plurality because the moderate vote is split between twenty other people.

Selected not elected

This man knows

Some of us do

You're not understanding how the vote works. The question wasn't 'are you white' or even 'are you liberal or conservative', but 'which of these rich white assholes do you want controlling the country for the next four years'. Trump applied for the job with zero relevant experience, a history of criminal fraud, a bunch of wildly unpopular plans, and character references from some of the worst people in the country. It's a testament to the skill of his marketing team and the quality of Fancy Bear's digital work that Don managed to win the electoral college; the popular vote on top of that would be beyond their ability.

>Were Trump not overwhelmingly popular he would have been shot during the campaign.
So by that metric Hillary was also overwhelmingly popular.



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>to Our Enemies
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Attached: Dragon-Ball-Super-Goku.jpg (970x545, 79K)

>3 million more illegal votes for Hillary

You mean in Jew York and Commiefornia? Or are you saying that the Hillary campaign is so stupid they went into a race without even knowing the rules for winning?

Why do far lefties keep falling for neoliberal deceptions? This is nothing new.

>Promise some radical goal
>Don't deliver when you get to power

Neocons tried the same shit but enough of the right has awakened this scheme

A win's a win.
Its not fair what they've done to Bernie, but people are retarded if they think Bernie would have won, or hell even done better than Clinton.
The "establistment" regular democrats/liberals were not going to vote for Bernie for the ticket.
I hate to admit it, but at least half of democrat/liberals don't want to be socialist/communist, they love money, they just want to spend it differently.
Bernie would have got the gib me free shit 18-32 vote democratic votes, Hillary would get the 32-death votes.

If the democrats weren't stupid, they'd have picked Jim Webb, because surprisingly Jim Webb wasn't some lazy, weak, pussy. Jim was a vietnam veteran that readily admitted he killed communist gooks.

In all honesty the only people who can beat Trump, is a liberal celebrity.

If they really did run Oprah/The Rock, Trump actually might not win.

If they pick Hillary again, its over the second the ticket is finalized,
If they pick Bernie this time, Trump will OBLITERATE the old kike in the debates, because Trump takes no shit, so when Bernie tries to explain socialism or promise free shit, Trump will simply say "HOW?".
Trump will bring up Bernie's sports car, his no refund donations, and maybe even point out how communist Bernie was kicked out of a Hippie commune because he sat on his ass and didn't pull his own wait or even plant a fucking tree. HE GOT KICKED OUT OF A HIPPIE COMMUNE FOR LAZINESS.
When hippies say your lazy, you're fucking lazy.

The only thing that can beat Trump is an extremely popular celebrity team that spends the election doing meet and greets in rural areas while calling Trump a bigot.

The democrats had 3 years to prepare, and they've only doubled down on calling people bigots, and trying to ban white people.

And now they're double fucked because the media is shit canning the retard writers. And people just keep distrusting the media.

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>failing to admit
they changed their whole system mate, no more superdelegates on the first ballot

"failing to admit", seriously??

lmao yea sure. some "leader"

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plebs gonna pleb my dude

bernie thread?

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Trump won't want to run again.
He's bored now.
Can't do all the things he wants because of red tape.
So will defer to literally anyone.

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