Stupid fascist thinks that saying "nigger" again and again will make it look cooler.
Joshua Long
He's been in California too long.
Evan Jones
The whole little campain was to try and appeal to minorities.
He wanted to talk about the jews to Muslims and how affirmitive action hurt asians
Cooper Reyes
I don't know. I think he's retarded. He can do everything he wants to do without also giving free taxpayer money to niggers. Apologizing for slavery would be a disaster, do it once and they'll never let you stop. He'll get there, he just needs to slam his head against the wall for a few years before he realizes it's a stupid idea.
I don't think he ever criticized affirmative action. His campaign was only aimed against the Jews. If he has any dislike for Hispanics, blacks, Asians or Muslims he doesn't openly express it.
Brody Johnson
>reparations Its a great idea.
We give reparations... on one condition:
They dont want reparations. They want lifelong excuses. Same for the queers and cross dressers.
ok. as long as we immediately cut all aid to Israel
Ethan Ross
They're lucky to be here, we don't owe them a thing.
David Lewis
I usually say “we’ll pay you if you leave”
Dylan Morris
Honestly, I'd much rather give aid to Israel than give niggers reparations.
While I don't agree with aid to Israel, at the end of the day, it's just a stupid use of tax money. And frankly, there are tons of more expensive things we pay for with taxes than are equally a waste. Honestly, cutting aid to Israel is somewhere around my 10,000th biggest political concern.
On the other hand, reparations to niggers is a stab in the heart to white people. It's far more personally insulting to white people than paying taxes to some far away kike nation so they can fight against Muslims.
Christian Edwards
He knows he’s not going to get elected. He’s just trying to make blacks hate Jews.
Juan Richardson
No, pay the blacks.
As long as the great white guilt trip is over.
no more gibs
no more affirmative action
no more quotas
See if they bite :)
Brody Morgan
I am not joking one tiny bit when I say I'd rather pay $3.1 billion a year in aid to Israel than pay $3.1 million a year to niggers in reparations.
Beyond the monetary cost of reparations to niggers, it's so insulting to white people. And it'll make niggers even more uppity than they already are.
On the other hand, it's not like our aid to Israel has that many bad consequences beyond the mere price tag.
Jason Martin
reparations are unironically a great idea. would wash away tons of white guilt syndrome.
Christian Hernandez
Reparations will only increase white guilt.
Evan Green
Because, as people have been saying since the beginning, he's a plant. He has always pandered to the niggers and acted as an ally them, while attacking Isrsel. He isn't a whitenat. He's no different than a Muslim Democrat.
Anthony Taylor
Hold on though. We get to tell Israel to fuck off and never hear shit about slavery again. This could work.
Xavier Perry
>It's far more personally insulting to white people that's the beauty of it, dummy.
Dominic Jackson
>cross dressers
Okay I know you're just trying to bash LGBT whiners but me looking pretty in a dress doesn't mean I demand you say I'm pretty and fuck me. Trannies =/= cossdressers
Gavin Smith
>would wash away tons of white guilt syndrome. No, it needs to be all of the guilt.
There should be no crime without salvation.
Christopher Martin
This is the absolute only way reparations can ever be okay. We will give you a lump of money and a ticket to Africa, in return you denounce your citizenship and get added to a registry of people who are banned from entering the country.
Dominic Richardson
>it's not like our aid to Israel has that many bad consequences beyond the mere price tag. oh no other bad consequences than trading 18 allies, many loaded with oil for the "loyalty" of our greatest ally
Carter Jackson
Suppose you have little to no impulse control. Suppose you have been given a large sum of money. Further, suppose that local businesses will be happy to provide bright, shiny objects for all of your instant gratification needs. What do you think will happen to the lower ends of the economy, which happen to populate your district? Pro Tip: get a liquor license
Noah Jenkins
>I would rather have 3.1 billion taken out of our economy instead of 3.1 billion being put into the hands of the biggest impulse buyer demographic in america
Not only are you a kike shill, you're a bad one. No fucking way someone is this retarded when it comes to basic economics.
Kevin Collins
They would all blow it on stupid shit in a week
Logan Rogers
Spooks dont deserve reparations. Fuck them and their bullshit.
Xavier Ortiz
>forgetting that he said that just to be able to attack kikes
>t. jew Boo hoo hoo looks like the gravy train is finally coming to a halt, Schlomo. No more goy gibs for yids.
Caleb Scott
On one hand it's denying money to the filthy kikes. On the other hand it's giving money niggers. I'm quite torn.
Aiden Ramirez
The irony of this statement is amazing. Let me tell you something, Tyrone. The gravy train is absolutely not leaving the station for niggers. You will never see a single cent in reparations.
Luke Lee
>Pulling money out of Israel and investing directly into local liquor stores, food joints, clothing stores and auto shops
Great idea desu.
Luke Mitchell
Why not just run on ending any and all aid because America shouldn't prop up other natuons? We don't need to pick one or the other.
Niggers get almost as much foreign aid as kikes do. And if you want to argue that our aid to Israel causes more Muslim refugees to come to Europe, I'd like to point out that our aid to Africa causes niggers to come to Europe, since our aid is largely responsible for their population problems.
I guess the Australian poster is an Abo, since Abos often self-identify as niggers.
Nicholas Bell
takes money from kikes and gives it to niggers. Niggers in turn spend it back on the kikes (nikes, crack, hiphop bullshit.)
It's literally not even worth the energy to put a thought into this if it happens. Most of the niggers will die from drugs or drug related crime with money.
Easton Cook
Jew, you actually said we should give money to Israel. That's evil in itself, regardless of what the alternative is. Stay the fuck off our board
You're the same kinda faggot republican that goes on about muh based black conservative. It isn't one or the other, and you shills get the rope. Fuck niggers, fuck Jews, and fuck you too.
Jace Nelson
Go the fuck back to Stormfront and STAY THERE FAGGOT
We're trying to start a racewar against the kikes. Stay the fuck out of our way
Zachary Flores
They already automatically are eligible for gibs. You're the jew
Charles Harris
The idea, you faggot, is to get the blacks mad at the Jews. I wonder what kind of person would argue against that, hmmm?
>telling someone to go back to stormfron while calling for a racewar Lmao also >ignoring criminals and rapists that poison society and rape our women to focus on some nationalist kikes Yeah, fuck Israel, but the immediate danger is the non-whites actually in our country, not the other side if the world, you retard.
Bentley Hill
>The idea, you faggot, is to get the blacks mad at the Jews. Why? For what purpose? Forcefully remove both from the country and call it a day. No one here wants to choose between a nigger dick or a jew dick, they both need to go.
Isaac Davis
>jews are not the danger
That's not the condition...its that JEWS were the slave traders and its the money that would otherwise go to jews. ONE TIME PAYMENT then both of the groups can fuck off.
John Wilson
Not an argument. Explain right now how bothering to get blacks mad at the Jews is more beneficial than deporting both. And explain how wanting to get rid of the Jews makes you a Jew. It seems you're the one trying to employ Jew tactics.
Jayden Carter
We don't owe either anything, cuckboi. That money belongs to white tax payers.
Cameron Stewart
pat little is the ultimate accelerationist candidate, he's attacking the whole house of cards from every angle imaginable, his strategy of primarying pelosi was ingenious and he got 100k votes with no campaign budget at all
Oliver Collins
kill yourself
David Hughes
LoL! JIDF working overtime on damage control tonight. I can guarantee that you’re far more closely related to niggers than I am you slimy rat kike. Can’t wait to see Israel finally get nuked like it says in the bible because that’s just what you bloodsucking monsters deserve. You sure are a fag, zlCa+ICQ. Why don’t you get off the internet and go eat some more baby penises for your Jewish sorcery.
Aaron Gomez
Ohhh he wasn't talking about niggers paying whites reparations for the fact that they don't live in a shithole African country and would have died at age 13 to violence or aids?
Anthony Wilson
he ran against feinstein not pelosi, but yes there are a lot of things that can be learned from the pat little senate campaign.
shills will immediately go >LOL 1.4% but ppl not familiar with jungle primaries need to understand that it was a 32 candidate election, feinstein took 45% of the vote but you only needed second place to move on to the general election. second place only had 800k votes, pat had 90k. and second place (de leon) had ove a million dollars budget for the primary and ran TV ads. so 90k votes on $5k budget was very impressive. if he had $200k budget he would have easily been a contender to make it into the general election. however much of that success came from his supporters and ppl on Jow Forums and the overall argumentative strength that we've taken our politics to, that they can carry themselves on minimal resources. pat beat the libertarian candidate as well who had an entire party supporting them. Jow Forums can't be underestimated as a political force.
Justin Ortiz
and in the 32 candidate election 17 candidates or more than half got 0.5% or less of the vote so it's not just a thing of ppl randomly picking patrick little out of the field.
he performed about equally well to alison hartson who boasted having 1000 volunteers and had cenk uygur from the young turks as a campaign manager and had like a $500k warchest. and she's a female progressive and pat is literally a neo nazi white supremacist and the election was in california. it was a good result for what it was.
Gabriel Moore
>deporting both Nigger you’re living in fantasy land
Matthew Rogers
So is anyone that thinks the Jewish controlled government is going to cut aid to Israel. They'll sooner implement a negro tax to give holocaust reparations.