No kids, ever. If live wasn't so shitty, non-retarded people would have more children.
Tyler Reyes
>6 kids Literally every black woman in my country
Juan Peterson
What the fuck is the point of it?
Carson Green
IQ plays a lot into that as well. People in the middle class know how to preparer better, also they know that the government isn't going to help them with any expenses, because they wont qualify for any welfare even though they pay into it. "makes enough money"
Joseph Gutierrez
its the welfare state, remove all these absurd benefits, cut all of it by 75%, make these leeches get a job
I want to world to inherit the cesspool that it's made itself without having any decent white people to prop up the system.
Jordan Cook
>be me >24 >parents from Ireland >meet beautiful southern bell, very religious, 26
We are getting married this summer, but very middle class. I want a bunch of kids but I hope it’s not too late. She seems hesistant but when we get married I suppose it won’t be up to her.
Gavin Gutierrez
What's the end goal? Drone workforce? But they don't even work. I manage a bunch of them and they somehow fuck up putting shit in a box.
Ethan Morris
They don't read or educate themselves, they don't want knowledge, they won't challenge authority of the government or the elite, they just exist, chase shiny things, and die.
Camden Harris
and your guilty of oppressing these newly born intellectuals
I regret not having more kids. You have no idea how much money welfare is worth. unless you're making bank, you're better off on welfare with a side gig.
William James
Just give us the sauce you fucking white nigger
Juan Sullivan
I’m pregnant with my third child right now. My husband and I want to have five. The media makes parenthood out to be a bad thing. That’s why it’s hard to convince people to have kids. There’s a huge push for people to be degenerate and have abortions so that they can be selfish and focus on themselves. It can be expensive but there’s ways around it like having your own garden and not eating out. I also don’t know why women don’t breastfeed even when they are able to. That right there will save a lot and you won’t be poisoning your babies. You just have to be smart with your money and save and don’t buy unnecessary things. Most mothers work as well. One thing I would say is not to have a career in something you love but in something that makes good money.
Oliver Clark
She's a high class escort we hired when we were in Malaga. Me and the boys ran a train on her. We left her there in the room. Woke up to the sound of riding. We go back into the room to find this random Spanish junkie riding her. Snap a photo. Forgot about until I found the other day on an old memory card.
>Junkie /single mom; >>I'm after squrting out another sprog, where's me free house for me 6 kids.
And this retarded board keeps repeating "muh white fertility tho" without ever thinking about that. Raising the quantity of the "white race" would result in a drastic drop of the average quality for the white person, up to spawning so many lower class retards that they end up pulling a second communist revolution because there's a billion of poor subhumans and not enough food and jobs for all of them
>high class You micks are fucking sick in the head i tell ya, if you paid good money for that fat bitch then the brits are doing you a favour keeping your fenian ass in line.
Jaxon Wilson
Fucking disgusting!
Matthew Williams
I figure the end goal is something like in Jupiter Ascending where the jews harvest the goyim for their life essence.
>She's a high class escort we hired when we were in Malaga. Me and the boys ran a train on her. We left her there in the room. Woke up to the sound of riding. We go back into the room to find this random Spanish junkie riding her. Snap a photo. Forgot about until I found the other day on an old memory card.
Jose Nelson
600 euro for the Night
Luke Howard
I get head from crackwhores for as cheap as 5 dollas. You mad?
Zachary Baker
Lol, it's a completely mad up story. I found this on Jow Forums donkies years ago.
Luis Davis
>high class escort Mate, just cause she charges by the pound doesn't mean she's high class.
Austin Brown
Cloward-Piven strategy. Jews and their useful idiots back in the late 60's wanted to destroy the system by cultivating people who simply drain it.
wtf no woman is worth that. did she play goalie in the soccer game and letyour friends use her as a table? did she make you little berry ganaches to snack on over the week? Did she fix your paperwork and file your taxes while sucking your dick and vacuuming your home?
or did you literally pay for a $699 FLESHLIGHT?
I'd be more offended if I was a pretty woman and had a chance to compete at such levels. but I am not.