Israel on the Moon?

Israel’s first Moon lander, named Beresheet, has arrived in Florida to launch on a @SpaceX Falcon 9 in mid-February. Last year @NASA signed an agreement to cooperate on the mission. More:

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Why are they using our rockets?

Attached: 2bc67ec9d4f97ae31fc46ec830d5887ad57a8c419c1e9e436161732c632c4de5.gif (636x357, 2.86M)

I hope it explodes during launch and that the debris lands in Palestine, Texas.

Attached: Florida Israel.png (210x215, 4K)

bear shit

Attached: b32472b4e53bb2d38b52e0117c00b2d3a784c3d42a0221d9fd0ea25598f56f7a.gif (256x173, 1.94M)

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>israeli moon lander
>paid with american money
>lauched from the usa

Rockets fly eastwards

Because their IQ is six gorillion points.

>Rockets fly eastwards

Attached: Amerimutt pet.jpg (991x644, 65K)

Standby for desert pictures ran through photoshop in 3...2...1

It's a part of the continued efforts of the jews to push the moon conspiracy. The moon is just a large bright star further away than most near stars. The moon hoax was created by the jews to force the US and USSR to advance technology quicker through the space race. Prove me wrong.

lol how the fuck did they steer that trashcan back to earth?

They heard Neil Armstrong left a penny there.

Typical low IQ kikes using american private industry tech to spread the word of "muh holocaust" on the moon

Thats the lander, it didnt come back

Attached: support.png (420x728, 57K)

Good grief. $10 says it’s a holocaust memorial lander

Solid lol outta me

ba dum tiss

Earth is flat so I don't believe it.

>someone started a rumor that Neil Armstrong dropped a penny on the moon

Who is going to ban them from the moon ?
How many times will they try to make it back to the moon while being banned?
Why the fuck would anybody thinking Israel on the moon is a good idea?

>dangerous mission

Attached: 1547404105248.webm (720x404, 829K)

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>jews land bearshit on moon
>has no research functions, but has the names written of the largest donors all over it
>americans can take a moonrover to it and receive robotic circumcisions with a rubber rabbi to suckle on the moon babies penis during the procedure

they feel the end is near so they want to put some shit on there so they're not completely crumbled for eternity

You've done the hard work goy, now sell it out to your masters at a competitive price.

Attached: 587179FE-CA27-4685-8662-70539F9209FC.jpg (620x936, 54K)

Illiterate cunts. It’s the first word of Genesis.


> (((Beresheet)))
You can't make this shite up

Attached: lander.png (634x509, 545K)

its almost like hes walking around in 16% of normal gravity and your small brain cant figure it out that he also has a backpack on that weights more than he does

Learn to code jew

Attached: 5418909812098348.jpg (1179x426, 77K)
watch it at 1.5x speed and suddenly that illusion vanishes



Even the fucking moon we secede to Israel. When will it end?

Do you know how to swap the values of two integer variables without a temporary variable? Of course you don’t. Now go back to fisting goats and licking your fingers you cheese faced penis fish.

That part did not go back to Earth. That's extremely basic stuff, friend, if you are going to post about this stuff, you need to know the vary basic stuff.

This is not ok

>mfw plebbitors still defend (((elon))) musk

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>Jews are going to colonize the moon
>They go there
>make the goys kill each other off in nuclear war
>Come back and lord over what remains

Interesting. The skylines don't match at all, so we know one place where the moon landing was definitely not filmed. I found another one, pic related -- maybe we can check every place in the world and find all the places where the landing was not filmed.

Attached: Desert.jpg (1024x768, 859K)

They heard Armstrong dropped some pocket change?

Nazi designed rockets.

>expecting Jews to ever stop being parasites

Maybe spend a few minutes understanding the capabilities of cameras in that era, and why it would be impossible to fake the shots on the lunar surface that exist by using an over-cranked camera.

Israel's moon lander is based on an upside-down yarmulke, of course.

Attached: dreidel.jpg (307x200, 17K)

>cheese faced penis fish.

Czech shade is weird.

Kike star in background of earth. I hope it crashes in israel and kills some other them.

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I love that they some how get the camera to pan. Tell me this is the simulated footage not something they were trying to pass as real.

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i was too impressed to even be mad

Do I sound like a non-native English speaker to you dude?

that's buzz aldrin with nasa in that picture

maybe you should take your own advice

Feel free to use it for yourselves you quavering piles of day old sphincter grease.

Their ships should be shaped like hook noses or circumcised baby dicks. The remphan star isn't theirs.

Attached: impossiberesheet.jpg (599x414, 49K)

Sounds like a load of Beresheet to me.

Remember what happened with Israel's first astronaut?

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Price of gas is going to increase

Attached: never_forget.png (500x500, 58K)

>Do you know how to swap the values of two integer variables without a temporary variable?
Why would you ever want to?

No they left a guy behind

Cause no air is free too

>A single pebble could have killed him

Aren't they afraid of the Moon Nazis?

The camera was on a timer

Because they don't have their own and SpaceX is better priced than others?

I rarely say nice things about kikes but I will if they succeed.

How do we escape them, Jow Forums?

gunna fly straight into a Maccy D's in New York and the Muzzies will be fingered for attacking scooterblobs true father.

In my timeline it was Beresheit.

Good times. Let the kikelander fall hard too.

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Top comment.

Hope it blows up to fuck

i hope musk blows this up like he did with amos6

>bear shit

hahhahahah lmao wat stupid name

I hope it explodes and the debris lands on Israel

>if they succeed.
Using our tech and resources. Imagine cheering on your parasites.

More nigger tier fakes coming soon

whole video with sound:

Attached: moon.webm (486x360, 2.94M)

Based. Muslim animals will never achieve that.

Attached: fugmuzzes.jpg (600x600, 40K)

The first thing they are going to do is set up eavesdropping and jamming equipment.

It was the work of very smart programmers who could calculate its trajectory and the relative location of the camera before lift off, theres an interview with the guy who did it some place.

we need FL user to stop it

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So they can afford to fuck around with sending shit to the moon but they still need billions in payments every year?

Quick reminder: The moon was an old chunk of the earth that fell off after an impact many moons ago.

It just so happened to form into a spheroid that is 400 times smaller and 400 times closer than the sun, as well falling into an orbit that allows perfect eclipses of the sun year after year.

(People actually believe this).

Attached: DiCicco-composite-2010-Easter-Island-1280p[1].jpg (1280x863, 111K)

If they wuz real israel they never would have left

It means 'genesis' and it's the first chapter and word in the Bible.

Still looks stupid in English
fucking kikes s m h


>skyline is blacked out

of course it doesnt match dipshit, the rest of the terrain is 100% match

jew kike bitch boy detected

lol'd at the moment when he was lifted too early off the ground
good stuff
funny how people will still believe that it's legit

I mean China can land on the moon, but they pay their own bills like big boys.

getting stupid goy to pay for their shit is the Jew way.

>israel's first moon lander
>has to get the US to launch it

>Master race
>No moon lander till 2019
Fucking pathetic.

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>cheese faced penis fish.
holy fuck what a cool insult