Remember the California high school with the BBC slut teacher?

Remember the California high school with the BBC slut teacher?

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wtf is going on in this high school? Is this Psy op high?

also why the fuck is there so much shit on the goddamn walls?

she was probably that kids teacher crush


think so? what purpose?

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It was a pretty based high school

Lots of hot blonde sluts

literally nothing story.
That flag originally belonged to a teacher who took it as a war trophy during WW2.
He donated to the schools decades and decades ago, and its always displayed when they teach WW2 in sophomore history class.
Its literally just historical piece.
literally nothing wrong with this.

this used to be seen as common sense, since a literal man who killed nazis took it as a war trophy, but in today's ultra mutted world, every and anything is cause to be offended and try to sue for gibsmedats .

Ahahaha holy fuck what is happening to this world?

You know some kids are saluting that.
>mfw never saluting a real ss flag.

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>So this evening, daughter says that the school knows about this & bcuz they’re studying the Holocaust “it’s okay”!! Um excuse me, they wouldn’t put up a poster of two people engaging in sex in health class! Why?!Bcuz it’s OFFENSIVE!

Surprise. She’s a fucking trump hating nigger

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they're load bearing posters. haven't you ever seen the Simpsons?

Fuck i would absolutely have stolen that

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It's ironic that the solution to her problem is to move to Germany.

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It's nice to see that. Almost cleanses the bbc whore out of the picture.

Trying to meet up with a high school student over twitter beef

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Hopefully the kids will get some grief counselling to overcome this trauma.

The BBC slut teacher was actually pretty hot, too bad that her porn is unwatchable because of beastiality.

Generation Zyklon

wtf are thots smart and based pilled now?

She probably had a crush on the teacher.

>trump hating nigger
a mexinigger

>everyone involved in this issue except Mr. Gaeta has a room temperature IQ

Daily reminder that the weakness for Nazi/White Power sluts is the BBC

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After being compelled to jerk it several times to her since the story came out I am forced to conclude she is an actual succubus, sent by Satan to steal the willpower of Christian men through the penis.

Lol pixels


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they're probably going to destroy it now

SAGED this bait thread

Quite simple dollar to donuts some students in the class post on Jow Forums, they did this for the sole purpose of letting Jow Forums see. Which was stupid as fuck cause now you are giving sjw and liberals a reason to bitch. The coalburner getting expose was good enough but you fags just had to ruin a good thing and be to fucking extra

Neck yourselves

Way sell it short? It’s a display of a flag that represents white nationalism. What’s wrong with that? It was a pride flag or BLM flag no one would bat an eye.

looks like an original too. shit i'd buy it

i dont think she's too into it. after all she's leaning back and has a drink in one hand and clearly something in the other. looks to me like a monkey trying to get another round of beastiality

keep dreaming fellow black brother, but alas thy dream won't reach reality

>history is OFFENSIVE

This stupid bitch can't even spell 'because' and she thinks her opinion counts. Imagine that.

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>naughty Nazi corner
Good goi

heard these things are common in Paris nowadays

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u got a loicense to view this website lod?

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lol jesus christ, call China, that's how you do it.

For real though, this bitch is seriously fucking hot! I don't have a pic of her body on my phone, unfortunately. Been jacking to her vids since before the story broke, like almost a whole year before! And now that she was doxxed, it's ten times hotter. I hope you boys got the torrent with every one of the pics and videos she had on OnlyFans before nuking everything post-doxx. I consider it a collector's item, I must say.

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>You will never experience teen love and explore your sexuality with someone equally inexperienced.

I think I understand pedophiles now.

Shit, I live a few miles away from this school. Never knew this was happening. If they go to get rid of that flag, I'll take it.

Once white women realize that shitskins want nothing to do with them they'll come crawling to white men to protect and save them. Then the race war begins.

certified cuck

bruh I need the link PLEASE

I don't watch porn, but you should upload as much of this as you can on random media sites where she is relevant, and give her a good remind that you can't just remove stuff off the internet.

>we must never forget ww2 the holocaust and the nazis
>wait wait we can't show the children nazi stuff!

We need a dedicated outlet for all her video.




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>"Ummm people wouldn't hang posters of people having sex in helth class"
I fucking hate boomer normie soccer moms


>the absolute STATE of wh*te women

>gold fringe
this is not a legal court!

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Here's one of the old threads with a few links

Hey thats kind of cool

>the virgin niggerspic vs. the CHAD Chief Kief

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We're gonna have to purge all these goblinas eventually

How the fuck do those things reproduce?


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Absolutely amazing and underrated game. Probably the best ARPG ever, next to Diablo 2.

The time for arguments has passed.

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Id find the flag inspiring if I were a student there.

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I'd pretend to be outraged about the flag, take it down, say that I burned it but actually sell it to a WWII collector for some mad ZOGbux.

>sell it
>not hang it on the wall in his study/man cave

Haha, what a fag.

yea so she made a few hundred bucks ... you do realize that less then 1% of white girls actually want a black to fuck/bf/marriage right?? oh but go ahead and keep watching pornhub and all the white escorts who are being paid to be in a room with you lol!!!!

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Based and redpilled

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>the time for arguments has passed

Yes it has.

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And also they make students sit under it, in the corner for wrong think.

Haha same

sure a low amount want to marry low status blacks.. but fuck? lol i hope you never go to college for your own sake COPER

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>first see nazi flag
>second check out the brunette (not goblina)
>third see Titan Quest
>shoulda skipped the brunette
fuck yea. good game.

kitsch af

Normalize cuckoldry. It just happen and its "natural" and that poor teacher couldve led a life doing it if they didnt meddle in her personal life.

just like the pooftas.

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yeah itss legit. even though its blacked its still really fucking hot because now we see her "school teacher" pics and it really fucking heats it up. Her body is also prime 10/10 milf, and she pictures are really sexy, up close, and high res. It really takes me back to fantasies in high school and middle school of wanting to fuck some of my teachers. I can't imagine how hot it is for people she teaches. I mean you can just go home every night and watch your teacher's porn pics. I wouldn't be able to control myself if I was a teenager and she taught me. I'd be fucking jacking it twice a day at school at the thought of her.

The osmosis effect may lead to unexpected consequences

>not simply killing niggers on sight


I like how no one would be offended if the Ottoman flag hanged even though they refused to let Jews settle in their Palestine colony. Or they would just mistake it for the modern Turkish flag.

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Slut teacher?

.....we lost.

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Deutschland Uber Alles

? Turks have never done anything wrong, ever. If you claim otherwise then you're an anti-semite.

>they were studying the (((holocaust)))
>so the teacher had that on the wall
I see what happened, the based teacher, who definitely trolls Jow Forums put the flag up because they had to study the (((holocaust))) as required by state law and curriculum, I'm sure
Then the self proclaimed "blackzican" mother came in and saw it and freaked out. Quick peek at her twitter shows she is the WORST kind of woman, the SJW Christian (and I am Christian before you make any comments, and let me tell you the SJW "christians" are the worst kind) The mother is a fucking nigger beaner cunt is the bottom line and complained.

IQ of 83 wrap it up and move on.

They put it in the wrongthink corner to make people associate bad and nazi permanently... and don't consider label theory...
>attempt to force compliance
>make nazis instead


I think you're being a bit generous, user.
