We see this every day. This isn't normal. What the fuck is in this stuff?
We see this every day. This isn't normal. What the fuck is in this stuff?
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penn and teller debunked this
It’s an airplane
They are starting to take down chemtrail vids and put up the wikipedia shill article about contrails at the top of the search result page.
They're sellout fucks. Chemtrails aren't contrails.
Sometimes it's just contrails. It's easy to see the difference. Had contrails over my a recent funeral.
Everybody looked up and said
>hey look at those contrails
Vapor clouds created from contact with near-frozen water molecules and jet fumes that are hot enough to boil water, but not enough to melt steel beams.
Is that the dooms day plane seen on 9/11?
mmmm tasty paranoid white boy tears lmao
I don't know, but you usually only see two trails, one from each wing. Must be a pretty bitchin' plane to lay down two trails per wing. Not even Trump's 757 has two turbofans on each wing.
it's steel beam dissolver
i have never seen contrails come from a passenger plane
as far as i know that doesn't happen
Retarded nigger. kys
It's a plane spreading its seed, like when a coral released sperm into the water. Thats how baby planes are made
if it disappears quickly, it's a contrail
if it lingers and spreads for hours, it's coal ash
it matches the chemical makeup and logistical capacity
it's most likely for solar radiation management, maybe we would have had massive crop failures if they didn't do it
chemtrail planes are unmarked and seem to operate out of military bases, it's not your everyday jumbo jet doing this
Do you even grow house plants? I wouldn't mist the sky. I'm taking care of one of my friends' plants (no homo) and I don't think he's ever seen it as dark fucking green and bursting out all over the place as when I put it outside last summer.
during the 90s, it was really rare to see this, now it's a fairly common sight
in my area they appear to do the spraying in rural areas in the morning and let the winds take them, instead of spraying right above cities like they used to
The other week I went back to the place where I grew up, where there's almost always a steady wind due to the breeze off the sea.
No chemtrails to be seen. Not at all like where I live now where it's easy for various kinds of clouds to hang in the sky. I thought my family was going to call me crazy, but they agreed.
there's excessive UV, the sun is outputting more energy than usual and that may be what's actually causing climate change
sunlight looks white hot now, it used to be more yellowy, ask your elders
the chemtrails may be to try and filter some of the sunlight so that we dont have food shortages
I've noticed they spray much more on sunny days
ITT retards who are retarded
That's from the magnetosphere. I'll believe the chemtrails are helpful when the government explains wtf they're doing. Actually I probably won't because they never tell the truth anyway.
haha yes fellow jew! let's drink this paranoid wh*toids' tears!
The problem with chemtrails is that even if was real the people pulling this off would still be damaged by it, even the elites breath the same air as us and I'm sure as hell I've never seen any of these powerful people that is supposedly doing this using gas masks, so what would (((they))) gain from chemtrails? I'm very open minded I already believe pizza gate, 9/11 someone gib argument
>when youre dumb
hurr clouds
>when youre schizophrenic
they're all 'gainst me
>when youre dumb AND schizophrenic
they're all 'gainst me with thar them clouds hurr
In the Seattle region we finally had 4 great days of sunshine. The mornings were crystal clear. Then around 9-10am dozens of these fucking plans filled the sky with a dusty haze overcast for the rest of the day. You could see over at Mt. Rainier where the plans had not "sprayed" (no population). The sky over at Mt. Rainer was still crystal clear ALL along the mountain range. In other words, the planes only sprayed the corridor where people live. Along highway I-5. Only inside that populated corridor is where the dusty haze developed all day.
Demonic shitskins running their demonic filthy wicked mouths.
people can even observe these things turn into clouds throughout the day and still deny it.
>when you're a dicklet liberal who loses at everything in life
spray the whole sky with chemicals and then deny it! haha, who cares if its killing me too, I hate everyone!
Vaccine gas
Ever notice that the shilling is back to normal awful levels now that gov't employees are back to work?
It's chemicals sprayed from planes that were created by the jews in order to decrease your peepee size
>Jet lets out coal ash
>Another jet comes along and puts hundreds of thousands of microscopic particles right through the 10k RPM engines
Imagine an F-35 flying through that, not only would it need a new engine, it'd be sand-blasted clean of its fancy coating too. There's no way it's coal ash. It's basic cloud seeding stuff, you can google the various versions. That's why it's deployed on sunny days, and then the next one turns from 100% clear to 100% clouded over.
Agent Orange
Do you remember how piston engined planes created those contrails? Probably not but look at historical footage of high altitude bombers and piston passenger craft. For a while, passenger aircraft used turbojets, switching to turbofans and then to modern high bypass turbofans. High bypass turbofans produce most of the thrust from the bypass around the inner compressive turbine instead of going through the compression and combustion cycle, basically acting like a piston engine while cruising. Just like a piston engine it creates a contrail off the propeller edges(leading turbine), and just like a piston engine plane it only shows up in certain atmospheric conditions.
I am of the opinion that chemtrails as a theory are pushed simply to delegitimize the actual issues with chemical and hormonal pollution into our drinking water and the very real effects they have. Actual problems are being cast aside because they can easily disregard the arguments as retarded conspiracy theory just like chemtrails. Anyone who thinks chemtrails are real is either lying or a useful idiot. Funny how now that information and research is easily accessible that the already cast aside idiotic conspiracies gain the most traction, and how actual researched problems gain almost nothing but get caught in the crossfire.
You're a nigger. Nobody would come up with all that reasoning.
Its just water vapor, did you forget to drink your fluoride water today, user?
no, that's a defoliating agent for leveling forests, the planes are spraying some sort of heavy metal nanoparticle shit (Manganese, Copper, Barium, etc.) to seed clouds. They're either loading it directly in jet fuel or spraying with specialized drones, probably both. Also a common misconception is they're trying to make it rain, 99% of the time they're trying to make it not rain (see California). There is a great YT channel weatherman that explains this:
Contrails/chemtrails call them whatever you want, I call them "plane clouds." They used to dissipate quite rapidly (because it was mostly water vapor crystallizing due to cold cells), now they make a clear sky turn completely overcast. Each "contrail" creates a line of cloud that eventually spreads out into sheets. The sheets from several planes merge when spaced out across the sky until there is one continuous cloud layer formed that persists all day. Most people just haven't observed it because they don't look up or go outside very much, but it's now an almost daily occurrence in Southern California because they are really pushing the drought angle here. (the clouds prevent it from raining, all the rain that normally falls in California is being lifted over the mountains into the Southwest, which is why the gulf hurricanes are being fueled to record sizes).
I know, right? It flies and there's people in it!
It cold up high and wet
spinnies do a big heat
Heat and water do a steamy
>ignore the fact that a trail will slowly fan out over 8 hours until it covers the sky with a haze
it's like the expect people to be looking at their phones/computers literally all fucking day
>during the 90s, it was really rare to see this, now it's a fairly common sight
I honestly think it's more that you just didn't notice them and now that you did you keep staring up at the sky.
Based reoly
>even the elites breath the same air as us and I'm sure as hell I've never seen any of these powerful people that is supposedly doing this using gas masks, so what would (((they))) gain from chemtrails?
This is one thing no one can ever explain to me and why I refuse to believe the chemtrail nonsense. It would impact those that would be using it against the population and every reason that's ever been given to me that is supposedly behind this is stupid because there's always thousands more practical ways to achieve the goal rather than slowly spreading it across the sky.
Contrails without chemical seeding are clouds, most don't last very long, but their impact in itself lowers world temperatures by half a degree. What is real is estrogenic compounds finding their way into our water supply either through chemical leeching, unfilterable birth control hormones, or mismanagement of waste. There is no escape, both bottled and groundwater are tainted and they have very real and pronounced effects on the populace.
Disinformation campaigns being run by the US government are documented, and it's unreasonable to think they wouldn't push the most retarded conspiracies just to save their own asses, especially now that they can just use bots to poison the well. If chemtrails were real, the California dry season wouldn't exist, invasive insects and tropical mosquito borne illnesses wouldn't be able to migrate north, and winter storms which paralyze parts of the US causing a large hit to a regions economy and the productivity of workers wouldn't be allowed to happen.
Condensation. You get it on your car windows too.
Just buy a water filter.
>implying they don't have access to tools and medicine that would remove metals efficiently from them
it's like you don't even pay attention to anything
remember when RBG had pancreatic cancer? 3% survival rate. Bitch was fine almost instantly.
believe the masons who control government
they keep secrets from the public that are
punishable by death if they spill them.
masons build everything around us, even
those planes. they're spraying us with pixy
dust to keep us smart strong and healthy.
secrets are good, secrets keep you strong.
Pretty sure she didnt have pancreatic.
quick search yields tons of results
consensus: you're wrong
Oh, they caught it in its infant stages that is easily survivable.
Less than 10% of people with pancreatic cancer get surgery for the tumor to be cut out. Survival rate might go up of that was different.
The wealth and connections of the elite obviously gives them access to great medical treatments simply not available to the average person but I still can't see them poisoning themselves simply because they possibly have the ability to treat themselves for whatever they're administering to the entire world. It's an unnecessary risk when there are far more practical ways to poison people if that's your goal.
They don't have to dissipate rapidly. Depending on the conditions and air traffic, they dissolve into a hazy cirrostratus, can become apart of a cirrus formation or be the first in what will become a group, or become cirrocumulus. Contrails are literally clouds in their own right.
On top of this, saying it steals water from California is retarded, as the mountain ranges would end up causing condensation (and do), leaving the air in socal completely dry, creating death valley. Death valley and the entire southwestern desert existing disproves it, on top of that why would the government cripple a state and its productivity? What do they have to gain by sabotage of the economy instead of actively prevent such actions from occurring? Governments don't work to sabotage themselves and make their lives harder.
Plane farts.
Thank you masonic people
Those are the worst (or sometimes the best)
Now you have
Engine exhaust is really hot
Hot gas hits cold air
Makes steam
Gov already admitted to chemtrailing, it's called upper stratospheric injection or some shit, look it up.
>They don't have to dissipate rapidly.
Yeah I just don't remember seeing this phenomenon until the past 10 years or so. Contrails always dissipated and just didn't create the sheer volume of clouds you see today. The thing you don't realize is, any small particles can seed clouds, such as ash from jet fuel. How do you know they haven't created additives which create much more persistent clouds? You don't. It's basic human psychology that people want to seem smart to their peers by denying "conspiracy theories." This causes them to dismiss evidence in front of their own eyes.
>Death valley and the entire southwestern desert existing disproves it
How so? The plane clouds create a layer which prevents the incoming ocean moisture from lifting. No lift, no rain.
>on top of that why would the government cripple a state and its productivity?
1) The California government doesn't care about overall productivity, they care about more control. A productive middle class is a threat to this.
2) It fuels the "climate change" agenda which allows control through taxation of all energy/ emissions. The unsuspecting public doesn't know the climate change is actually geo-engineered.
3) It fuels the "sustainability" push of restricting water usage in people's homes.
4) All of the above drives out the productive (white) middle class from California, a former red state. Now that these voters (and resistance) are gone, the state can be ruled with an iron fist and used as a staging ground for an invasion of the USA (as it is now).
The ultimate goal is control of resources and enslaving of the white man. Take away his money and you take away his woman. Its all about sex in the end.
Within the UV range spectrum, there are different wavelength types of UV; UVA, UVB, and UVC. The Sun in recent years has emitting more and more UVC wavelengths, than it had in the fifties for example (which had clear, blue skies). UVC is cancerous AF, kills several species of plants that we cultivate, and heats up the planet. To prevent a total apocalypse, [they] started spraying aluminium particulate to absorb the UVC rays. They're gonna keep spraying the chemtrails until the Sun stops emitting UVC, so enjoy your aluminium induced Alzheimers.
The sun just suddenly started emitting a different spectrum of rays that threatens crops after millions of years? Doubt it.
Deutschland Uber Alles
Heavy metals injected into the upper atmosphere to deflect, and thus reduce, the absorption of gamma rays by human consciousness. It should come as no coincidence they spray in the morning and evening, but never at midday. This is due to sunrise and sunset emitting almost no UV, but at these times gamma absorption peaks. Additionally, you may notice certain phases of the moon blocked out by chemtrails, again this is due to certain phases reflecting gamma ray consciousness which need to be blocked to keep global consciousness at a minimum.
You probably think this is bullshit, and why wouldn’t you. But the ancients didn’t - and the esoterics know it to be true.
Why do you think all ancient religions worshipped the sun? Technically every religion still does, (((they))) just took away the celestial object and inserted a shill persona in its place.
Want to challenge my theory? It’s really not hard. Wake up at sunrise and imagine something you want, all there is too it. Fake happiness and happy feelings while you imagine something going your way. Cant wake up at sunrise? No problem, the last 30 minutes of sunset work equally as well. Call it visualization or manifestation, whatever jewry you want - all you need is good emotion and a clear mental picture and God (the sun aka source of life) will create it for you.
You’re welcome in advance to the few anons who will discover that wasting 5 minutes to test this theory will alter their life forever.
Because I believe in providing you with enough information to make your own conclusions, examine this:
Interesting that gamma wave synchronization occurs in monks while in deep meditative states... hmm I wonder what gamma waves from the Sun can do?
Ayy vey user, based.
thank you for sharing user
Its just jet engines condensing the water vapor
Real answer and not shitposting?
You need a few things to make clouds. Lifting action(the plane is already high, so none needed) airborne particulates (the fuel that is burned) and cooling( the air leaving the exhaust is hot and then immediately cools) All temperature above 24,000 ft is negative. That's why you don't see them until they are far enough from the engine and it instantly hits that cold air.
The reason you see them on nice clear days is because there aren't any other clouds around to obscure the view or the air is very dry, and there isn't any water to actually create them. A jet engine is basically a giant compressor taking in as many air particles as possible. It comes out as a man made cloud on the back end, and then as the compressed molecules begin to spread back out, they slowly disappear.
The reason that some disappear faster than others is because of the differences in altitude and air density/temp/humidity.
Air traffic has increased exponentially since then. That was nearly 30 years ago.
Commercial aircraft fly along established routes, not wherever they want. No aircraft choose to fly near or close to mountains because of the possible extremely turbulent air and downdrafts. Even around mountainous areas, the published minimum en-route altitude usually keeps you well above any terrain.
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Get comfy and expand your almond activators
Bellagio Sampler's training is almost complete and his power level is rising rapidly.,..
>to my Legion
Your General returns
>to Our Enemies
The crusade begins soon, God's warriors are coming and ALL you shills will bow down and kiss our feet and declare JESUS IS LORD!,.,.,
It's compressed, heated and moist air and fumes and exhaust reacting with very cold air.
Simple physics and chemistry.
sounds good but on the east coast they spray morning, afternoon, night- literally all day long, can barely see the sun or stars anymore. In the 90's the sky was blue every single day with a yellow sun instead of white.
>The reason that some disappear faster than others is because of the differences in altitude and air density/temp/humidity.
I don't buy that anymore, because they now generally persist all day long, often creating an entire overcast sky, at all times of year. If it was atmosphere you would expect them to only persist in the winter.
Have you heard of cloud seeding? Its a well developed technology, how do you know they haven't added things to the fuel to make the clouds persist longer? You can see these clouds on satellite radars now covering large swaths of CA, its out of control.
Even if someone could convince me its all just regular plane clouds, the sheer amount of clouds they're causing these days is a fucked up issue of its own that needs to be addressed. These cloud formations literally prevent mass amounts of rain from falling in CA. That in addition to the artificial high pressure systems created by HAARP and other transmitters.
Cloud busting
Stops rain. Pilots alreadys showed they have a switch for it on their dashboard many times when people go to cockpit in passenger plains with cellphone
>blue every single day
except when there were legitimate storms lasting hours to days, not the twenty minute flash floods we get nowadays
>yellow sun instead of white
yeah people leave this part out a lot
t. schizophrenia
>if it disappears quickly, it's a contrail
a shitty and false conspiracy theory to discredit the real ones.
People have been sprayed by plane in the USA but it was both to costly and to obvious. I believe it was some sort of sterelizer.
>1 post by this ID
low pressure created by lift aka what keeps the plane in the air
Likely have something in their blood that removes whatever harmful shit is in there
Combustion reactions that take place into the gas turbine's combustor release water (from burning natural gas in oxygen) free a quantity of water in the form of vapour. It's so cold at the engine outlet that these droplets of water instantly condense. It's a glorified cloud.
Trust me, they poison us indeed but not in such brain-dead blatant ways that you can see looking up
silver iodide particulate.
>What the fuck is in this stuff?
Atmospheric aerosols.
Sometimes the sky looks like silica aerogel.
Climate change
If one more person tries to tell me "chemtrails" are contrails, I'm going to go postal.
No, I don't know what they're spraying, no it isn't a fuel dump, and no, it isn't just the altitude changing the effect. For fucks sake, contrails do not go across the whole sky, the dissipate quickly.
>What the fuck is in this stuff?
the lines that keep the Earth flat, you can literally see them ON EVERY MAP.
some photoshop skills there, bud
That’s a great picture!
>Between 30,000 and 40,000 feet (9,000 and 12,000 m), the cruising altitude of most jet aircraft, air temperature ranges from -40° F to -70° F (-40° C to -57° C
>In the combustion chamber, just behind the compressor, the kerosene mixes with the compressed air and burns fiercely, giving off hot exhaust gases and producing a huge increase in temperature. The burning mixture reaches a temperature of around 900°C (1650°F)
lrn2thermodynamics faggits
Filmed by pilots
Why do I see them lasting 1hr then? And some lasting 10 seconds?