>Having half the backstory because his dad wouldn't have been at the theatre
Having half the backstory because his dad wouldn't have been at the theatre
A crime-fighting black man is an oxymoron.
Black Batman would be Joe Chill
This fishface nigger is in every movie now
The Darkie Knight
They already have a Black Batman, it's the guy who shot Bruce's parents for their stuff.
Oh shit beat me to it.
Just because Batman doesn't have a father doesn't automatically make him black.
Guess it will have to be a buddy hero movie because as we all know Black Batman can’t go out at night without Robin
Why do they keep doing this shit?
>black man
>fighting crime
Pick one and only one.
because they are trying to flood the entire world with niggers and they need to normalize them in the media so we are more accepting of them
Choose one
He would truely be the darkest knight
(((Hollywood))) just can't stop puberty voice-crack screaming "fuck whitey" at the top of it's lungs. Have they decided who's to play black Superman or how they plan to build an all nigger cast for the 100% "urban" reimagining of the avengers series?
They already have one. His name is Icon.
Omar Little, but with an actual bat.
>this thread
he couldve been working as a janitor and his son couldve been waiting out front for him
what am i saying op is right
nippon is truly the light of the world
>A comic series about a nigger dressed as a rodent beating up and arresting his own relatives
This could work.
>The Black Knight
Why do they always feel like they have to black our things? How would they feel if we bleached black panther? Fucking idiots. They're just making me hate niggers more. The white man can never have anything of our own. We always have to share our things with the undesirables.
>the cooned crusader
Because leftists are incapable of creation. They only know how to take and destroy.
What really kills me is they have good black heroes like Luke Cage who they never give a movie to because he's too fucking real for them.
Emasculate young white men by taking their pop culture heroes and icons and turning them into niggers. Brainwash young white women into desiring blacks by portraying them as masculine, cool, and heroic while portraying whites as effeminate, cowardly, and weak.
Fuck right off
Oh here, let me help
>Joker is a white supremacist
>Two-Face is a white supremacist
>Penguin is a white supremacist
>Mr. Freeze is a white supremacist
>Calendar Man is a white supremacist
Oscar, please.
Niggers didn't even create Black Panther for themselves.
Correct, Black Panther was created by Stan Lee a.k.a (((Stanley Lieber))) and Jack Kirby a.k.a. (((Jack Kurtzberg)))
Why can't they do a live action of John Stewart Green Lantern?
He's easily my favourite one yet no one gives him much movies or animations outside of Justice League.
Hell, I envied him as a kid for kissing Hawkgirl.
>two face is a black guy who had bleach thrown on one side of his face and now he thinks he’s white
How many of the most popular black fictional characters were even made by blacks, I wonder? I bet it's not many of them.
If Batman is black, it will bomb harder than George Clooney’s batman.
>because his dad wouldn't have been at the theatre
Neither would Bruce Wayne's ;)
It's because da white man won't let no nigger draw, he be keepin us down.
John Stewart was my favorite Green Lantern as a kid too. I remember him trapping some fire bitch in a bubble and letting her suffocate herself into a blackout before arresting her. Dude didn't fuck around.
>Hawk Girl
Such a tragic story that one.
Best Batman Caitlyn Jenner fo sure. That would be fuxkklling awesome
sad thing is black twitter which is basically every black person in america would go support the movie because ''muh nogs are oppressed'' and the movie will be a billion $$$ success
How are back people even still a thing? Sad.