Why do they all look like this?
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they're pretending to be happy
cause they're made out of onions
They are fearful monkey men
it is a form of aposematism
This. Look up the fear grimace found in primates.
naturally docile personalities made worse by onions diet and lack of exercise.
too much fluroide
Cause they are happy about all the dick
Or are they just pretending to be pretending to be happy?
look in their eyes and you'll see the emptiness eating their souls
That one on the right, he does not look like the others. He does not have the same soi look in his eye. Is he breaking free?
They imitate women
everyone who was fired at buzzfeed
this, also they are facebook faggots and this is the male version of duck lips when they do selfies. My cousin is one of these idiots and he and my other cousin that married a jew weren't invited to Christmas. True story.
just another reason too NOT have a stupid cliche' fucktard beard.
>waits for /pol bearded tard to say "thats cos muh cantz growz one hehe muh hehe
you all think you look like vikings....you dont.
The silent scream.
Their dead eyes pleading, mouth wide, exposing the fear grimace, as if to signal to the other males 'not me, buddy, I'm harmless...'
Someone told these men that smiling made you more appealing to women.
These are not attractive men.
They forgot how to smile a long time ago... The only difference between us and them is they are willing to conform and thus present false smiles. They forgot how to smile...
I think it only works if you have the genes to actually grow a beard that isn't half assed like these basedboys. I guarantee you it took them years to get it to that.
All I see are happy well adjusted guys who aren’t afraid to leave mom’s basement
The face = fear grimace, a sign of submission caused by social anxiety.
The clothes = conformist and communal.
The glasses if genuine = fucked eyes, sucks.
The glasses if myopic = phonefag.
The beard = differentiates them from ciswomen.
Fourhead = excessive DHT from daily masturbation.
Obesity = fatless diet, meats replaced with soi product.
be afraid
I think he just lost his glasses
Would you hire this man Jow Forums
What's this onions meme?
>t. jealous beardlet
Beards don’t make you a man and neither does having a clean shaven face. Wear whatever suits your face. Whatever makes it look half decent. Beards barely contribute to facial attractiveness, anyway. Most people are fucked either way. Some people look slightly better. Some look worse.
Also, a lot of those betas actually do look worse cleanshaven. Do you honestly think they’d look better smooth and tubby? They wouldn’t. They’re hiding whatever they can.
Trying to attract a certain type of girl. It probably works in their circles.
Nope. I'd do this, though -
Ess oh why wordfilters to onion.
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
Lol bullshit. Unless you have a cut jawline you will always look better with facial hair. Even if you’re a basedboy. The only thing that makes jawless beta look worse is neck hair.
Don't forget low testosterone levels and low IQ.
The face of journalism
>These are the people that form public opinion
I feel bad for that kid, he's totally fucked and doesn't even realize it.
Is that weev
>blocks your path
Id hire this one to suck my dick.
It's interesting how many of them have beards but their beards are all shit.
You sound desperate, user. I wouldn't let that disgusting fat body near my pecker.
ah thee old $oy mouth meme. It was a good one.... like 2 years ago.
Low Testosterone followed by increasing Estrogen from onions related products.
I see "s o y" turns into onions now
t. newfag
Head of Tumblr....
Id do it. Fuck yeah I would leave a copy of Meine Kamphf in the toilet. When she goes to clean up are I cum in her she'd see it and freak out.
It's sort of like a heartbeat of the galaxy which is made of Soi. Kind of like the force but called the basedce. This power is evil though and only feels like you are in the know and hip. In reality you are a pathetic, trendy, materialistic faggot.
Always works
I'm pretty sure that guy is a pro eater, so the mouth open thing kinda makes sense. Like, he could stuff that mountainous burger in his mouth whole.
Soi lowers testosterone in men; it's high in estrogen. As a result, it makes them act feminine. The open-mouth smile is a feminine thing.
Soi boys don't realize how stupid they look not closing their mouth
Is that even a man? Looks like a woman with a butch haircut
>Why do they all look like this?
Jews? Looks like jews
Why do they all wear thick rim glasses? I always try to find the thinnest rims because I thought thicker rims made you look more like a loser and judging from that picture they do.
Another winner.
Speak english, clown.
>not checking the thread
$100 says this cunt will be sucking cocks within a month of being fired making "Adult Films".
Next occupation "Adult Film Entrepanour".
Gen-X software engineer here. I can't tell you how much I hate that the industry is flooded with these guys. These guys take geekism to another level of autism (& this is coming from a geek).
Their pretty easy to spot when you take into account how feminine they act.
I don't understand the point in getting a vasectomy. The pill works almost perfectly and is reversible.
Leave the boyish alone, they're a precious commodity and have always existed. Unlike the bearded, balding and glasses-sporting men we've seen ITT.
Try typing out S O Y you fucking newfag
Fucking soi bois...they ruined Rick & Morty, & Nintendo Wii for me.
The looks on their faces.
And why do they have those stupid ass beards? You'd think since they clearly act feminine they'd try to look as female as possible.
Hell I'm half gay, shave my face and I'm still more masculine then these fags.
It's not a meme, it's a real life phenomenon, retard soiboi
Did somebody ever get around to making a collage with shooped dicks in their mouths?
Has there been any real scientific studies about onions products creating weird beta males like this?
I drink cow milk and I don't have this retarded open mouth problem
Lol is she like 50??
You're... what? goddamnit a memeflag made me respond to it
Actually there's a good chance that he will rebel and become a prominent white nationalist eventually lead the western world toward the Fourth Reich