PRESIDENT DONALD J / @realDonaldTrump
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything! / /
NEW APPEARANCES >Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in FL 2/1/ /ot7cD0D_f50 >Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC 2/1/ /j4yhu8oTTZw >Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart WH 2/1/ /video /?457469-1 / >Pres Trump Meeting on Human Trafficking on Southern Border 2/1/ /video /?457491-1 / >VP Pence @Venezuela Solidarity Event 2/1/ /video /?457497-1 / >VP Pence Meeting w/Venezuelan Exiles 2/1/ /video /?457495-1 / >StateDep Press Conf (SoS Pompeo) 2/1/ /aMr49VseFl0 >NECDir Kudlow on FBN 2/1/ /1xiaOZh5JoA >HHSSec Azar on FBN 2/1/19 /L3niilTJtAQ >KAC on F&F 2/1/ /L3wIsP4MjL4 >KAC inside WH 2/1/ /video /?457477-1 / >This Week@State 2/1/ /7uxz8Ux2Z1o >Pres Trump Meeting w/Chy-na VicePremier Liu 1/31/ /video /?457458-1 / >TrumpTweet: Securing Our Border 1/31/ /8WGeqBp0FAo >Pres Trump Meeting w/American Manufacturers 1/31/ /video /?457444-1 / >VP Pence/DepAG Rosenstein/ActDEAAdm Dhillon @DEA 1/31/ /video /?457432-1 / >Amb Cohen @UN LOLocaust Memorial Ceremony 1/31/ /rhuyiSeuTK8 >Amb Cohen @UNSC on Syria 1/31/ /P9yEvdHhkTs >HHSSec Azar on FoxNews 1/31/ /Y5PJirT3GjY >SpecRep4NoKo Biegun @Stanford on DPRK Denuclearization 1/31/ /video /657392 /
OP pastebin: /nygxu29R prev
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February 2, 2019 - 02:39
hop hop munch munch a-woo
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February 2, 2019 - 02:40
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February 2, 2019 - 02:40
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February 2, 2019 - 02:40
>Virginians get governor Coonman >my governor is just a faggot WOP It's not fair.
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February 2, 2019 - 02:40
February 2, 2019 - 02:41
Remember. No ideologue cucks allowed.
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February 2, 2019 - 02:41
>1776 >momiji wearing the hood properly nice
Attached: comfy angel flotus awoo.jpg (843x760, 53K)
February 2, 2019 - 02:41
>Gov. Coonman resigns in shame >Trump declares national emergency to build wall >civil war in Venezuela >Justice Ginsburg dies >mfw
next week is going to be great we're finally going to get some real happenings
Attached: jessu groove.webm (488x720, 2.95M)
February 2, 2019 - 02:42
Amazing digits, fren. Perfect for this thread.
February 2, 2019 - 02:42
I think he's doubling down and not resignining
February 2, 2019 - 02:42
>Gov. Coonman resigns in shame I hope not. He's GREAT for Republicans.
February 2, 2019 - 02:42
>the leg on that 4 dont fuck it up today
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February 2, 2019 - 02:42
>1776 MAGA
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February 2, 2019 - 02:42
Well Trump has gone WAAY WAY WAY WAY out of his way to have a jew marry into his family and then be apart of his admin you cucked faggot
February 2, 2019 - 02:42
>Coonman resigns umm no sweetie
February 2, 2019 - 02:43
so only 8 days ago we had to endure the sanctimonious left now we get to endure the forgiving left
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February 2, 2019 - 02:43
Why should he? Over some shit he did 30 some odd years ago?
February 2, 2019 - 02:43
>1776 Checked
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February 2, 2019 - 02:43
Friendly reminder. >first private central bank in this country died >we got into a war five months later with the Brits Get your noggins joggin.
February 2, 2019 - 02:43
I'm pretty sure he's a gun grabber who wants to do away with Virginia's voter ID, user.
February 2, 2019 - 02:44
lol a bunch of fat fags posting anime pictures damn when the deep state and jews abandon you, 2020 gonna be so easy to win.
February 2, 2019 - 02:44
>Democrats continue to demand Coonman resign >He publicly embraces his klan membership and announces he is running for president instead
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February 2, 2019 - 02:44
he is a dem and a liberal
February 2, 2019 - 02:44
Say what you will about these fake tweets all the time, this user is poetic and has a wondrous way with words
February 2, 2019 - 02:44
>to have a jew marry into his family now this is how incels think it works lol
February 2, 2019 - 02:44
>my governor is a faggot ice cream man i know this feel
February 2, 2019 - 02:44
>first private central bank in this country died let me guess, it wasn't run by Jews?
February 2, 2019 - 02:45
IT WILL HAPPEN /watch?v=UjhWf-9x7GM
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February 2, 2019 - 02:45
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February 2, 2019 - 02:45
Good one, fwen!
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February 2, 2019 - 02:45
Sloppy but I'll still save it.
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February 2, 2019 - 02:45
>Taking the party back to its roots
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February 2, 2019 - 02:45
THe Don is watching your faggot ass.
February 2, 2019 - 02:45
>ill just call THEM the incels, it HAS TO WORK nice try faggote
February 2, 2019 - 02:45
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February 2, 2019 - 02:45
He will stay in office, and hopefully (not likely) reps would take back the state legislature
February 2, 2019 - 02:46
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February 2, 2019 - 02:46
My governor is a bigger faggot.
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February 2, 2019 - 02:46
checked. but you have no control over your daughters in america, only incels wouldnt understand
February 2, 2019 - 02:46
Nah it was. Madison hated it and his vp killed a bill to keep its charter afloat in the senate.
February 2, 2019 - 02:46
what did he do?
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February 2, 2019 - 02:46
yeah, i couldn't find a good one for "dead on" for pink
February 2, 2019 - 02:47
At least he came thru with a cop out like incel
February 2, 2019 - 02:47
coonman just needs to survive until monday STOTU will take over all news after that and he is out of the media blizzard unlike potus who has to take it 365
February 2, 2019 - 02:47
Well I mean I guess he did nothing wrong, just following other democrat's examples
February 2, 2019 - 02:47
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February 2, 2019 - 02:47
>1776 Doesn't get much better than this.
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February 2, 2019 - 02:48
How did he become governor in the first place?
February 2, 2019 - 02:48
Hell yeah, do a spurdo. If a spurdo with 43 shows up on James twitter tomorrow, we have been visited by based shitposter JW.
February 2, 2019 - 02:48
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February 2, 2019 - 02:48
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February 2, 2019 - 02:48
cant believe I get banned for fringe off topic, then anons like this get away with murder
February 2, 2019 - 02:48
Correct. He just has to hang on through the weekend.
February 2, 2019 - 02:48
February 2, 2019 - 02:48
he the nigger or the ghost?
February 2, 2019 - 02:48
My governor wants to give free Medicare to illegal aliens
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February 2, 2019 - 02:48
So I've been keeping track of faggot central for the last few days to watch the narrative, and they are going full socialist. They are testing the water to see how effect the "rich people are evil we need to tax and seize their assets" message will be
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February 2, 2019 - 02:49
His opponent was a RINO shithead that actively ran away from Trump.
February 2, 2019 - 02:49
>I like beer
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February 2, 2019 - 02:49
My next night off I might hat a lot of Endro and other seasonal anime stuff. I haven't hatted much in a while besides pic related.
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February 2, 2019 - 02:49
>coonman just needs to survive until monday >STOTU will take over all news after that and he is out of the media blizzard
that's true why doesn't he just turn off his phone for 3 days and just go somewhere? show up tuesday afternoon right before the SOTUA
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February 2, 2019 - 02:49
Oh and post the most INTERESTING thing you learned today. >that a Jew popularized black face Never ends.
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February 2, 2019 - 02:49
>Current year >not being a fervent and devout follower of Jesus Christ What’s wrong with you?
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February 2, 2019 - 02:49
>backwards swastikas painted on churches with "Do the needful" written under it.
February 2, 2019 - 02:49
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February 2, 2019 - 02:50
Nah, those go to China. >THEY'RE ALREADY FAKE
February 2, 2019 - 02:50
Hopefully this will get through suburban women, and at least vote for pro life candidates
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February 2, 2019 - 02:50
Because he's a democrat. Literally all you need to win in Jew York.
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February 2, 2019 - 02:50
We need him to tweet about Child Killing Chris Cuomo and his CNN Cousin.
February 2, 2019 - 02:51
>at the same time my governor just signed her first Bill into law yesterday making us a Constitutional Carry state
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February 2, 2019 - 02:51
Black, Northam is 6 foot, look at the height of the curtains & the logic that the KKK is much shorter meaning if Northam was KKK man, the Blackface would be at least 6 foot 4 inches tall
February 2, 2019 - 02:51
I'm praying that Governor Coonman doesn't quit.
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February 2, 2019 - 02:51
*ahem* fuck niggers
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February 2, 2019 - 02:51
>female governor >first action is to pass CC is this the rare anti-thot?
February 2, 2019 - 02:52
sorry, my brother thinks he found a girl i would like and I'm going out. however, i am going out to celebrate his new son, my nephew, and to talk old 30s guy shit. I love my bro more than anything, and he is on the cusp of being redpilled, especially with his new kid.
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February 2, 2019 - 02:52
lmao when i start seeing pajeets walking around with nooses and bleech in the steets
February 2, 2019 - 02:52
>"please revert back to Mexico" painted on taco shops
February 2, 2019 - 02:52
He's Governor Coonman, so (you) take a guess.
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February 2, 2019 - 02:52
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February 2, 2019 - 02:53
this post took my breath away with how funny it was. I gasped at how funny it was and just started laughing. I'm still laughing now as I type this.
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February 2, 2019 - 02:53