What is your opinion on Brexit?

What is your opinion on Brexit?

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Incredulous at the suggestion that NWO would actually let a white country escape the mandatory ethnocide

it's nice to see politicians running around like headless chickens.

I support full no deal brexit. No back stop. Hard border with ireland. The EU will be destroyed, god willing.

Retarded bureaucrats in charge are gonna force a no-deal brexit and the remainer/Irish/german/french&spanish-lapdog tears are going to sustain this board for a good year or so

hard border separation separating northern ireland from the rest i should say

pic related pisses the fuck out of me and I'm not even a bong

This. Also HBO is running a show creatively named Brexit which smears all the Leave people.

I don't know much about it but if I were handling the negotiations I would nuke an EU every week until they get the agreement they want. As if France is going to do anything. It would be more likely Russia or America would...

good. I hope other countries will follow. the eu needs to die.

the idea of the EU ~60 years ago was great but now its a terrible bureaucratic monster and some kind of dictatorship

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remainers happy about the fuck up in negotiations is like a cuck husband happy about his wifes miscarriage cos he didnt want a kid anyway

No need for incredulity, as Brexit is simply a distraction to that very end. Notice the Pakistani colonization will continue apace regardless of a European superstate.

hand on heart, i don't know who's jewing who.
all the court intrigue and mechanics of parliamentary combat has been something to behold.
anyone that sits on an old green seat is queer as cum in my book.

The prophecy is coming true...

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The EU must parish.

that's why it probably won't happen


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It's all been a big show so we can eventually leave without having to pay the EU a penny.

I've been campaigning for it since 2010, I was so happy when they announced the vote, then when we won I felt so proud of my nation.

I'm all for leaving no deal.

I don't believe however we will ever leave the EU in any form. Our leaders are cucked and traitors and our people fucking pussies. They don't even rise up when their own kids are fucked by dirty sweaty dune coons.
I personally think we are probably better off run by fucking hateful foreigners because we are completely incompetent. I just hang on to the last shreds of self belief and the past.

I wished we commited nuclear suicide or accidentally started ww3 and put us out of our fucking misery.

on a surface level it seems like the UK is fond of hitting itself in the face

in reality the british spirit sniffed the tiniest hint of the impending and inevitable federalization of the EU, as originally intended by miterrand and kohl (who created a defective currency designed to fail and force said federalization or face global financial collapse), and manifested it's will of sovereignty at all costs

it's like you people don't even remember or studied the troubles

of course you don't

Paddy here (abroad).

There will be blood on the border yet. Derry is aflame already.

No we dont know our own recent history, please lecture us on the Irish & British relations...

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Half Irish on your fathers side if I remember correctly? ;D

Nah lad, born and bred

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I didn't include any chavs on my post for that reason...

anyway, what do you think will happen if a hard border goes back into place?

Seems like at least northern ireland can be saved. A wall border would be ideal. Could keep migrants and refugees out. Ideally the south will leave the EU as well and the whole EU collapses. Seems unlikely, but god can change things over night and harden the heart of white people over night and an awakening can happen.

Oh I thought you were the half breed IRA wanna be who non-stop shit posts! ha (He's half English as well. haha)

We'll just build a wall & then build a over sea motorway from Scotland to Northern Ireland most likely.

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>a over sea motorway from Scotland to Northern Ireland
Not economically supported. The cost isn't worth it.

Plus, bad times happen again and shit like that will be bombed to oblivion.

We have to build it to economically support NI & to be honest it should of been done a long time ago. Also the under water ones are basically bomb proof!

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>build it to economically support NI
The only reason 4 of the 6 counties was included in NI was to "support them economically". You're clutching at straws. The North come back to the Republic.

> underwater ones bomb proof
Love to see what a car bomb would do.

Yay that's not going to happen, we'll have a mexican-America type boarder & keep the peace. We'll try & make it so SI can work in the UK if the EU allows you to do that. But if you are playing up we'll just shut the boarder.

They put sand around the tube, so if a hole opens it filled with sand instantly.

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Hate it

>Also the under water ones are basically bomb proof!

what could go wrong, right?

the wtc also seemed pretty plane proof

good challenge to the daesh

Once past the NI-SI boarder you could then travel anywhere in the UK, it will boost both our economy's.

There should be more of it, everywhere.
Everyone, everywhere should shrink their political unions - there is no benefit to people being further removed from you personally nevertheless making decisions about your life.

Sand fills the gaps & we could ban any large Vehicle entering the tunnel but that wont be needed as we can filter out people at the NI-SI Boarder, dogs to sniff for anything & so on!

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I don't think you understand what a truckload of C4 could do to a shitty underwater tunnel

You need to go back, Paco.

NI representatives supporting May have made it clear they don't want that type of hassle

Put in a goddamn Brexiteer as PM and quit it with this negotiating nonsense. Trump will gladly negotiate an exclusive trade deal with the country of his mother if the UK actually reached out. May is too busy countersignaling muh racism and muh nationalism to get anything done

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USA user. Hard brexit now, pay nothing to the EU.

>What is your opinion on Brexit?
It has only got so far because of mistakes by the politicians.

1. Cameron offered the referendum in 2015 because he thought it would quell the UKIP rabble enough to return a coalition government. He was shocked (and fucked) when he actually got a majority.

2. He thought he could just smarm his way through "negotiations" and the subsequent referendum the same way Harold Wilson did when he pulled the same trick back in 1975.

3. When he toured the EU capitals with his list of quite reasonable requests (weak at best, pitiful at worst), he was treated with contempt by EU leaders which went down like a cup of cold sick back home.

4. So when they actual referendum came and the entire political establishment got behind "Remain" he thought that it was a shoe in. The vote to Leave was a horrific shock, entirely caused by his naivety.

5. Every attempt to overturn BRexit in the courts (Millar et al), just weakened the executive and made a negotiated settlement more unlikely.

6. The EU failed to negotiate in good faith because they thought the UK government would "come to its senses" and reverse the result, so far they haven't.

7. So bar last minute treason we're leaving the EU (despite the vast majority of politicians being against it) on March 29th @ 11PM.

What happens afterwards is uncertain...

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nah m8 I think they are more worried with risking a recession than with signaling to liberals

>No back stop. Hard border with ireland
Hard border is a fucking meme.

The Brits don't want it. The RoI government ABSOLUTELY doesn't want it. The EU is adamant about it.

Just not going to happen. It would be political suicide for any government on either side to attempt it.

The EU will be told "No can do matey" by both the British and the Irish.

The EU has to go bye-bye one way or another. I say just let Russia steamroll it and teach Europe a lesson for being such pussies and kill or send back all the invading groids and sandmonkeys in the process, but I mean I'm cool with peaceful dissolution too

>6. The EU failed to negotiate in good faith because they thought the UK government would "come to its senses" and reverse the result, so far they haven't.

nope, good faith was never on the table, you're to be made an example of, breaking your back is the only way to keep italians on the leash and that's what's at stake here, you're lucky to be leaving with gibraltar still desu, I thought they were going to push for that one as a symbolic spit on the face of the UK, a final smack of the big EU technocratic dick on your face

>the idea of the EU ~60 years ago was great
Basically this. The EU is a 1950's solution to a 1930's problem.

>leave without having to pay the EU a penny
...and blame EU intransigence over not agreeing a deal. Toppest of Keks.

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the german question is much older than that, and that's what the EU is an answer to, a mechanism to contain germany to an exact measure, grant it enough power but not enough to fuel their inevitable imperial ambitions, weaken it but not the point where russia feels comfortable encroaching on central europe


Ironically at the same time proving why one of the reasons why we are leaving, complete disregard for the for the British people. Democracy is not on the agenda of the EU while building a bloated Empire with no real goals of existing as it sells out it's own people... unless the EU goes pro white(which it wont) the whole thing is fucking worthless.

It's all true now the European army was announced. A prophet

BRExit will not be the end of the EU, but it will strategically weaken it.

The Germans will cough for the lost UK contributions (probably supported by the Dutch and Austrians), but in return will demand control of the 2020 - 2027 budget cycle.

During the next budget cycle countries like Poland will go from net recipients of EU largess to net contributors, so being members of the EU will have far less value.

Expect to see the V4 exit around 2025 or so, probably with a technical suspension of Italy and Greece to limit a full blown Euro crisis.

By 2030 / 2035 I doubt the EU will exist as anything more than a shadow of itself and the Euro will just be a payments mechanism for interbank transfers among former Eurozone members (all members reverting back to their pre-Euro currencies)

This shitshow is coming down...

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I made this, recently updated it!

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Put a yellow vest on the Froglad. They'll end the EU. God bless em

The EU literally only needed to be pro white the past 20 years & we would of been laughing happy as can be!

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>"The problem in Britain is white people"

It certainly is if you're a nigger. Well done Diane. Every time she opens her fat nigger gob we get another thousand BRExit supporters.

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Will do, I'll update it after the planned exit date!

If it were only squatting slavs

I actually like Polish people, any white can move to the UK & I'd be happy with that. Non-white is the huge problem.

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you don't go from being the center of power in the holy roman empire to domestication in just two centuries, not even after massive defeat in war

unified germany is a global powerhouse and there's little anyone can do to change that, just be glad that austria, northern poland and tyrol got hacked away from them

>I actually like Polish people
They're okay. Roma fuckers - not so much.

Hitler was right about those cunts. Gasing is too good for the fuckers.

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One of the major and valid points we won was Europeans undercutting homegrown tradesmen. However, they settle, assimilate. Shared Cultural Christian values.

At what price do you sell your sovereignty out from underneath you? The correct answer should be no amount of money

Why would you want a bunch of beauracrats in Brussel who were appointed, not elected to power have any influence on your country?

No deal Brexit. The Ireland situation isnt a complicated one. There was no border issue before the european union and their will be after the european union. The EU is hopefully going the way of the league of nations

Also fuck Germany, bunch of autists manafacuring stuff for export under a currency which gets devalued by shit hole like Spain and Greece

>The EU is going the way of the league of nations


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Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Denmark is looking great now also Jair.

Good man

But seriously, why would Great Britan even want to be associated with the autistic Germans, the slimy Italians, the welfare queen Greeks and lazy Spanish? I understand identity politics makes dumbcunts want to remain in the EU. But fuck me dead, the British lion hasnt lost all its teeth yet

The death of Europe

>But seriously, why would Great Britan even want to be associated with the autistic Germans, the slimy Italians, the welfare queen Greeks and lazy Spanish?



>The death of Europe
Surely there must be some sort of Alternative for Germany?

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good shit

Now it is making a bit more sense. Sometimes you Brits couldnt be more different than the Aussies but sometimes you couldn't be more similar

This situation, I feel like you need to be a bonafide European wanker to understand it all. Kind of like how only a scotsman can understand scotsman

Anything to bring forth the inevitable collapse of the EU.

The more chaotic the consequences, the better. I want things to get real edgy for everyone.

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I've only ever encountered Irish Gypsy's & they are huge cunts.

Hard working, dont complain, white, what's not to like!

>good shit
I used to work in the UK government (contractor for ££££'s not as a lazy ass "civil servant") and the senior guys were all useless scumbag cunts like this guy.

Teflon coated shoulders for evading blame though. I didn't care, I just said "Yeah man, sure, whatever". They couldn't fire me because the only people that did any work were the contractors like myself.

The thing is that regular people's lives improve when they have less bureaucrats intruding in them - it's only the bureaucrats who experience "chaos", in the most trivial non-threatening sense of that word given their lives are extremely cushy and they're in no danger of anything more than feeling anxious.

>Irish Gypsy's
Pikey's are just lazy thieves with no scruples, but Roma are literal cunts who would mug you in an alleyway, rob you and then stab you as you are unconscious because "what the hell".

Utter scum that deserve to be gassed.

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Separate with no deal already! Let's start WWIII.

Interesting lore about Romanian Gypsies. They believe the first of them stole a nail from Jesus' cross. They have a dispensation for thievery because of this. Actually true.
The people who despise them the most are actual Romanians who are not the same genetically.

WWIII nao!!!!!!

Great Britain vs Germany just like the good old days. The only question is which side will USA be on? Which side will Russia be on?

>The only question is which side will USA be on
I'm guessing "Their own" as usual. Plus they will turn up in the 89th minute and then claim that they won the war.

Just like last time...and the time before...

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Romanians are not Gypsies, the Gypsy's who come to the UK mite have Romanian in them but they are not full blooded Romanians!

Actual Romanians really, really like us!

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UK gypos are mostly scum Irish tinkers. The pink panthers were based.

I enjoy Vee's whiny voice

>Earlier studies of their language and cursory analysis of genetic patterns pinpointed India as the group's place of origin and a later influence of Middle Eastern and Central Asian linguistics. But a new study uses genome-wide sequencing to point to a single group's departure from northwestern Indian some 1,500 years ago and has also revealed various subsequent population changes as the population spread throughout Europe.


How shit do you have to be to get thrown out of India for fucks sake?

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Us and the potatoniggers are the only common law systems in the EU. We don't fit into a system where you make up laws because we fancy it.

Everyone knows they're Dravidian already

A noble but f act that will see them deep dicked by the turd looking nigger monstercock of Realpolitik

USA will fuck over the Brits for their own benefit, as always

I hate how the media in the past few years has glorified them, I'm off to sleep, see you buddy.

That is very Whinny, I'll watch it later, night mate. (A new empire! ;D )

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>Everyone knows they're Dravidian already
So basically curry niggers. Like I said.

>USA will fuck over the Brits for their own benefit, as always
Pretty much.

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Fuck off

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So you think both US and Russia would side with GB again? I suppose with Trump in the WH they would.

Fuck me I would love to become part of British empire

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59 minutes? Fuck of bro.