Is Jow Forums ready for the tenth crusade?

Is Jow Forums ready for the tenth crusade?

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Jow Forums... it's happening.

finally a pope that is not cucked? i might convert


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Isn't Francis a little young for his seat to be up for grabs? Rather interesting that it's already being talked about

This needs acceleration.

He's 82 and has one lung.

>incredibly claimed
Jesus being this new or this willfully ignorant

Please god make this happen

I'll retake my bows if a they sit a pope willing to revive the west and stop sucking Nigger dick

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ty głupi debilu

>dying over a LARP


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Kills all mudslimes and jews.
Pendulum only reaches center.
dark ages 2.0.

We're ready for the first holocaust.

Please be Pope soon

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>not a massive faggot

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God please let the man call for reuniting the christian faith
the fucking HRE 2.0

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God willing

Deus vult

I would join instantly. This world needs to go back to the routes of Christianity.

God is keeping him alive to spread his message!

Oh god fucking PLEASE. The Catholic Church is the one institution that could bring mudslimes to heel over night. DEUS VULT, DEATH TO """pope"""" FRANCIS

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The papacy is a lifetime appointment. This guy won’t live long enough, unless something happens to Francis, God forbid. Either way the homo lobby won’t let him in. Feels bad man. Orthodoxy is looking more coherent by the day anyways, to my eye at least.

nah he was old af when he took office in the first place

There’s like 200 “potential new popes”. This is clickbait

Didn't the last pope step down?

Eradicate all Muslims once and for all. We have the power to, but whites have become such pussies.

The homo lobby failed to block John Paul II and Benedict XVI. They launched their coup against Benedict because he was getting close to marginalizing them from the Curia. Francis is buying time for the faggots who are getting edged out by the Third World bishops.

Slipped into some young boy ass

Only if you know absolutely jack-shit about Vatican politics.

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Remember when unpopular Ratzinger "stepped down"?

Please God!

atheist here, raised Catholic. all the Pope has to do is say the word and I'd go directly to my local parish and sign up.

What a kike!

Yeah, if you do then you know that nobody that the media touts as a strong contender ever is elected.

Kek, Christianity is dying all by itself, no help from Islam needed. In fact, for all intents and purposes, it's already dead.

spic here can I help

>Catholic Church getting its balls back
I fucking wish

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Can we wipe Israel out while we're at it?

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>Sex scandals continuously in its own institutions
>nobody ever gets processed or invesigated
>Still people follow it

Ill never get this

Flag checks out.

no, the kikes will either prevent him through media or cuck him in to kissing. nigger feet

I want circumcision banned too. Blood libel is what it is.

I'm protestant, but I'd follow a pope who called for another crusade.
Sadly though, I doubt the cuckthokic church will make this guy pope after saying that.

Pretty much. Usually they talk more about “what part of the world” or “has views that are inline with what the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith” wants, etc. Then there’s shitload of internal factors not the least of which is “how old are they”. After the hugely long reign of JPII, it’ll be while before anybody not in their 70s or 80s gets elected.

those marble steps are slick alright. it's not his fault.

more like satan


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is kek an angel of casuality?


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>going after mudslimes and not the merchants
first mistake


Never forget

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Not only muslims, but joos, chinks and nogs too

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It's just been a while since he last ate a fresh baby.

yeah, nah, cause it won t fuckin happen

The “should be accepted” number seems rather high. I’m guessing the question they actually asked was something along the lines of “should you treat homosexuals with compassion”, then they tarted it up to sound like the church thinks buggery is A-OK.

christianity is already eradicated lol


Go away, english teacher virgin.

Islam was given, as a message, to Mohammed, by a dewa (de'va by English). That de'va absolutely 100% believed it was the voice of Gabriel. We are just playthings to de'vas. But, as humans, Islam is the most commonsense approach to worshipping a failed understanding of God which doesn't exist in this universe.


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The Final Crusade.


but seriously so tired of the cuck pope

>a fucking bitch is awake
>meanwhile based francis is kising my ass
yeah, deus vult brothas, we can make it!!!

>muslims are the problem
>jews are the problem
both true in certain cases, but not here. jews pretending to be catholics are the problem, and i see we have another winner here.

I'm not even Catholic but I'm ready to join this.

Go with this guy instead, Athanasius Schneider. auxiliary Bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan. He's only 57 to boot. If there are any other Society of Saint Pius X priests feel free to bring them up.
>The phenomenon of so-called “immigration” represents an orchestrated and long-prepared plan by international powers to radically change the Christian and national identities of the European peoples... These powers use the Church's enormous moral potential and her structures to more effectively achieve their anti-Christian and anti-European goal. To this end they are abusing the true concept of humanism and even the Christian commandment of charity.

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Yeah, you'd like your tranny-pope to remain wouldn't you, vargnigger?

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gotta start somewhere

they must have done the same for abortion, right?

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It's over for him now. Should have waited until he got the position.

i am ready, to crack some kike skulls.

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most of the abusive priests are gone, they became priests in the 60's-90's

if you want to be a priest now they force you to take a series of psychological examinations.

they know how much damage it's done and they're trying to weed out the pervs

of course if they'd just allow priests to marry like eastern rite catholics they'd probably would have avoided this altogether

Wtf there's Catholic Bishops in Kazakhstan?

I love Catholicism now


I will literally come to Europe to do this.

I will earn my Papal citizenship.

I will legitimately return to practicing Catholicism if I get to retake the Hagia Sophia for the glory of the Western World

If we get a based pope I will convert

No man shall ever be denied his right to fight in the name of God

>force you to take a series of psychological examinations
This is something I haven't heard. You got a source for this?

>Should abortion be legal if the life of the mother is at stake?
So yeah, probably.

anywhere there are catholics, there is a diocese, and that diocese, and a bishop to run it.

>HRE 2.0
The Kelts are back.

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But seriously, we can't let the globalists get their hands on the holy city.


I’ll raise my kids catholic if this happens

Amen, brother.

Greek Orthodox here, we don’t buy into your bullshit. Fuck off.

There's Catholic bishops near everywhere even if there aren't very many Catholics present. Hard to have a church community if the church structure itself is absent.
Something else I learned about this guy. He's a native central Asian, but a member of the Black Sea Germans. He knows what Communism is like. He wasn't been seduced by liberation theology or western consumerism.

Not you again. This is a good thread, don't ruin it with your autism.

10th crusade - against western liberals. First things first. Need to clean house.
11th crusade - now we settle Islam once and for all without all the previously required niceties.

it is unlikely a bishop will be elevated. it is almost always a cardinal in modern times. technically it could happen though.

First one in 700 years.
Still surprised how little of a fuck people gave about such a monumentous break in tradition.

parish priest told me, sorry don't have a link

but then he was ordained in the late 1990's / early 2000's