Is it me or do I find that when given HRTs and other chemicals from jewish doctors they begin thinking like niggers? Only seeing in the now instead of whats ahead? The worst kind of trannys are the ones who claim to be "redpilled" but speak one word against it and watch them turn left wing. Show them statistics and information and back them into a corner and they cry and get violent.
Tranny Hate Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Just posting a few of these to get the ball rolling
You guys are obsessed.
They are called Transabled now.
I find that as an insult to the disabled, they're way lower than simply disabled
trannies come quick
>transitions from female to male
>goes on HRT
>grows arpit and leg hair
>grows a beard
>chops her tits off
>asks me out and when I say I'm not into dudes say "I still have my lady parts downstairs why won't you love me"
Gee, I recall loving and being rejected by a woman named Christine but never a man named Christopher
They're mentally is not only that of niggers but worst. Because at least a few nogs throughout history I can tip my hat to or commend for being above their race. Trannies not only have zero examples of that but they prove the opposite each time. Not to mention we don't even know the effect these hormones will have on the human body 10 to 20 years down the line. They think so long as they take it when they're kids they'll be able to so lets shoot them up with HRTs! Worst than fucking niggers.
I lost two friends to that shit and I think I'm about to lose another one.
Australia is the best poster
because niggers are born like that but trannies choose to be like that.
Good point Raj. Maybe that 2020 space program is coming after all.
It's the shit post life
>Female to male hysterectomy
>do not want it 36%
>want it someday 49%
>have had it 48%
Wow good think they polled 133% of trannies.
>Claim bible is bullshit
>Say that even the bullshit is bullshit
I'm not even Christian but that is enraging
>A brainlet who doesn't understand how statistics work
Try and try, but your chromosomes assume your gender, shitlords.
niggers don't live in the present they live in the past. all the time every day.
Trannies are fucking disgusting
the fucking subway worker?
Have you ever met one? I have not that I have been able to 100% confirm. Im guessing you are basing your thread on shit you made up in your head or maybe you stalk them on twitter or something
the numbers are how many attempted suicide in each category
the further they transition, the more they want to kill themselves
My uncle is trannies man, trannies is hard job
>not coming from a place where they are literally plague-tier
canada! I expected more from you.
I'm down here in Hobart. they come hear BECAUSE of the reputation for hating gays. they actively come here to create problems.
Trannies took my sister from me. She wants to take testosterone and she gets angry with me when I “use incorrect pronouns.” I just want to kill the trannies on tumblr that did this to her and get my sister back.
No, we're fed up and disgusted by this constant public display of degeneracy.
that's exactly what a blue-haired BPD narcissist would say.
this is made up and does not exist in Canada. I saw one pride parade and its not like I was forced to be there. Just was walking home from work. America has bigger problems as far as I saw when I was there.
ie- the ghettos in Canada look better than middle-class America
>"you guys are obsessed with this thing we're constantly pushing on every single channel 24/7, including onto your children"
>"noticing our attempts means that you are WRONG"
it's literally only a matter of time before someone is bashing your brains out
if you are letting your children learn anything from tv, then you are failing as a parent
who the fuck even watches tv anymore
if it's any consolation, you are not the first person to tell me such a story. trans people seem to forget quickly that they are walking talking pariahs.
it may shock you to learn that idiocracy is a documentary not a comedy.
oh shit Mike Judge made that that movie
guess i have something better to do now than chat with a bunch of fag-bashing losers on Friday night. Talk about hypocritical.
Thanks for the info
I'm just telling you, you discord faggots. Nobody will ever treat you like women. Cucks on Twitter might, but irl no. They will be nice to you, yes, but never will they feel deep inside that you're women and you're normal. I was drinking with my ultranormie friends (girls and guys alike) in a clubbing zone when a tranny approached us. I thought that my liberal friends are gonna ignore it. And I was surprised when after hearing him say hi, one of the guys who had a bit to drink immediately said "aren't you a dude? why are you wearing girly clothes?". The tranny started talking to the girls in our group and they just said "leave us alone". We insulted him until one of us started shouting "fuck off faggot". And the tranny was """hot""" by Jow Forums standards. The voice is what gave it away. You think you're winning because people are forced to keep their thoughts about you disgusting abominations to themselves. The moment shit hits the fan, economic collapse or something, "race war", whatever, there will be loads of people more than happy to hunt you down. And I don't mean Jow Forums idiots, just normal people, some of them would probably rape you right before, I don't care. If you don't kill yourself before you're 30, you should be very cautious where you live, because the moment we're not forced to tolerate your bullshit you're gonna fucking hang you filthy degenerate.
Deutschland Uber Alles
When it first came out: funny movie.
As years go by: documentary. (Still funny though, in a sad ironic way)
Its liberal brainwashing. They teach people to think that way, no chemicals needed, just weak minds and every TV show to regurgitate the message.
Have a bump. Fuck the discord shills.
Here you go, just released my Endless Zionist Wars Video Part 6: Gay Degeneracy
fuck the trannies.
save the children.
I will never, ever understand the female-to-male trannies.
I'm actually really sad for these kids. Poor things, casualties to this bullshit.
Could you imagine what you would do if that thing came anywhere near your child? I mean, I feel sorry for these people for failing to get the help they need to accept they are the gender they're born as, but I would beat the shit out of that monster.
yeah.... thats why i made the video.
art is a expression of the heart and soul
and right now my soul is in pain.
i encourage you all to make art and share it
this is how to fight the culture wars
>but the hard truth is that
The is what happens when stay at home mother's watch their HBO softcore while daddies at work. The kids get jealous for their parents attention and start acting like TV characters in the vain hope that mommy will pay attention to her kids instead.
What's Hobart like? Are gays really hated that much there?
LGBT took my girlfriend from me. She was the quiet girl before she left, and then to put it politely, she became the most basic facebooker trash you've ever seen.
Everything hurts. Watch out, guys. College really is an indoctrination camp.
lol kys butthurt faggot leaf
go back to >>/lgbt/
I want to see a 5'4 110lb vegan join the nfl
I feel really bad for this dude.
He did it to himself though desu.
>Christian supremacist
Never heard that one before
They think they actually pass in real life but the uncanny tranny valley is real. No matter how close they think they are to passing, they can't change their shoulder width and pelvis narrowness. It's why all trannys in pictures pose the same way to try and hide the narrow hips. Also the shrek feet and hands. Muscle and bone structure is completely different and the males have obvious square features while females have softer round features. They will always be trolls.
>Have you ever met one? I have not that I have been able to 100% confirm. Im guessing you are basing your thread on shit you made up in your head or maybe you stalk them on twitter or something
I know three trannies well irl. They're all fucking nuts. Trust me. I go out of my way to avoid these people, but they're friends of my friends, so if I want to hang with my friends sometimes I have to tolerate them.
>1st acquaintance. Female to male. Has schizophrenia. Hacked her boobs off. Disappears and forgets where she is when she goes off her meds. Spent an entire night looking for her once. Has become an asshole since starting hormones. Unemployed. Parrots every liberal talking point like its gospel.
>2nd acquaintance. Female to male. Costume maker/artist. Owes $500 for a costume never completed. Another $40 lent to them when they were broke. Its been 4 years and I haven't seen a cent of that money. Buys classic cars and a horse despite being broke. Horse is in England, taken care of by her girlfriend. Owes lots of other people money. Hacked her boobs off despite being broke. Has gone by 3 different names. Anxiety disorder. Obese. Had 3 different jobs at one point, but is now unemployed.
>3rd acquaintance. Male to female. Fat and bald with long thin hair. Dates another tranny who was female to male. Clearly a man in a dress. No attempt to look feminine other than girls clothes and long hair.
All three of these people conveniently have the same political views and disagree on nothing.
Amazing bible study MOTIVATIONAL
Racism debunked, are you an accelerationist ? Wanna see the Vile people defeated?
Live coverage special of the 200th millionth post! God spoke again!!
Sam Hyde Gillete commercial supercut
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Top 100 happenings and memory holes of 2018
NPC Meme theory VIDEO 1, very first video on subject and part 1 of 3 mini series
The Great Meme Iconoclasm and Article 13
Get comfy and expand your almond activators
Bellagio Sampler's training is almost complete and his power level is rising rapidly.,..
>to my Legion
Your General returns
>to Our Enemies
The crusade begins soon, God's warriors are coming and ALL you shills will bow down and kiss our feet and declare JESUS IS LORD!!!!
Forgot to mention. First two are in their 30's and still live at home. The third one lives in a really rundown apartment with his girlfriend.
Same, I met one before it became trendy back in the 90s and it was fucking crazy, not cute crazy either. Now I live in a very rural area and they are not normal here, I am surprised actually that the one is crazy enough to come out as red neck as the area they live is, (more red neck than where I live) but that just shows how fucking crazy they are.
This is like a scene from a movie what the fuck
its because a lot of people on Jow Forums are trannies in denial. go to /lgbt/ a third of the trannies there are from pol
t. former tranny in denial who has pol as its main board
Exterminating these abominations will be the third most gratifying thing we do, next to exterminating kikes and pedophiles. Then we can move onto faggots next.
That's a great way to single-handedly destroy every female sporting league.
You two know who he is? Holy shit
I'm watching a friend I knew from pre school do it you fucking leaf. I can't wait for day of the rake when faggots like you get gassed
The thing that drives me crazy about movements like this is there have always feminine guys and masculine girls. And that used to be accepted. But now if you're a guy and you exhibit even slightly feminine qualities its off to the plastic surgeon.
I'm so glad my parents never bought into this shit.
One of the ones I know is similar to one I know
>First one is friend from pre school, practically my first friend. Went from right wing to left. Parrots every talking point. Slightly autistic. Parrots every liberal talking point except he doesn't even understand what it means half the time.
>2nd one. Got me fired from my job (which is why I'm making this thread). Been doing it since they were a kid. Some how NatSoc and was the only person I could actually talk to about right wing things at work so I somewhat put up with it.
>3rd one is a bit distant but the most tolerable out of all three. Hope they'll see the light of day but I don't know.
Hey man I understand. My uncle used to drive trannies too :D
They are just people who have been dealt a bad hand. Most aren't degenerates (though that doesn't excuse the ones who do). Some are actually even based. For some it's just an intersex condition rather than a way of life. I hate how much it's been politicized and pushed on sensitive and feminine men nowadays, it's a holocaust of non masculine males
Good job cunt, you got to leave. Oh noes, how will the thread ever survive
but my sides, straya