Does anyone else think there's something fucky about the "learn to code" psyop

>Flood a heavily influential and moneymaking field like programming with liberals
>Shill using only shitty unemployable languages like C and Haskell on right wing places like Jow Forums
This psyop is way too obvious.

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>Thinking any of these lame faggots would put in the effort to learn C?

C and Haskell are good languages though. Just not for soulless mass production by replaceable cogs. They are the best languages for making standalone tools. Everything comes down to assembly.

C is easy to learn. Being good at it is another story.

>unemployable languages like systems programming languages
>you know the highest paid ones

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"learn to code" ain't gonna do shit beyond lutz.

>implying there's a plan behind it

code monkey isn't really a prestigious job.

> tfw godtier COBOL programmer

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If your already fluent in 1 language, it takes like a week to fluently learn another one.

you cant assemble 0

"code monkey"

t. dishwasher at arby's

probably they can't even write something that would compile as C instead of C++ so fuck 'em.

The field isn't going to be 'packed'.

In my first year courses there was 60 percent females (U of T). In third year that has dropped to 20 to 30 percent. The courses clean out the people who shouldn't be there and just got in for the memes.


most of them are just a bunch of dumb ass feminists who think posing with some 25 year old HTML makes them "nerdy" and "STEM" once they realize acting stupid and sucking dick doesn't get you anywhere if you can't actually code they get bored and pretend to be gamers or something else.

I see I struck a nerve.

still sounds better than "reformed journalist"


assembly, kid.

> what is knowledge of libraries, design patterns and frameworks
> what is lisp
> what is bash
> what is assembly
> what is typescript

t. brainlet.exe

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2 more semesters then i have a computer engineering degree. Is it better than cs?

boomer detected.


Also, the visible amount of women at big tech companies and video game companies are usually non essential positions like HR etc.

The actual amount of women in engineering and tech is relatively stable still, but the visibility and marketing is on overdrive.

There is just no way you can convince uninterested/half interested people to power through things like operating systems courses.

>right wing places
>Jow Forums
It is a pajeet infested shit hole board nowadays.

theyre too fucking stupid to learn to code. it's like that sheboon that posted something along the lines of "dey be making bitcoin hard to keep the black folk down" which is a telling statement; niggers realize that they are fucking stupid. the "journalists" are fucking stupid too. they are aware that they are too fucking stupid to learn to code. and they know that we know that they are too fucking stupid to learn to code. rest assurred none of these stupid lazy purplehaired femen are going to learn anything in life, much less learn to code. telling them to learn to code is insult maximus.


The only prestigious languages are LaTeX and British English.

Russians are so racist.

Should I learn rust or does C++ have too much of a market share to ever loose its "industry standard" status?

I think 1/2 of 1% of laid off journos would be able to grasp an operational implementation of C. Maybe they can learn nuclear engineering instead.

>shitty unemployable languages like C

What in the fuck is rust? That sounds like this question
>should I learn to be a shit-tier code monkey competing with yellow and browns from the start gate
>or should I learn an actual language where white people will want to get extensively drunk with me while I describe everything that's so wrong with it

>Does anyone else think there's something fucky about the "learn to code" psyop
No, it's fucking hilarious.
Stacy majored in journalism and thought CS nerds were gross and shit on them her whole life.
Then she got a job writing about how great white genocide is and how gross CS nerds keep women out of STEM.
It's like a dare to actually fucking try to code if it's so fucking easy and social conditions and patriarchy are the only thing keeping her out of the industry. In actuality, everyone knows women have massive fucking advantages when it comes to actually landing a job. It also subtly invalidates their career choice, like "Oh the journalism thing was fun, now how 'bout you try to find a real career, sweetie?"

Hey, retard, you're retarded.

Rust is basically C++, but with better mutlithreading capabilities and some other stuff... It could potentially be the future. Maybe.

I'm a software developer. I work in Java and have a bachelors in CS. Software development/coding is easy. Coding is not hard but most people aren't comfortable with computers so they shy away from it. I am astounded that more people don't go into the field. Right now, I am looking into moving into some kind of business venture or pursuing an engineering degree in something. What does it tell you when some person not formally educated in your vocation can do your job? Imagine software developers transitioning into law with a 24 week boot camp or medicine. It's ridiculous. The only thing that can spare software development is if there is an overhaul of the immigration system which prevents employers from importing more and more workers from the third-world. There is no shortage of IT/Software Dev people right now.

Most people are cleared out by the theoretical CS and math. But you aren't using any of that in your day job and you'll forget it 2-3 years once you're in the workforce. Any position that involves math (beyond algebra and basic geometry) will require a Masters or PhD in CS or Math.

>multithreading capabilities
They couldn't even get "const" to have a decent meaning in C++. I cannot expect the multithreading version to be any more than a tiny bit better than the version of MATLAB you have you pay for and than a moron Jewish woman who designed it writes a blog about how wonderful it is while you dumped it and wrote your own thing to get the job done about 100x faster.

I would say yes. But engineering is a bit of fucky field from what my friend tells me. EE can work as CEs but CEs can't work as EE's, and the gap between EE's and ME's is only a years worth of electives.

true. also a lot of these companies hire models who look a certain way for diversity marketing and millennial targeting. the models are easy to spot, they're all in their mid-late 30s with important sounding mid level management positions but the dude with the dreadlocks, the fat chick with the nose ring/pink hair and the tattooed anorexic androgynous person are not real employees, they're models who don't actually do any STEM work.

>power through os courses
They lose interest because the novelty of being "the only girl" in the class wares off when they realize 1) they're not the only girl in the class 2) there are girls who are hotter than they are who are actually smart and interested in the subject

This, learned C when I was like 12 or something. I bought a copy of STL and read the whole thing.

Knowing COBOL, Fortran, or BASIC can land you a sweet cushy government job, especially within the defense contracting industry. They're maintaining really old systems they don't want to have to rearchitect to the modern age.

The way I understand the learn to code meme, is that when manufacturing is wrecked by free trade and wages were depressed because of legal and illegal immigration 90 iq people were advised to learn to code and reskill. So this is just the same advice to these people.

>Flood a heavily influential and moneymaking field like programming with liberals

are you fucking retarded?

nobody here expects these people to actually learn to code, we're just trolling because it's the same shit they're saying to white working class people when they lose manufacturing jobs or when regular jobs get automated.


and this is how I know you don't know anything about computers

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You're doing it wrong. Once you learn that math you can tell your boss why he's such a thorough idiot and he'll pretend he doesn't understand because that isn't the way he was tought to apply that math.

Turns out he's dumber than a cinder block.

that's not racism, that's reality. Russians are based af and not afraid to speak the truth that is in front of them.

Rust is very niche in terms of total marketshare. Very few developers are using other than a hobby. You won't be seeing job postings for "Rust Development experience desired" any time soon. C/C++ on the other hand, you'll find fairly often.

Literally employed right now making ~100K USD writing C code for embedded devices.

Top Larp dude.

>not being able to discuss classes of languages because you recognize they're all pretty much the same and can thus learn any of them
What level are you plebians even playing at?

Is the SICP worth doing with DrRacket?

Shut up, Putin. They'll hack us!

> Once you learn that math you can tell your boss why he's such a thorough idiot
wtf are you on about? how does this relate to what we're talking about

most people who graduate with cs degrees and study all that math and theoretical cs are working on a java system, coding in javascript and making some web app or some other language like c#. no math involved besides arithmetic and algebra.

also telling your boss he is wrong or making him look dumb is a great way to get fired and lose out on a 10k raise.

Embedded work in Australia? Man I have been trying to break into that. Currently working in Java and have some JS experience can you offer me some advice into getting in? I only have a CS degree whats your degree in? Currently learning C and getting into advanced C++

op is retarded and indeed a faggot

It is true that there is no shortage, however it can still pay okay though.

Surely you can make at least 100K AUD as a senior dev?

I went for an interview just recently paying ~120K AUD for senior C# developers in Brisbane.

If by SICP, you mean pic related, then yes. The book is very good.

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The problem with teaching idiots to code is they do more damage than good. If there is any method to the madness, it's to flood the industry with years of technical debt created by these idiots.

This would give them a head start, because they'll start with stolen codebases and refine them, and we'll have manyears of garbage to dig through.

I literally have nk idea how to code in any language but have done extensive work in c, c++, csh, python, tcl, matlab and vb by googling shit

you are not wrong.

Because then we don't have to think about web apps ever again. It's freedom.

No. Shitty web development is already full of liberals and pretty much anybody who takes an interest in Haskell or C is more than capable of doing that too. It's not like people can/will only learn one language. Consider what's been going on with the BSD and Linux codes of conduct... THAT is how these people infiltrate things and they're already well-represented in the industry without any need for psyops to bring in ex-Buzzfeed staffers.

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of course a single competent coder could dig through it programmatically, but that's easier said then done and still takes a lot of time.

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yeah the entry market is fucked though. mid and senior positions are pretty good. I see a fuckton on stackoverflow

This has more to do with these journalists being the exact same people who told the working class to "learn to code".

They wrote articles, about how coal miners are selfish for wanting the coal industry to exist, and that the working class would just learn to code if they weren't so lazy & egotistical...

The problem with teaching idiots to code is they do more damage than good. If there is any method to the madness, it's to flood the industry with years of technical debt created by these idiots.

This would give them a head start, because they'll start with stolen codebases and refine them, and we'll have manyears of garbage to dig through.

of course a single competent coder could dig through it programmatically, but that's easier said then done and still takes a lot of time.

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Cool. I'm in IT and I'm looking to move more to the software side, and I've seen it recommended.

I was just a little worried about the age.

wtf are you talking about? Telling someone to learn to code is like telling someone to start lifting weights. Directing them to languages is like directing them to lifting programs... I mean, either you're capable or you aren't.

nah. if they do get hired they'll just manipulate people around them to do their work.

I think you are looking at it the wrong way. I don't think the largest threat is that a bunch of liberals learn to do it or that they learn shitty languages.
What if it is more subtle? What if the goal is to get people to think like programmers/coders think? What if different languages are made in such a way that, to use it effectively you have to adopt particular patterns of thought?
If you then push programming as the thing you have to do and teach all kids it, then you are going to fundamentally change how society approaches thinking.
Just food for thought.

That does not guarantee the work will be architected properly such that it is extensible and also modifiable without huge rework. My current job I just started, our menu system is technically comprised of three separate, and very different, methods of displaying information to the menu pages. Each of which has their own protocols to communicate the information and changes to the business/logic layers. It's very convoluted and written by a woman who has "9 years of C# experience". She just left and we're about to completely undo the monstrosity of our menu system and consolidate it into one solution so that we can standardize. Mind you, this code base is older than I am.

This. Nene could do it, but only because when you start writing C all you can do is write NeneQuest. No one can hire and train someone to write C, the only people who actually have the time to learn it are people who don't have to make an economic impact on their surroundings until years down the road.

You put in the work, or you don't, some people have a genetic disposition...

>easy to learn
debatable... imo unless you know how to do polymorphism in C, you don't really know it.

I haven't told my last boss yet I ghosted him because of a woman. But I have one of his books, so when I go and put it in his office mailbox I'll include a note explaining he's fucked because he let a woman run his shit.

>either you're capable or you aren't
Yeah, that's the joke

> suggestions of how to break in

Work on personal projects that demonstrate two things:
> Your willingness to work on things that interest you
> The project is in the area of work you're applying for
Think up basic ideas for embedded system projects and get cracking. Pro-tip: think up ideas that will tie in with one another so that you can have a multi-phase project that has very defined concepts per phase so you don't lose motivation.

My degree is in electrical engineering.

It shouldn't matter though. If you already have a CS degree, no need to do an engineering degree.

Just buy some micro controllers (start with arduino, move up to AVR microcontrollers on your own board (breadboard / veroboard), and then eventually put one on a PCB with some peripherals if you can. Get it to do some cool stuff. Maybe make your own mini drone or something. I guarantee you would get a job if you did this and demonstrated it.

After that its about learning some more powerful microcontrollers ARM cortex-m, and then finally embedded linux.

>Flood a heavily influential and moneymaking field like programming with liberals
Silicon Valley is 90% liberals already you dumb fuck.

Why do you keep repeating yourself? Are you a shill/bot?

>his compiler never gave him an error that covalint return types haven't been implement yet
>he never used thiis as an excuse to his woman boss for why it doesn't work on time
>never spent almost an hour explaining what a covalant return type is and why it's critical to the missiion
>never watched pure disgust wash over a woman's face when you flop out a half inch of standards committee debates about this very issue

stay pleb.

It's a meme because learning to code is hard and literally only 1% of the people who try are going to stick to it
Coding is a bit like music. If you didn't start early, you're going to be mediocre at best

i learned typescript in about a week.
unironically having a background in haskell made the type system ridiculously easy.

meanwhile some rubyshit on our team who's a "boot camp" grad still just uses for fucking everything.

If Emily Gorcenski can code. Liberals can code.

these people have been able to publicize their opinion to the extent that you're (You) are taunting them. They (used to) make good money. You need to analyze this situation. You're not a step ahead of them because you know how 2 code.

Thanks. So you guys recommend on focusing on mainly C, C++ and embedded linux? What about asm, and should I take any moocs on digital circuits and electronics

To the Aussie, how competitive is the embedded job market here? Do you work with any CS graduates?

You realize there are a fuckton of c jobs correct

keep telling yourself that looooool

>can't even spell "covariant return type"
>calls others "plebs"

That sinking feeling in your gut when you realize exactly how something the junior dev wrote "works", and the effort required to fix it.

Oh I fucking hate it when people `any` stuff. Ruins the entire god damn typing system.

Learn the hardware side of things. CS graduates think it's dark magic, so you'll be able to tell them how wrong then are when you're the one in charge of the budget and explaining how stupid it is to think they're going to get their classwork done in the cloud.



It shouldn't have been an issue to begin with except autistic math majors thought it should be made in terms of functions. That's not how the hardware works at all.

You will definitely need to focus on low-level languages while at the same time taking into consideration the constrained hardware available to develop on. Embedded programming is the closest you'll ever come to the 80's programmer who only had a few Kilobytes of memory to work with (aka they had to be clever with their algorithms and data model). I don't know much about electrical engineering other than a few intro courses I took in high school. I'm more of a pure software development viewpoint, but my advice still holds. Engineers care more about your demonstrated ability to do the work you'll eventually be given then they do about what coursework you've done. If you have personal projects, those are worth their weight in gold compared to school projects.

Lol. I always forget that because of the who to who I am; that programming is difficult for most people. You are creating deterministic algorithms and processes, establishing yourself a dictator of a world of your own creation. Methodically, it will only perform the steps you specify. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I believe the ability to code to be highly correlated with an individual's ability to establish object permanence. In particular, even adults can become over-inundated in the facade that we present outwardly. It's the mistake of putting more credence into those who maintain titles, just extrapolated. If you look for reason, in spite of this inherently paradoxical conception, that's typically a pretty good indicator of someone who can hack it - I've found in my time so far. Even though we may be irrational, we have the ability to, inductively, establish rationality. So we can apply it on small scales. Yay.

>what is entropy
>what is good code

>not coding in 6502 ASM

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Learning any language is easy. It's the software engineering part that's not.
Most people who program in C are actually the dumbest of the coders.
t. embedded software fag
(Also, that book must be what the pajeets use--I want to murder them).

You just have to run the numbers in your head
>is there enough bandwidth in the ISA bus to use that other 120k of memory on the video card as a kind of swap space?
>if I program the VGA registers the right way then I don't need it even for tripple-buffering
>but what if I want to make sure it will work at 8MHz

Yes, C, C++, Embedded Linux, Make, Python (for some scripting etc, maybe automated testing), and Bash. Docker would probably come in handy too.

Its okay I guess. Just go to seek and take a look at some job postings.

Salaries are like 60-80k junior. 80-100k mid level, 100-120k senior. This is for Brisbane. Probably slightly higher melb/sydney.

Probably don't really need to learn asm for anything. Only time I use it is for really optimized things like calling some microcontroller instructions directly without using the shitty hardware abstraction layer. Not worth the time learning it, just learn it when you need it for small things.

Not sure about moocs on digital circuits and electronics. You probably want to understand the basics enough to be able to measure your power consumption etc and how the circuits relate with the hardware (GPIO pullup / pulldowns, etc). But you learn this as you go.

Are you a troll or just retarded?