yeah i guess it was polish nationalism that cause world war 2. Or romanian nationalism. Also if the person who made that thinks US soldiers weren't nationalists he's deluded to the point of insanity.
Do you feel bad when you post stupid shit like this, user?
Because you really should. You might want to get that checked out by a professional.
>patriotism is when I like it, nationalism is when I don't
Why is nationalism represented as hate towards other nations? I would say it's more about love for your own nation. I even want other nations to be nationalist as well ffs
>Pride in who you are (unless you're white)
>Learning from history (*our interpretation of it)
>My country can do better (and anyone who disagrees with my solutions is evil)
>Fought Nazis (but we'd call them Nazis if they were here today)
Nationalism in the 21st century has evolved into upholding the status quo, it is simply opposition to globalism and Marxism.
>brown people looking useless and forlorn
Yeah because brown people are literally not even human.
Because Patriotism relates to a country/state, while Nationalism refers to a nation/people, and in order to be a nation, you have to have a certain amount of things in common with the other members of your nation.
This then implies that groups of people are different, which goes against the core assumption of internationalist liberalism/globalism that people are all the same/equal. Hence nationalism threatens globalism and makes itself a target. You are correct in your assumption that the root of nationalism is love of one's own, but redefining it as hatred of the other makes it easier to shame people for being nationalists, which furthers the interests of those who would prefer the world to be one giant shopping mall devoid of nations or nationalities.
They were Nazis by modern standards
oof what happened to Ben
1 post by this I.D
Why do you retards keep falling for obvious bait
>me: calm, sensible, collected and rational viewpoint
sage btw
>not posting redpills in newfag b8 threads
If those US Soldiers knew what America would be like in 2019 they'd drop their guns and walk hands up to side with Germany.
Every year, millions of people worldwide poop their fucking pants. To some it happens while they're in the office. Others, on public transport. Family dinners, public outings, even soul-searching while gazing at the stars- it can, and does, happen anywhere. I like to call it "humanity's dirty secret", because most are embarrassed and try to hide it. But what happens when we all conceal what we feel inside? We end up alone, despite being surrounded with others who are exactly like us. Don't be alone. Don't let others feel alone. The next time you poop your pants, stand tall and proud, and shout to the heavens: "I just fucking pooped my pants!". You will be surprised when they respond in the guise of your peers, loving and accepting you unconditionally, in awe of your strength and personal integrity.
Nation = group of people with common language and culture
Country = political entity with recognized borders
A country can be 1 nation or made up of multiple nations. Nations can control 1 country by itself or they can exist in multiple Countries.
Nation-state is a country made up of a single nation.
Empire is a country made up of multiple nations.
Patriotism is the willingness to sacrifice for a country or nation.
A man loyal to only one nation in a multinational State does not make him less patriotic than one who is loyal to the State itself.
What the left wants us to do is abandon our nation and adopt their own. They are a religion on the march and they want to subjugate. Pretty much behaving like the British Empire and it shouldn't come as a surprise that the UK is ground zero for the nonsense on the Left. They are about 3 years ahead of us in the US.
These threads sometimes offer an opportunity to educate. Especially when nothing is really happening right now. Feel free to go hang out in the Va gov threads or some twitter post thread.
> demshits on partiotism
Only white people can be racist. When blacks do this, its critic on white racism ... my ass.
Patriots: fought nazis for gay nigger shit and chinese world domination.
Patriots are gay.