Jow Forums why do people feel such a strong attraction for their nation. Honest question. You can't choose where you're born. It just happens. Why is an area where one person is born, inherently better than another? Can you explain why having absolute loyalty to your place of birth makes you better then another?
I'm honestly curious because I can't understand it. The only reason the majority of people like their country better is because they were born there and that's all they really know. Is there a rational explanation for it?
You can't let personal feelings play a part in it. It has to be completely objective. If you were born in a different county than you were, would you love it the same as you love your actual country right now?
Jow Forums why do people feel such a strong attraction for their nation. Honest question...
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Why do you feel a bond to your family, to your friends? We are linked to our lands and those around us. You share a common connection with those within your country that you could not share with foreigners. You take pride in the accomplishments of yourself and your fellow citizens as they help progress your nation. It's a sense of camaraderie you could not find anywhere else.
>what is genetics?
>what is culture?
Posts like this are proof that the jewish media is brainwashing the young retards to gave no understanding of human reality and to think mass migration of slave laborers is normal.
Aboba a shit
Nene a best
Move from the US to Tajikistan and tell me it won’t feel alien as hell, now move from one side of the US to the other and tell me it doesn’t feel just a little different but still like home.
of course it feels different. It's because you're not used to it. It doesn't mean that one place you live is inherently better than the other.
This is irrelevant. I don't feel any of this.You can't let personal feelings make your decision.
Culture doesn't truly exist. When it comes down to it people are individuals. Even those in families and communities have differences. If you were born in a different county than the US, would you feel the same way about it as you do about the US?
>who needs borders?
That you asked this question makes me think you haven't let your thinking wander outside the bounds of what has been presented to you.
Imagine ten thousand years ago. You have two tribes; one of them (made up of people who just happened to be born into it by chance) love it and are devoted to working to feed, shelter, love and protect their kin. The other tribe don't really care because we are all equal and the brothers and sisters you grew up with shouldn't matter any more than a total stranger. With any kind of adversity as was common throughout history, the first tribe is much, much, much more likely to persevere than the other.
Lather, rinse, repeat this dichotomy on every continent for the rest of history. You get where we are now.
Oh, but we can stop doing that now, because the forces that shaped humanity suddenly no longer exist, and the unprecedented abundance and safety and convenience that make it possible to have a view as naive as yours couldn't possibly disappear in a single major social collapse, meaning the legacy of people like you will be the same as it always has been, only now we'll have much more thorough records of it.
Don't worry, it probably won't be within your lifetime, and only people who care about others are concerned with the legacy they leave future generations care about that kind of stuff, so why would it bother you?
Fuckin plebs shitting up my Jow Forums
>I don't feel any of this.
Clearly a basement dwelling NEET or just an autist you cannot empathise, either way explaining this to someone like you would be a waste of time.
>Culture doesn't truly exist.
But how can we see when our eyes aren't real?
This retard is probably 16 years old and severely autistic. While you may feel sorry for him, in a just world he would have been euthanized already.
Let me guess, le white people have no culture right?
once again, not an argument. You're trying to argue with muh feelings.
You haven't given one objective fact as to why your line of thinking is right. Every country has different views of what is right and wrong. What makes yours better than the other?
>and only people who care about others are concerned with the legacy they leave future generations
You will not know what your contributions leave to future generations.
I'm proud of the land that feeds me
Of the men that built my nation
Of the culture that I was born into.
It's not about thinking you're better than others, its about having respect for what came before you and has allowed you to live and respect for what will come after you.
user, I bet your views on the world have been shaped by the culture you grew up in and your family.
you snivelling sockpuppet, I take the time to give you a verbal stepladder out of ignorance and the only thing that makes it through your skull is "you don't have clairvoyance." What's your fucking point? I'm going to work to provide for my family and community and humanity as best I can, and the fact that I can't see the future doesn't by itself specifically fucking mean I should do my best to prepare for it? I should just watch anime and feel smug about how morally superior I am for going full 'there's no them only us I'm tolerant and that's all that matters therefore I'm a success even if I don't accomplish a goddamn thing in my life,' Goddamn you people don't need help to look small-minded.
kys, Hifumin is best
Me again, on reflection you probably won't bother to read any of the eloquence I bequeathed, so I'll tl'dr it to a simple line you might be able to process;
"A society has grown great when old men plant trees knowing they'll never sit in the shade."
You are now smarter for having read it. You're welcome.
I am bless to be born the US, and I appreciate what this country has and the work it took to make it all so.
Why do people feel such strong attachment to their mothers?
Why do people feel such strong attachment to their fathers?
Why do people feel such strong attachment to the home they grew up in?
If niggers had the same crime statistics as whites i wouldnt care. But they are way different and not in a good way
Culture is objectively real you retard. Its how people interact on the most basic level, to the sort of entertainment they produce/watch. And tribalism is a natural human emotion that has allowed each culture to survive arguing which one is better is merely a side effect. But being proud of your country makes people want to improve it, allowing said country to thrive. When people lose faith in their country it falls. But you are obviously a edgy 13 year old so you aren't actually going to understand any of this
Although we're the little guy and no one gives a shit about us, I love my country and I'd die for it.
Aoba belongs to hifumi's tits
A nation is collectively passed down from generation to generation.
It is an inheritance, not some arbitrary event.
It is fundamentally impossible for you to be born to anyone except your parents.
>You can't let personal feelings play a part in it. It has to be completely objective. If you were born in a different county than you were, would you love it the same as you love your actual country right now?
I'ts perfectly objective to value those close to you more than the rest of the world equally. By your logic, loving your mother is bad if you don't love all mothers of the world equally.
Honestly if I was Canadian I'd probably have zero patriotism. Same if I was born in most of the South American countries.
But being American I can see how great our country is, even despite attempts to destroy it. We pretty much run the world at this point.
If I was born in Europe or Russia I'd have national pride based on the rich history/culture of whatever country I was born in. Same with Japan or southeast Asia.
Its just a matter of is your country a shithole, and did they achieve anything. And the desire to continue those achievements.
does it have the most population fo whites? can you deny the holocaust there? own a gun?
So let's say that they have. If the community and place I grew up in shaped how I view the world and what my policies are, why are they better than someone who grew up in a different community? What makes one better than the other? Why do people in the USA think it's better than Canada? Why do people in Canada think it's better than the USA? Why do people in Europe think the EU is better than NA and vice versa? Where's the actual proof to back it up?
>tribalism is a natural human emotion
Once again, your argument comes down to muh emotions, which is exactly what each different side tries to use against each other. You think your feelings trump what is actually true.
There are many people who don't feel this.
You would most likely think this same exact thing if you were born in another place than the US.
>a society has grown great when old men plant trees knowing they'll never sit in the shade
I'm sure there's been countless people throughout humanities existence that has thought this way and it hasn't turned out as they hoped.
Have you seen nene's tits?! Cause I sure have.
No loli looks like that sorry.
>Jow Forums why do people feel such a strong attraction for their nation. Honest question.
Male psychology is all about property and boarders. People are like animals, and we get worse when resources are slim, so we need terms for segregation. One of the reasons we have fences around our houses. When you scale that up the the macro we get nations, a group of humans that can function/think together to more efficiently gather resources. The nation becomes impotent to essentially protect the team unit that lives with in the boundary.
>Why do people in Europe think the EU is better than NA and vice versa?
Maybe its because you have something in common with the people you are born around? Honestly it has to do with ethnocentrism, people are more incline to believe that their way of doing things is right because its what they have always known. For example, if you try to explain to a thai why Individualism is important, he probably wont understand since his culture is centered on collectivism.
This link might explain a bit more about ethnocentrism
Plus if we're gonna talk bait here, Hifumi is literally autismo sperg waifu bait the character for minority's.
Nene is the white mans choice
Because if you try to go anywhere else you’ll always be regarded as “foreign” to them. So you may as well look for what’s good in the homeland you were born into.
>most population for whites
Not if your in the North which has it's ups and downs, the south however has lots of whites.
>own a gun
With a license, sure.
>deny the holocaust
Yes you can actually.
I will tell you exactly why. It's because humans aren't individuals. We are social animals that have the capacity to display some amount of individuality, but no one is an atomized individual.
There are species that spend their entire lives alone, owing nothing to their parents other than the fact of their birth. They are true individuals. Humans, by contrast, are born to a mother. And she suckles you, and raises you, and teaches you the language and culture and gods of your people. And you love her. You don't need a reason, you don't need Goethe to tell you why you love her, you just do. She's your mother. It's not rational, and it doesn't have to be. And until you're about 15 or so, odds are, without your mother, and preferably your father as well, you're as good as dead. This then is why teenagers often have a rebellious phase, where they seek identity outside that which they inherited from their parents.
We all have families. Some bigger, some smaller, some happy, some not. And families who share a culture and origin and background often live together, and we call these communities. And community is a nice word, everyone loves community. But when there are enough of them together, we call them Nations. A group of people who share a culture, a language, a heritage, and perhaps most importantly, a fate. The root of nationalism is the ontological fact that we are incapable of not loving that which we are born to. It's not rational, and it doesn't have to be. And sure, there are those of us who reject our nations, but even that comes from the teachings we have been handed down. Born another time, another place, leaving the nation would be unthinkable. And as Andre Malraux said, "We all leave our nations in very national ways." Even the staunchest anarchist, who denies the utility or rationality of nations, does so only because his culture bequeathed that ideology to him, as well as the words with which to make the argument. No human being survives wholly alone.
So which one is the best if someone were to view the entirety of mankind and their current cultures without looking through a biased lens from the place they grew up in?
I am Amerifag
I fly Amerifag flag.
If i was Britbong, i'd fly Britbong flag.
It's about cheering for the home team, that we give our best and that makes us better as a whole.
Simple, ego.
I can honestly say one of the 1st reasons for my America, Fuck Yeah mentality is because if America is great then I am great because I am American.
Same for my blonde hair and blue eyes and being white.
So if someone insults your country, you deep down feel like its an insult to you.
I have no doubt that if I was born as some olive skinned southern Italian with black hair and brown eyes, I'd be harping about the Roman empire, how brown eyes aren't recessive, and how white skin is weak.
>So which one is the best
There isn't one. There are certainly those which are more or less dominant, but "best" is a normative statement about what should be, not what is. Hence there is no divorcing it from the bias we all have. Rationality or objectivity can have nothing to say on which nation is "best" because "best" means different things to different people.
Because the word "nation" meant "tribe."
Nations made up of people from the same race tend to stay united and care about each other. When a nation becomes "multicultural" it breaks up along racial lines, and is no more.
You didn't answer the questions.
Here's some more questions which you will ignore.
Why do you arbitrarily care about humans?
If borders are arbitrary, then aren't species arbitrary too?
Why do the special genes of humans have more value than the genes of other animals, or even plants?
Why are living things more important than non-living things?
Why is your life existence superior to a rock?
Why should other living things be culled and harvested so that you can sustain yourself?
The very fact that you choose to exist means your own philosophy is bankrupt because you claim to reject ethnocentrism yet choose to sustain your own life at the cost of other living organisms.
Preference for an ingroup isn't rational on an individual level, but it would be a trait selected for since resources are scarce and showing preference for your people, even if it isn't rational for the individual, will be a trait selected for since it improves the odds of survival.
For more info, see
Very good question user. Its pretty hard in that way to not have a bias or world view shaped by your culture or the people who surround you. Human beings learn by mimicking characteristics of those around them. Along with the ethnocentric bias people have it is very hard to simply have a non bias view on how things are done.
To answer your question simply, we don't know, maybe there is a single answer to this out there but we have not found it yet.
I do think its best to have a sense of national pride or to do things not just for yourself but to also better those around you though but that has been shaped by those around me too. I sometimes think that If i had been born in another land, with a different culture and people, my views would be just like theirs.
>I sometimes think that If i had been born in another land, with a different culture and people, my views would be just like theirs.
Of course they would.
If we all get that we share this same feeling then, why are there constant threads on here about people claiming their country is better? What does it prove? If everyone were to realize this what's the point of it? They'll understand where each poster is coming from and realize it's futile to try and change their minds.
1. I don't particularly.
2. Pretty much. Everyone of them shares the same planet and life.
3. They don't. We've just deemed it to be that way.
4. Again, it just comes down to that because we feel that way since we're capable of it.
5. It really isn't.
6. They shouldn't be. They are though because they can. It doesn't really matter in the long term though. I just do it because I can. I don't try to make it out to be something grander than it is. I don't try to claim that my way of living is better than others.
So far this entire thread has been people from different places saying essentially the same thing.
>why are there constant threads on here about people claiming their country is better?
Do I really need to explain the relationship between ego and the internet?
>why are there constant threads on here about people claiming their country is better?
Because they all genuinely believe it, and people like to argue. Same reason people argue about the type of music they like being better than other types. I doubt many of them think they're actually going to convince anyone, but they do it for fun and maybe to show off the things from their country that make them proud.
hol up hol up hol UP
Did you just fucking call Hifumi nigger-tier? Her autism is relatable, her autism is a beacon for us who live in social darkness. YOU DISGRACE US ALL WHEN YOU SPEAK ILL OF HER.
>They shouldn't be. They are though because they can. It doesn't really matter in the long term though. I just do it because I can.
Then you're a hypocrite
I never said I wasn't. I don't think my way of living and views on the world are right. I just want to try and understand why other people think that they are right. Why do so many people think they're different or superior when the driving factor for their existence is essentially the same as every other race/culture/geographical location/whatever you want to call it.
>I just want to try and understand why
Because they do. You're trying to view something inherently irrational on an individual level objectively. Not going to work. However, if it helps, in group preference is entirely rational on a genetic level, as people who share a common origin or heritage with you are going to be more closely related to you than a random person on the other side of the world, and in group preference helps those genes propagate. You might not take a bullet for your cousin the way you would for you daughter or son, but you'll probably do them a favor if they ask. And certainly more so than a random chinaman, who you can't even converse with since you speak different languages.
>they're different
They are. Different peoples value different things, live different lives, worship different gods, speak different languages, and share different fates.
Value judgement. Everyone thinks their culture is superior because it's theirs, not because of some rational, objective process of analysis.
>the driving factor for their existence is essentially the same
It's not. The "driving factor" of your existence (whatever that means), is food, water, shelter. You share that with basically every living thing on the planet. That means it's not enough to bind you together. There has to be something more than just the raw necessities of biology to bind a community together. It isn't at the species level either, because there are thousands of different groups in the species, and they've been fighting each other for time immemorial. From families and communities, nations arise as the most powerful and prevalent form of organization among humans because they are the largest unit that still maintains shared history, interests, and fate. You might be American, and you might not like America. But if the Russians send nukes, you'll die as an American, and because you were American. You share the fate.