How absolutely assblasted would Liberals be if the United States formally sold the territory of Alaska to Russia for 5,000,000,000usd and used the money to build a southern border wall next to Mexico?
How absolutely assblasted would Liberals be if the United States formally sold the territory of Alaska to Russia for 5...
>Sell land to a foreign power.
>Jews use money to promote degeneracy more.
That's what would really happen user.
Jokes on You.
Jews legally own Alaska, not the US citizens.
You know, I think it would be good.
Russia has much better tech for winters, like their trucks and ATVs, their tooling.
Canada being right next to Russia like that we could share tech and products.
It would certainly benefit both countries. Rail lines connecting us would help our northern supply and demand problems.
It would result in a better quality of life for our northern territories.
You are a moron. Don't make a thread again unless you can gain 20 IQ points
Nice try faggot. The wise move would be to sell Hawaii instead.
No it wouldnt. because Alaskans would kill you all.
All your provinces now are belong to us.
Why the fuck would we sell our most valuable piece of land?
Alaska is worth a hell of a lot more than 5 billion.
This. OP is a unbelievably stupid faggot.
>not gifting california to mexico and using california federal aid towards the wall
u r like little baby
Red Dog mine alone makes 7 billion a year
should use that money to fix deficit and for social programs and infrastructure and getting help to those who need it. Using that money on the border wall would be so unpopular the republicans would be committing political suicide, you can make more american lives better by using it to fix our addiction crisis and giving the people enough money to survive and enough education to find a decent living.
You do realize we contribute more to the GDP than any other state in the union with a population of under 800,000?
what about selling it to Canada? we need the conservative voters that live there.
id be assblasted you fucking queer
>government sells my home to russia
fuck you
You understand the amount of resources that are in Alaska? It's worth wayyyyyyyy more than a measly 5 Bill.
It would be pretty awesome though user. I'd go up once per year and party with the Russians woooohooooo!!!
Yeah, why have all those Russians when you can have some nomadic native land whale
Are you fucking retarded? Alaska has several trillion dollars worth of oil and mineral deposits alone! Are you 12?
>lamest justification you could possibly think of
>Friendly reminder that the US and Russia were best friends before the Bolsheviks.
> The purchase of Alaska was mutually beneficial as it prevented Britain from seizing Alaska from Russia in war and surrounded British Columbia with America territory while both Russian and American Navies could control the sea routes around the Bering Strait
The US and Russia literally teamed up to fuck over Britain.
We don't have so much money. How much is it in qt's?
Do you really think Russia has that kind of cash? He reasonable.
All the United States government needs is 5 billion dollars to fund the wall land Russia would leap at the chance of getting Alaska. It's a fair exchange and a great deal for both parties.
Besides Alaska historically belongs to Russia anyway, we're just giving it back.
Don't you want a southern border wall?
>selling a strategic asset separating you from your #1 and #2 foes
Everyone point and laugh at this retard
I’d be assblasted to lose any part of the United States, for any reason. We don’t need to sell anything to build the wall, we already have the funds and then some.
The land is more valuable than anything America owns. They would print $5 billion and let the dollar plummet in value before they ever sold an inch of land to another country.
gold digging harpie women you mean
What the fuck are you talking about, OP?
Why would we make such a shitty deal, and why would the libtarded be more assblasted about this than they will be when the president simply declares a national emergency and builds it without them?
5 billion? Try 50 trillion minimum. Alaska is literally a gigantic natural resource worth trillions.
FUck y0u
It's a state.
this is why everyone hates magatards
only an actual retarded person would think trump supporters or democrats or anyone sane would cede alaska to russia
Uhh... it would be retarded to sell Alaska for just 5 billion $. I imagine that a lot more than liberals would be upset. Alaskans would probably be pretty upset, for one.
We should sell the entire country to Russia. I’d rather be a Russian citizen at this point.
Make it happen with Puerto Rico instead
Or you could just stop giving Israel $38 billions in aid and use that money