How to spot a complete retard: If you are guilty of believing in any of the following, you are a complete retard.
>Global Warming
>The Big Bang
>Moon Landing
>Round Earth
Feel free to add to the list.
How to spot a complete retard: If you are guilty of believing in any of the following, you are a complete retard.
>Global Warming
>The Big Bang
>Moon Landing
>Round Earth
Feel free to add to the list.
OP is based and redpilled.
>>Round Earth
Lame attempt. Try again glownigger.
>round earth
>evolution is fake
rest are pretty accurate, even flat earth. but seriously dude, grow yourself some bacterial mats in an old plastic bottle on your window.
you'll see.
Do you have any proof that it’s round faggot?
Actually a shill trying to convince retards.
Or just a shitposter.
>How to spot a total retard
research them. study them. you can use math to extrapolate and made educated guesses about the "tree of evolution".
I know it's hard and every path to the truth is different. By the look of your post I would say you aren't wrong often, or at least apply a good deal of critical thinking. I appreciate that.
Yes, in fact I do.
Good list. Also add:
>JFK assassination
>Anything about North Korea
>Existence of Finland
>Gold in Ft. Knox
>Obama's birth certificate
Flat earth? Fucking religious zealots are everywhere.
>No such thing as chemtrails
> Not knowing about orphan cities
> not knowing ancient tartary
> believing that Antarctica is an actual continent
> not knowing operation high jump
> not knowing Nazi ufos
>not know mind control
> not knowing the vril/aether
> not knowing this reality isn’t what it seems
> not knowing about angels and demons
Black holes, dark matter, dark energy and neutron stars are all fake news.
someone posted a pretty compelling pop-sci article about dark matter/dark energy is better explained by the existence of matter with negative mass.
I try my hardest to understand flat earthers but I just can't do it. I'm fine with hollow earth, I'm fine with the sun being closer to earth than science claims, I'm even fine with stars and other cosmic things being different than science claims, but I cannot for the life of me fathom the earth being flat when amateurs have shot up hundreds of high altitude balloons strapped with cameras and they all show that the world is pretty clearly round. Yes it looks flat but the land after a certain point drops off. To me that just proves the world drops off as it's a circle.
maybe I'm just dumb
They’re no retards they’ve just been brainwashed from birth take it easy
this thread is low energy
OP, I realize you're new at trolling, so let me give you some advice: to be truly effective you need to troll everyone at once, not just 1 group you picked out of a hat
try posting something like this:
"How to spot a complete retard: If you are guilty of believing in any of the following, you are a complete retard.
>Global Warming
>Gun Ownership"
in this way you can troll several groups at once and not just the one you are personally a part of
Lemme know when you come up with something that isn’t bacteria bud
tell me when that bacterial mat starts producing memes and skateboards.
Evolution is real, niggers aren't human, global warming is fake, the big bang is the same thing as god creating the world. Holocaust is grossly exaggerated, moon landing was most likely fake, we can't leave this rock, the earth is round and lolbergism is fucking stupid
If someone wants to know about the most general, retarded ideas circulating around the internet today, this list is a good place to start.
Solid proof right here:
Humans can accurately predict Solar and Lunar eclipses. Flat earthers have difficulty explaining how these phenomena exist in the first place, let alone explaining how scientists are able to predict when and where they will be visible.
>round earth
if you don't believe in these you have legitimate mental problems
OP is trying to associate legitimate "hoaxes" (such as radical Global Warming hysteria) with complete nonsense in an effort to de-legitimize
evolution is only a theory, there's no proof
Gravity is only a theory too, but there's plenty of proof.
yeah but evolution has no proof.
>when amateurs have shot up hundreds of high altitude balloons strapped with cameras and they all show that the world is pretty clearly round.
Link a video then. They don't exist.
I'm a strong skeptic. The earth is flat, fourth dimensionally
You genuinely give me no hope for Jewmerica its fucking hilarious. Day of the Grill is coming,and you burgers will be grilled.
obvious fisheye.
that's not the point, there's clearly dropoff, you can only see a small fraction of the world
Why is it so hard to understand natural selection?
Behold, the true shape of the earth
Nigger Hitler ignoring my logic here
here's another one for the dumb leaf
however, this has been explained very well by flat earthers
well, at least this guy
I'll believe it no problem because it was comfy, but the world is round for sure.
so what came first, the chicken or the egg?
People who use "literally" in their every day speech. There's really never a time where it is used correctly, only to clarify something literal from metaphor or to explain meaning.
Merry Christmas, I got you some round earth proof.
Its a psyop.
They were built at gradually increasing/decreasing heights retard.
>we do not live in a simulation
you've mostly got it right. Being a libertarian is fine if you don't take it to the extreme
would it be sexual harassment if i saw her on the street and winked and said 'hey, i'll prove your shirt wrong'
The psyop so pro you don’t even know you’re a part of it.
The fact that you had to ask proves the shirt right.
Unironically based and redpilled.
T. Known Boss
Not arguing on the origins of life. Just asking how it doesn't make sense that certain genes survive in nature and others don't. That's the basis of evolution. If you can't wrap your head around that, then idk what to tell you.
can't doesnt mean 'not allowed to' in this case. it means they don't have very good fucking skills
Don't you lump your (((flat earth))) faggotry into those subjects, you absolute fucking Cass Sunstein-loving sodomite.
No hope for me then.
Triggered ball earth faggot
Words cannot describe my immense anger when I explain to my religious friends the CONCEPT of simulation theory. I don't say I believe in it, I just say I think it's possible, and they think I'm retarded. Yet they believe in the Christian-Judaeo God.
Honestly I can see how this is bs it’s called perspective a road gets smaller and smaller toward the horizon. We don’t live on the earth, we live on a plane.
fuck off retard
survival of the fittest is logical but slugs turning into monkeys turning into cute asian babes? that's comedy.
>Not arguing on the origins of life.
also yes you are, if you believe in evolution as it's taught you believe human, and all life, is a curious accident.
let's see your argument, I'm an expert
gas lighting
Well if you want to extend into the origins of life, then it certainly can make sense if it's done over billions of years. I mean a 1000 years is a long time. Now imagine a million times a thousand. A billion years is a crazy long time.
Now if you want to discuss consciousness and all that stuff, I got nothing on that.
No one knows the TRUE story behind any of this.
>here's a 90 minute youtube video explaining how eclipses can be predicted using a flat earth model.
Can't you make your own arguments?
Redpill me on Finland user
List is spot on gj
Yup. All kike nonsense developed as a new atheist religion by kikes. Tesla was the last great scientist that actually invented useful tech to benifit mankind.
we wuz a billions of years old
>implying I'm insane
the funniest thing about this thread is that its a distraction from what is happening in the real world.
this whole list is basically smoke & mirrors to keep people pre-occupied on mundane bullshit that really won't change anything whether it be true or not, because it already happened or didn't happen.
Focus on the now.
Haven't you ever heard someone say that if you know history you can stop it from repeating itself? History is more important, paying attention to insignificant charades that are produced daily masquerading as "the now" is no better than watching soap operas.
The reason people study this stuff and teach it to others is to expand their worldview and break us out of the brainwashing. You can't proplery educate anyone, even yourself, on "the now" if you honestly think the past is the bullshit they say it is. You won't have a good picture of what's going on.
This thread does suck but you said something dumb too.
op is clearly iq >160 and a higher being than all of us
Your opinions are boring and childish
but it's his simulation, the Almighty Creator.
This Earth is best physically as wave form and magnetic fields. Thus the meme; "fuckin magnets, how do they work?" It's funny because it sounds stupid but if you try that answer that question you will find yourself going down the greatest rabbit hole ever.
If it's electromagnetism at essence, then it's a created world. There's no other option and no one is doing themselves any favours by hiding from reality.
Knowing this restored my will to live, in this disgusting corrupted culture that's allowed to continue inside of this perfect Earth. This place is perfection, the only flaws that I can see are the contents of people's heads.
evidence of elctromagnetic realm;
>polar north
>pathway of the stars creating flowers centred around the north pole
>very narrow human genome vs every other species
>defibrillators re-starting the emf flux field called your "heart" electrically
>static am noise/long band radio noise that has no origin
Is this bait?
Christians can very easily make the argument that the "seven days" was analogous, and evolution was the process that God used to create us.
Notice the star of david?....Just flip pic 90 degrees.. it's always been there
No dude it totally rained on a rock for a long time until a living organism accidentally formed it's all been proven with le science.
i stop listening to anyone the moment they mention a flat earth. you have the same mental defect as a tranny as far as im concerned
>and you burgers will be grilled.
that's how you make burgers
an ungrilled "burger" is just a wad of raw meat, not a burger
It's very sophisticated trolling. The top 1%. Very few actually believe what they're posting. I don't understand why mods allow it here, its been happening lots lately too, what are they sliding?
>>Moon Landing
>>Round Earth
"the best lie is hidden between 2 truths"
or in this case, vice versa.
Nice try, Jew.
>Round earth
OP must have misplaced his tinfoil hat
The biggest kind of retard is the kind of retard that has to call other people retards so they don’t feel like such a fucking retard
this is something a retard would post.
>Feel free to add to the list.
That OP's IQ Is Over 85
Not by much tho..
didnt read so good
Day of the grill. Haven’t heard this one yet, I like it.