I'm hot. So first of all, the state should take care of me. Second, other people should pay for me. Third, the state should take over all the industries that are necessary for me to remain in my lifestyle.
"This Evil must be ended or there will never be any peace or harmony on this earth and my race will not survive." Stop the Evil /ptg/ bitchute.com/video/8M6mReKfl4Uv/
>What we’re building is incredible. We’re building a lot of wall right now. We’re renovating wall and we’re building wall, and we’re going to continue to build wall, regardless of what happens with this committee, which I say is a waste of time. Because any recommendation that comes back to me — and I’m a very modern guy. They like to say walls are medieval. They work, 100 percent. And what doesn’t work is technology, if you don’t have the wall. The technology is called the “bells and whistles.” And we have the top law enforcement people in the country here — really, in the world. And they will tell you that, without the wall, it all doesn’t work; it can’t come together.
>and this is what they though before the blackface/kkk shit. It's that thought that specifically caused them to pull out the blackface/kkk pic. If any GOP opp firm had that yearbook they would have used it on Northram long ago. This was someone on his team or in a DNC vetting operation that 'found' the pic they no doubt discovered during the election. He embarrassed the DNC and they just aborted him for it.
Camden Lopez
How does one go about getting nicknamed "coonman"?
That helps Democrats, though. If he stayed on he would be a useful tool for Republicans.
Owen Powell
The sad fate of Coonman isn't that he'll be tossed aside to distract from the infanticide. It's not that VA will be left with a nigger as the Gov, since it's clear Coonman was a nigger himself. The sadness is how fast his flame burned, and that this will only last hours instead of weeks. The left is getting more adept at tossing people aside when they need to, and this doesn't bode well for long term warfare, but it does mean things will be fun, and move very fast
This is what happens, you start off simply showing off a GIF of an abortion to 1 roastie & then it somehow (well me) gets to her taking a photo of her index finger. Don't know if I can get her to post her tits though
>try and force a recall How would that work? Maybe an argument that after all that happened it would be best to have a new election?
Carter Ramirez
Yeah, that's why I don't understand Republicans calling on Governor Coonman to resign. It's like they like to lose.
Kevin Phillips
why does the crab lobster the clam?
Cameron Adams
It’s low effort psychwarfar. I mean very low effort. It only works on the incredibly stupid or people who are only halfway watching TV. It’s basically a subliminal message
Charles Diaz
Fairfax was unironically a member of Planned Parenthood and would support Tran's bill wholeheartedly. The infanticide will come back once the Dems have the seats to force it on VA and the spotlight is off of them.
Jonathan Taylor
They really will eat each other alive before the general election even starts
>I'm on three a day workouts that is just stupid. working harder doesn't equal better results as a rule. you grow during rest, dumb fuck. giving your body no time to repair itself while overworking it is counter productive. enjoy your fail.
Blake Long
You can petition for a recall for nearly anything in most states; it's just hardly ever successful