Ukrainian women

Give me the rundown on Ukrainian mail orders. I want a tall, blonde, athletic innocent virgin like this or nothing.

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If you have Prime you get free shipping which is nice

You won't find anyone on Jow Forums with the financial means to marry a girl from another country.
If you're interested in Eastern European girls you should go there for at least six months and try to blend into the local population. That's the only way you're going to meet a girl that's not going to (completely) view you as a walking ATM

They'll just use you to get citizenship and then move on.

Kek, then you ain't getting shit.

>mail order
Waste of time and money. Just use a normal well known dating site that is free and cut out the middle man as opposed to using (most of these are basically a job for them). Either way you will still waste time and money.

They are whores. The virgins go to wealthy people when they are young.

You made this thread yesterday.

chan solves the worlds problems, and this fucker thinks we're all bankrupt hippies?
It's nearly impossible to get a mail-order bride who isn't just getting a green-card, and likely a chunk of your wealth, depending on her lawyer.
It's not impossible to meet someone who really could be a dedicated mate, but it's really unlikely you'll do so through distance.
If you want a Ukrainian wife, go to Ukraine, it's cheap as shit to live there for months.

probably russian sleeper cells

This is a half truth. Try VK or Russian dating sites. You want to stay away from English speaking girls. No guy from one of these countries is going to help you steal one of their girls so ignore any advice they give.

Mail order marriages are more successful than marriage to American roasties. Stop falling for feminist propaganda

>You won't find anyone on Jow Forums with the financial means to marry a girl from another country

You don't have to be wealthy to import a desperate woman from a shithole, any middle class person could do it if they really wanted to.

Abusing the socio-economic background of a failing state, to find a super-hot submissive wife to be your personal cock-sleeve?

The problem is, if you 'mail order' this person, marry her, and bring her to America, then the the laws of marriage still apply, as well as alimony and child support too. You're basically just removing the desperation from living in a socio-economic down-trodden life, and showing her true colors of a gold-digging whore that already exist in the US anyways.

Safer to just visit the Ukraine, fly to Odessa where all the hotties are, pretend you have money, fuck them all silly for a week. Or let them fuck you silly, and see who really wants that green-card badly.

You have to actually go there. Every single Ukrainian woman on the internet is a scammer. There is no exceptions.

why is that dumb girl in a pool with a SUP?

do slavic women have decent or good feet? showed too much skin
>all fields

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I'd suggest going there for a while. Even better if you can work remotely and earn American dollars and spend Ukranian money. Best if you can relocate, keep her in her support network and away from our trash culture.

t. Married to a Filipina for 16 years.

How safe is it to fly to and go out in Odessa? If I take a few bros with me can we easily pick up chicks by being 7/10 American dudes or will we end up like Hostel?

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With your input in mind I'm going to redirect you the previous comment.

Millionaire here and interested in this too. In the process of sorting my tax and becoming a nonresident. My plan was to basically to travel through Eastern Europe for a year or so to see what the grills are like and hopefully find waifu. Any advice/tips/ideas much appreciated.

you made thsi thread yesterday, faggot. go look up the replies there

I've heard Australian women are bigger roasties than even ours.

Well, if you're going to act like typical American tourist, dude-bro'ing it up to pick up their're definitely going to end up in a "Hostel" situation....

But like anywhere else in the world, take the time to read a "Lonely Planet" guidebook, learn basic phrases, and be courteous, keep your posse small or travel alone, I'm sure you can find the right angle to get all the pussy you want.

Loan me $500

As for "Safe" overall,...Russia just invaded Crimea which is 100 km away.

So there's that....

Yep. A lot of them are very fit and hot but Jesus fucking Christ they're cancerous relationship-wise.

Fitfag here.
I'm with you, user. Every way except financially.
Give me two years to get situated and I'll go with
>T. My last gf was a non gold digging Ukrainian and it was the best relationship I've ever had

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Fuck off nigger.

What up Ukraine waifu searching bro. I see you are still at it. Got my first chat date tomorrow with mine.

I'm doing it before I have made it because I don't have much lose yet.

I am talking to Ukrainian on a normal well known dating site. Would never use a mail order site.

Why stay away from English speaking girls? I want to talk A LOT before I fly over there and I don't want language barrier. The one I'm talking to speaks 6 languages and has a degree.

If you go looking for a whore, that is what you will get. I'm looking for a traditional wife without western feminism and is a real Christian

If you are just looking for hot chicks you might as well find some superficial American whore if you really are a 7/10. I don't think you have the right mindset to make this work man.

Simple, don't mention your money. Find a way to protect your money by putting it in something that protects it in a separate property law or something in case of divorce.

Get a job, you should be able to make that in a week.

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>ITT broke niggers
just go to germany, get gibs, take woman.

How do Ukrainian chicks compare to USA chicks STD wise?

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Probably a lot of them considering Europe uses it as a brothel.

Eh, unless you are having sex with literal prostitutes there's no way the STD rate could compare with the US just due to niggers alone

What's the best way to learn a language? Don't really give a shit about moving to a new country to find women but I'm inspired to learn a new language

I see photos like the one on the right and always feel like such a fat cunt. Boards never float on the surface when I sit on them, ever. they always sink 4+ inches under the surface.

>If you go looking for a whore, that is what you will get. I'm looking for a traditional wife without western feminism and is a real Christian

...and I'm saying a ANY women, from ANY country will act any which way to have her socio-economic needs met.

You want a clean traditional woman? And you think you have to fly internationally, to the furthest corners of the world where feminism hasn't been discovered yet to get one? You're basically whore-mongering already. Instead of giving you hourly blow-jobs, all she does is "play the part" of that wholesome traditional wife-material until the paper are signed and she sets foot on our domestic soil. ....then she's ex-wife material living for free off your avails.

If you want traditional and wholesome, you have to fall in "love" and experience that Disney-fied notion of romance to connect and bond in order for her to be that faithful wife that western women aren't.

But again, women will 'do what they have to' to get what they want too. So it's a risk no matter what.

most AIDS per capita besides Russia and Somalia.

>innocent virgin

>Innocent virgin
Why do Americans who have never been to Europe imagine Slavic women to be these super pure innocent women? They are probably as "innocent" as your typical American woman. Also, they'll be marrying you for the meal card, which isn't exactly a formula for a successful marriage.

Then why has she turned down opportunities on the basis of their Christian beliefs and lack of a loving partner? Good women all over the world want family and love just like anyone else. It's hard for her to find real men in Ukraine because most men there are degenerates with bad Morales and not real Christians.

She doesn't look like she enjoys cheeseburgers, pizza and hot dogs, my native cuisine.

White women are all universally thots when not barefoot and pregnant tied to a bed locked in a kitchen.

>wants a "woman" with no curves
Low test.

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I'm going russian or polish rather than a hohol. Something about them that i don't trust as far as marriage goes

the body type of the chick you posted is not that different from the one in OP's pic

Lol retard you’re gonna get your teeth kicked in if you go there

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