Owen's stream just got Jewed


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Other urls found in this thread:



our guy is on, kek

Is it members only chat again like always because he’s desperate for money?

This is clear proof that YouTube censors content critical of Jews.

This literally couldn't be a better example.

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Yup. He plays it off by saying uncensored chat is full of bots when it's just pol raiding because nigger op posts every fucking stream

Damn he's going in

They're trying to shut him down!!!

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Should I give him sheckles?

This will be the stream that got him banned or...

Somehow he's been getting away with it.

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If you want i mean it's up to you.

Way to play yourself, tranny. If his goal was moneygrabbing than making it members only and banhammering people left and right would be absolutely retarded. By him doing that he’s very literally proving that he’s not motivated by channel and subscriber growth, getting sponsors and maintaining wider level of appeal. which makes him a hell of a lot more honest looking than anyone else currently creating content like this.


Owen Benjamin is honest and true. We cant fully accept him because he is to old and missed some key meme along the way. People are fucking up by not rallying around him

Fuck off fan boys and shills. You go peddle your Jew hero somewhere else.

A shill calling others shills. How original.

We can fully accept him, although you have to recognize that he's not 88, but he is 14.

Owen is a strong ally.
Owen is /ourguy/.

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How's that new TPP treating you?

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Watch the porcalin doc on him. He says some good stuff but went down the fucking deep end and his sycophantic gay bears are behaving like cult members. He's also banning everybody.

Holy shit this guy has lost his mind

so this guy says its the Likud plan to break up states around israel,, and trump is pulling out of there? lol

Who cares... attack his message if you disagree.

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(((owen))) used to say he was "50% jew"

then he was 25%

now he says 6%

really makes me think



goddamn kikes trying to subvert the young right

recent quotes:

"the holocaust was real, only exaggerated a little"

"good jews are victims of bad jews"

"pride in race is wrong"

"pride in your nation is wrong"

gas yourselves

Attached: owen.jpg (490x138, 13K)

HAHA, fucking Nazis. Learn to code.

Oh look, it's this reddit-spacing fag again. "She" shows up in every thread.

Yes... we know he is 20% Jewish. Bobby Fischer was 100% Jewish. Jesus was a Jew!

>>The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Get on my level!

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You spam this in every thread and it’s literally not true and you know it. For the last fucking time His dad’s mom was so he’s not rabbinically Jewish. He was raised Catholic then became agnostic and is now a practicing Christian. He’s anti circumcision, uncircumcised and so are his sons so no not a Jew. Kikes always do this to people who name them like Jesus or Bobby Fischer

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Yes fellow shill, lets all give some money to this based and redpilled hero

Damn you were reading my mind

Nobody said anything about giving him money

But the link works user , the stream is up .

It's been going out every time he brings up Jews.

At one point it said that the stream was off-line while it was still playing, and while he was pointing it out.

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Its literally the chat that wants it to be members only

They have nothing on him, what are they going to do? Kill him? Thatd be a real dumb move

Nah it's to keep shill fucks like you out of chat :)

Rogan just tickled Jack Dorskys balls and now this!

Owen is about to get Alex Jones'd.

When did he 'go down the deep end'?


Sadly, he'll be Shoah'd soon. Owen himself alludes to it. He knows it's coming.

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He cursed out his members... he needs a streaming PC not some faggoty mac..


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Get comfy and expand your almond activators
Bellagio Sampler's training is almost complete and his power level is rising rapidly.,..
>to my Legion
Your General returns
>to Our Enemies
The crusade begins soon, God's warriors are coming and ALL you shills will bow down and kiss our feet and declare JESUS IS LORD!

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for the utterly brain damaged children that sill think jews are a race try reading this, if you can of course:
>Only 2 out of 467 Ashkenazi Jews showed typical Levantine ancestry.
>Remarkably, AJs exhibit a dominant Iranian (88%˜) and residual Levantine (3%˜) ancestries, as opposed to Bedouins (14%˜ and 68%˜, respectively) and Palestinians (18%˜ and 58%˜, respectively). Only two AJs exhibit Levantine ancestries typical to Levantine populations.
and img related
If you're still clueless because your parents allowed doctors to genitally mutilate you and stab you with at least 70 different vaccines causing you brain damage, jews are not a race, they're persian mutts who mixed with southern Mediterranean cultures

Attached: Ashkenazi - Greek - Sicilian (2).png (1500x1200, 316K)

He'd been revealing more and more power-level each stream for a while, and then he became a full-blown Jew namer and 'white enthusiast' within a month or so.

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Rogan pulled the video but you can still go through the comments, no ones holding back!


Joe literally put the kid gloves on and blew Jack Dorksky

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>This is clear proof that YouTube censors content critical of Jews.
Is this ?

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...I really used to like Rogan, and not even that long ago. Used to have good guests and was an interesting interviewer. He turned to shit about 6 months ago.

Twitter and Facebook are dead anyways; most users aren't even real. These people are literally irrelevant.

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is pol mostly gay?
why do you all watch videos of men?

Because men are the superior sex intellectually.

Do you honestly watch videos of women???

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fuck off chink

Kill yourself.

>Rogan pulled the video but you can still go through the comments, no ones holding back!
Why, what happened? No comments showing here.

Thought that was a hidden merchant. I need to leave.

You shouldn’t be here

Why are there suddenly so many fan boy shills on here shilling this Jew Benjamin?

Same. He's a complete far-left shill faggot now

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Oh I get it. He shits on your beloved Toe Rogan for being 3 apples high

I get nothing here, no video and no comments. What did the human thumb Rogan say this time? youtube.com/watch?v=_mP9OmOFxc4

Bwahahahaha, you're here forever!!!

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Of course they're not a race user , everyone knows that . They're Caucasoid , just like Whites are , which is why its not racism for us to oven them . I didn't know they were Persians though . Do you know what group of Persians that they came from ?

here ---

Comments are gone, but the like/dislike is a light saber.

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>Of course they're not a race user
Jews are a race. They have different DNA structure than Europeans. Jews are a race that masquerade as a religion according to David Duke.

Those are some nice Hitlers , user .


On phone they might be, not on pc, comments are all still visible.

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Just really gay to go there and every time it’s just solid green circle jerking using the word bear way too much. I’m not some tranny shill either

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Some of those comments are hilarious: "I'm so glad that Jack Dorsey could have Joe Rogan on his show tonight."

Joe Rogan fan boys saying that they are so disgusted with Rogan here that they are unsubscribing.

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My take on Rogan is that you don't behave this way unless you are getting paid. Especially because Rogan is too stupid to be an idealogue.

Damn shame. I always saw Rogan as the ideological center of political discourse.

Now the conversation will be more divided than ever.

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He was a faggot way longer than 6 months ago. But good for you.

He was left of center, but he always resisted being pulled further to the left and I've always respected that.

I wonder how the Jewish Intellectual Dark Web is going to respond to this?

He was officially unrespectable after his last Iilza Schlesinger episode. The icing on the cake was his last Owen Benjamin episode. But yeah, I was a fan until those.


Watch the Howard Bloom episode. That was the first time I began raising an eyebrow.

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>(((owen))) used to say he was "50% jew"
>then he was 25%
>now he says 6%

>recent quotes:
>"the holocaust was real, only exaggerated a little"
>"good jews are victims of bad jews"
>"hitler was bad. Period."

Owen has 6 months to change, IMO
I made a vid in response to his Hitler comments: youtu.be/ma-sG7eNV4c

This is why I quit watching him. I can't stand that shit.

>born 1980

is it weird that I miss comfy walled in West Berlin?

Sorry I don't watch people I never heard of. Love Patrick though.

This guy is fucking cringey with those piano songs

Show your flag

Why do you need to be part of the chat. The chat is there so the people that want to spend money so they can larp as gay bears can do that

He's a gen x'er. he's from a time before musical comedy was overplayed by the likes of Shayne dawson

Not as cringey as an Ancap.

This is my flag, kikel.

Oh my god shut the fuck up Bo Burham

Pussyfaggot memeflag shilling is about as kikey as it gets.

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Sorry im late guys
Obligatory schizo paypig comment
And flatmoon
Sorry if you guys missed me
Wont be handing out yous and 20 responses tonight
Maybe tomorrow or whenever he next shills

What was your argument? That kikes focus on his blood relations? Was that my argument, you autistic fucking spaz? Is it also in the heeb MO to link their YouTube channel? Like I said, that is my flag. Maybe you meant geo-location?

Will you post your fronthole tonight, or nah?

You’re really just embarrassing yourself you’re at like a 12 and you need to scale it back to a 5, theatrefag shill.

I've now been on Jow Forums long enough to see threads worshipping a literal kike because he's edgy.

We're at peak Reddit levels now.

Oh wow, so brave. You hide behind 320 million Americans, over 6 million of which are kikes. The moment I drop my flag, thos turns into ad hominem and you ignore all the points I posted above(which you still haven't addressed). Consider only calling people out for their flags when they give signs of being a kike, and not just everytime you don't get a mob to glorify e-celeb Zionists. That said, I hope Owen doesn't end up the bad guy.

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>That said, I hope Owen doesn't end up the bad guy.
Kek oh I’m sure. You didn’t have any arguments shlomo. You greentexted a copy/paste shill response that gets posted in every thread made about Owen which I already responded to. Very defensive about your memeflag tho that’s interesting

Owen Benjamin is an anti-semite. An anti-semite and a piece of shit. Good on Crowder to fire his ass from his show.

This was my argument. Why don't you respond to them instead of immediately executing CultureofCritique.exe. You do that, I might reveal.(I'm an American abroad, so prepare for disappoint)
>>recent quotes:
>>"the holocaust was real, only exaggerated a little"
>>"good jews are victims of bad jews"
>>"hitler was bad. Period."
>Owen has 6 months to change, IMO
>I made a vid in response to his Hitler comments: youtu.be/ma-sG7eNV4c

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>6 months ago

Try three or four years.