Redpill thread

Got a leftist friend I want to un-faggotify, give me some shit on the migrants in Europe.

Attached: thanks sean.jpg (850x400, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Here's a red pill for you.
That's not your friend.
The two of you will eventually grow apart anyway.
Try to stop being a sperg and enjoy the time you have.

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Keep posting. Need. To redpill a friend


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"Duplicate reply" God damn, I just cummed.

Attached: 1546502825006.jpg (600x489, 36K)

Essential reading for all burgers, and most other people too. Get the book for a more complete picture

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Attached: HueyPlongNWOmeme.jpg (735x655, 141K)

If you want the ultimate redpill book I'd suggest White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell and Jewish Supremacism by David Duke. No books come close to those two in terms of redpill factor.

Attached: quote-capitalism-and-bolshevism-are-the-two-sides-of-the-same-international-jewish-coin-adolf-hitler (640x301, 101K)

Have you ever heard of the Marshall plan? Also the picture of modern Germany could be any major city in the world

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Why don't you fuck off and manage your own relationships?

Excuse the previous poor resolution.

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Is it Like the Kalergi Plan?

holy shit. i didn't think you could photograph confirmation bias

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Everyone laughs at you behind your back and calls you a fag.

>disingenuous leftwing retard has to lie because the truth doesn’t support his ideology

stop projecting dude

wtf where the redpills at?

Attached: fucking truth.png (549x769, 71K)

How can I be a cool guy like you?

damn didn't know montreal was that bad.

More like
>Allied war crimes
>99% white society that would have been maintained to this day under Natsoc
>trashy, cheap, postmodern glass "architecture" symbolizing a nation in its death throes
>huge, postmodern commieblocks erected under communist rule

Semen retention

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

Attached: jew population.jpg (1544x1467, 546K)

Do you retain the semen in your mouth?

No but you can try that out if you want.

So you retain the semen in your ass?

Q group in being exposed on a massive scale. The entire Q "conspiracy" is all about making their secret group public.

Kings and Queens

Kings are in power now.

Any president that does that K sign in public is a K. Try to find a Hillary doing a peace sign with a smile and you will know what I mean.

Attached: asl-sign-language-letter-k-coloring-page.jpg (1704x1376, 118K)

Kings in Power

Attached: Donald-trump-nixon-double-peace-signs-660x330 (1).jpg (660x330, 31K)


The above is a kill list.....
Justice K.

fuck off with this retard shit. I want actual redpills.

Attached: smart chinks.jpg (599x801, 56K)

Germany then: propaganda
Germany now: Triggering reactionarys so we have their names for the great culling.
How does it feel knowing you are holding humanity back from it's true greatness because of short term benefits and racism/xenophobia.

Looks like Nazis fuck off when they realize there are consequences for their bullshit.

>an authoritarian military dictatorship
>a bunch of happy people smiling

And I'm supposed to be afraid of the one on the right because there are brown people in it.

If you guys wanna convince people you have to start with stuff that isn't just "BROWN PEOPLE SCARE ME".

Dude they drew a moon on the German flag its like saying we can come together as one and live in peace.


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You consider creatures that are darker than they’re own feces to be human?

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As a liberal I can safely say this thread has utterly failed at its stated purpose.

You guys need to come up with something more convincing than "jews and blacks scare me".

Those aren't even the good hitler quotes desu. Idk where all the guys from 2014 are but I'd really like to know where they've went.

Attached: muh hitler 1.jpg (1024x882, 105K)